
Villain Supreme

In the aftermath of the catastrophic Day of Destruction, a resilient world emerges. Enter Tiraz Meishin, a determined youth starting his journey at the prestigious Reus Academy. As he steps into Class E, a realm of underprivileged students, fate unveils its plans. Little do they know, their unassuming teacher, Mr. Arkram, harbors a dark secret. He is none other than Aiden Arkram, the legendary Villain Supreme. In a world where heroism and villainy blur, "Villain Supreme" weaves mystery, action, and humor. Join Tiraz and his classmates as they unravel their teacher's enigmatic past, and discover the true meaning of heroism. Get ready for a thrilling saga of redemption and courage, where second chances shape destinies. Uncover hidden potentials and secrets in this epic tale that challenges beliefs and pushes the limits of heroism. Are you prepared to witness their legend? .... Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual records. All characters and designs in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be aware of the plot and read it as fiction. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes and shall not bear any responsibility for hurting sentiments. .... Your support is genuinely appreciated. Follow me on my social Instagram - @sidddwrites

Sinadin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs


As the dust settled and the echoes of Aiden's victory reverberated through time, a new scene unfolded in a quiet living room.

A random character, a woman named Emily, sat transfixed in front of her television screen. The flickering images bathed the room in a dim glow as a news reporter's voice filled the air.

"Today marks the 500th year since the devastating rampage of Aiden Akram, the notorious villain who once threatened to plunge our world into darkness," the reporter's voice resonated with a mix of reverence and solemnity. "But it was on this very day that Reus, the legendary superhero, emerged to vanquish the malevolent force that plagued our city."

Emily's eyes widened as she watched the footage of the destruction that had occurred a century ago, the ruins and chaos frozen in time.

The reporter stood before a magnificent gold-plated statue of Reus, a symbol of hope and victory over darkness.

"The heroic deeds of Reus have become the stuff of legends," the reporter continued. "His unwavering courage and dedication to justice saved countless lives and restored peace to our shattered city.

Today, we gather to commemorate the triumph of light over darkness, celebrating the resilience of humanity in the face of such devastation."

As the camera panned over the crowd gathered for the anniversary, Emily could see the gratitude etched on their faces.

The scars of the past remained, but there was an undeniable sense of unity, of a community rebuilt from the ashes.

A pang of curiosity stirred within Emily as she watched the tribute to Reus. She couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic figure who had brought destruction to the city all those years ago.

What had driven Aiden Akram to embrace his villainous nature? And what had become of him after his defeat?

But those were questions for another time, for another story.

As the news program concluded, Emily's gaze lingered on the TV screen for a moment longer, contemplating the complex interplay of heroes and villains, of light and darkness that had shaped their world.

Outside, the city bustled with renewed life, its scars a testament to the resilience of its inhabitants.

5 centuries had passed since the fateful clash between Aiden and Reus, and the world had moved on. But the memory of their battle, the legacy of their struggle, remained woven into the fabric of society—a reminder of the fragile balance between good and evil.

And in the hearts of those who remembered, the echoes of that fateful encounter served as a constant reminder that even in the darkest of times, heroes would rise, and villains would fall, shaping the destiny of a world forever caught in the eternal dance of light and shadow.

But little did they know, as the city reveled in its hard-fought peace and celebrated the triumph of Reus, a new threat loomed on the horizon.

Deep within the shadows, a sinister figure bided their time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Unbeknownst to the world, a power greater and possibly more malevolent than Aiden Akram's had begun to stir.

It slumbered in the depths of darkness, gathering strength, and plotting its grand return. The remnants of chaos and destruction that had haunted the memories of the past were mere whispers compared to what lay ahead.

For the forces of evil are relentless, and as long as there is light, there will always be a shadow ready to engulf it.

The city, unaware of the impending storm, danced on the precipice of oblivion, blissfully ignorant of the impending doom lurking in the shadows.

And so, as the world celebrated its heroes and rebuilt its shattered foundations, a new chapter of darkness was about to be written.

The stage was set, the players were poised, and the wheels of fate began to turn once more, drawing unsuspecting souls into a web of chaos and uncertainty.

The city, still adorned with the golden statue of Reus, stood as a symbol of hope and resilience. But destiny had a different plan, a cruel twist that would test the mettle of heroes and push the limits of human courage.

As the sun set on the commemorative day, casting long shadows across the city, a sense of unease crept through the air.

Whispers of an approaching storm circulated, a foreboding warning that the fragile peace they had fought so hard to attain was on the verge of being shattered.

The world held its breath, unaware of the darkness gathering just beyond the veil of normalcy.

The heroes, wrapped in the glory of their past victories, would soon be faced with an enemy more formidable than ever before—a threat that would challenge their very existence and push them to their limits.

The city slept, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing on the horizon. But fate, fickle and unforgiving, prepared to unleash a tempest that would test the resilience of heroes and plunge the world into a new era of uncertainty.

And so, with the stage set for another epic clash of powers, the story continued, woven with threads of hope, despair, and the indomitable spirit of those caught in the eternal struggle between good and evil.

Little did they know, as they slept peacefully, the shadows grew darker, and the countdown to their next trial ticked away relentlessly.

The city, the heroes, and all those who called it home were about to be struck again, their destinies intertwined in a battle that would shape the very fabric of their existence.

And thus, the curtain rose on a new chapter, beckoning the world to brace itself for the approaching storm.

A storm that would test the limits of courage, challenge the boundaries of power, and force them all to confront the darkness that lay dormant within their souls.
