
Villain In Making

After spending five years in prison, which started with a false accusation, Liam emerged from the world of criminals as a changed man. He became the very thing he once resisted, feared, and respected by others in the prison. In five years of hell life, he came in contact with many forces through which he learned about crime and its execution in the outside world. He became famous worldwide for his unique way of committing crimes. But Liam's journey took a sudden and unexpected turn when he died and found himself in the body of a mob character in the novel. After his death, Liam's soul merged with that of Ziam, a simple mob character in the novel. Although Liam had control of their shared body for 23 hours each day, Ziam had one hour to control the body himself. Together, the two must navigate their new reality and merge their distinct personalities and goals for survival. Liam's expertise in crime proved valuable in the world of Ziam, while Ziam's experienced and talent as a victim of humiliation bring a new perspective to Liam's way of crime. However, their situation was not with no challenges. Liam read about Ziam's situation in volume 1 of the novel, which had a high chance of Ziam dying. The two needed to survive and become stronger to survive the war going all around in the novel world. As they work to achieve their shared goals, Liam and Ziam must also contend with the challenges of their shared body, learning to cooperate and balance their contrasting personalities. https://discord.gg/bJyTxnmkCv

Champsing · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Waking up in Jail cell

"Ahh," Liam screamed in pain. "What is this pain?" His head ached in pain so much. He remembered his phone exploded in his hand, and then everything went blank. "Damn, that thing blasted like a grenade!"

The loud blast still ringing in his ears, he pressed his head. It felt like it would burst in the next moment.

Did he survive the blast? That blast packed so much power, and it was only 25 inches away from his face, it was highly unlikely for him to survive. The chance of his survival was less than 1% and it looked like a miracle had happened.

Can a mobile phone cause such large destruction? Hard to imagine that was not normal for sure. Someone must have done something to that mobile or it might be his illusion. He was confused.

"Ahhh," he rolled on the hard surface, headache increased. 'I will kill the bastard who made that stupid phone blast.' he thought to himself. Not knowing what was going on around him, he grabbed his head, trying to massage it. The massaging showed its effect on his throbbing head. The headache subsided somewhat after some time.

After what seemed like hours, the headache decreased, allowing him to focus on his senses that started functioning properly.

He opened his eyes, trying to perceive his surrounding situation. The dim light around him made it difficult for him. Still adapting to the darkness, he moved his head around. To his surprise, he did not find himself in a hospital but in a little familiar environment.

'What's going on here? Do they arrest me after healing?' he wondered, raising his eyebrow and focusing on his surroundings.

He was in a jail cell. The cell had 4 beds, 3 of which were empty right now. A rotten smell assaulted him, turning toward the smell he found a small table on which a plate with some kind of half-eaten food.

He ignored the table and saw a book rack behind the table, with a few half-torn books covered in a thick brown layer of dust. Beside the rack was a gate at the back of the cell with some kind of symbol on it.

'A cell with a separate bathroom. Mm, this might be the most comfortable jail cell. But what is this weird feeling?'

He tensed up as this cell gave him a weird sensation. While sitting on the stiff bed, his eyes danced around, continuing to process the surrounding information. To his shock, he spotted a mirror on the left side wall of his bed.

He pushed himself to stand up while making sure to not make noise. This simple action made him a little disoriented.

Not delaying, Liam walked up to the mirror. His eyes widened as he looked at his reflection.

"What the hell?" He had his mouth opened in shock. He saw the face of a boy with black hair and green. 'What happened to my red hair and brown eyes?'

The structure of his face was similar to what he remembered, but he looked a couple of years younger and his face had no blade marks, stitches, or even a single scratch.

'Is this plastic surgery?' he thought, pinching his facial skin.

"This is weird." Liam tried stretching and pinching, but none could confirm his doubt.

While examining himself in the mirror, suddenly his focus shifted to his hand. Liam looked at his hands. His palms were baby soft and there was no muscle in his arms. "The fck happened to my body. Do I wake up from a year-long coma or something?"

He removed his shirt to get a better look, and the instant he did, his doubt got cleared.

Okay, he might have survived and doctors did a plastic surgery on him. He could even digest him being in a coma for years and waking up, but his skinny body was smooth and plain. There were no knife marks and his stomach had no bullet marks. It was as if he had never trained.

'The body ain't mine.' he had experienced so many fights that he remembered the exact position of at least 100 big and small marks on his body. Now all of that gone, his skin became plain, it was out of logic, and with each passing second he got more sure that this body did not belong to him.

'What the going on here? Sure, I survived, but this ain't me. Where I am? Whose body I am in?' 100 s of questions came to his mind.

He suppressed all of them and gazed at his reflection, trying to search through his memories or the body's memory for anything to help him. Suddenly, a vague thought came to his mind. His face closely resembled someone or something.

Who was it? What was it? Headache flared up once again, enduring the pain he forced his mind and then it hit him.

It was an illustration, weirdly his face resembled one of the characters in the novel he was reading for the past few days.

"Ziam Duisberg," was the name of the characters in the novel. A minor villain of the novel [Rise of a Legendary Hero]. The moment that thought came to his mind, he looked up at the dim light source and, sure enough, a sphere ball with a few bright elements moving around in the transparent ball.

He turned to look at the cell door and noticed the door made of some dim purple metal. It was the same as described in the novel.

All his doubts cleared when he found two small black bangles in both hands. Each of them had weird runes etched on them. He stared at the thin handcuffs, these 2 cuffs made up of metal that could disrupt the element flow, a perfect tool to control criminals in the world of [Rise of the legendary hero].

"Huh…," he released a deep breath. All signs showed him in the novel, [Rise of a Legendary Hero] a world full of danger and wars.

If it was the same as described in the novel, then vampires and orcs were trying to take over the earth while humans, elves, and dwarfs formed an alliance to stop them.

The alliance was not based on friendly terms but based on strength. The stronger ones got resources, while they used the weaker ones as the meat shield in the war to die.

In this world, Ziam Duisberg was the only son of the head of Duisberg and the next-generation leader candidate of the Duisberg family. The guy had a terrible compatibility of spirit compared to his peers of the same age. This made Ziam a target of humiliation. Many branch family members were against him and wanted to remove Ziam from taking over Duisberg's young leader position.

They wanted to give the position to the more talented girl, Ziam step sister. All of this made Ziam insecure, and instead of training, he started flaunting his family's reputation for doing evil deeds.

Such as beating commoners, harassing his maids, and committing other misdeeds. The last misdeed Ziam tried was to force a girl. This was the bottom line. This incident made Duisberg's family lose their reputation and Ziam's fiance broke the marriage to him.

Ziam was humiliated by the family elders and almost lost his position.

Even after so much Ziam did not lose the head candidate position all because his dad still supported him. From the novel, Liam knew the Duisberg family's head promised his dying wife to take care of their child.

'Sigh, but this guy is weird and stupid.' Ziam ran out of his house a few months before the mandatory military academy started and wasted all the chance to survive. Now all that led to here. This was all he knew about Ziam's back story.

Liam walked back to his bed and sat down. He rubbed his forehead. 'Mmm, So I am in the trash novel inside the trash character. Mmm, this is interesting.'

Well, he liked the idea of having some change in life. He had become bored with all the killing and fighting. He had some fun in 2 years after running out of the hellhole, but it never reverted to how he used to live. That little prank sure changed his life forever.

Thinking of living in a fantasy world made him feel a little excited. There was nothing much left for him on earth, Sure in a few more years he might play a little more with those guys, but he had realized that he touched the roof. He did not want to grind years there to have more nay the fantasy world excited him more.

The good thing was he had read the first half of the novel and it was a very interesting world with many species fighting with one another for control over the earth. But all of that went down the drain as the story progressed and the harem appeared. It shifted from war to a bunch of nonsense between the hero and his harem.

"That one harem spoiled the novel." Liam shook his head. This harem forced him to drop the novel at half. He stopped thinking about all that and focused on his situation. Now that he got a chance, he wanted to enjoy it fullest.

Ziam was the worst character in the first volume of the 5 he read. In the novel, the guy became the punching bag and then a stepping stone for the protagonist to add a harem member.

The world of [Rise of a Legendary Hero] was full of darkness and he knew the tragic fate Ziam would go through. The novel did not explain what would happen to Ziam after that last humiliation, but from the little he knew about the world from the novel, he understood that death might be the easiest ending for Ziam.

"Sigh, why the hell am I in Ziam's body? This guy is absolute trash," Liam said to himself.

[HEY, who are you calling a trash bastard?]

He heard a sound that tensed him up.

This is for everyone who likes to read this chapter, guys I released a new book with the same initial name, "The Villian in making: One hell of a survival." Sorry, i will not be able to upload more on this book so please if you like this setting read then new book that was part of WPC,

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