
Chapter 6: The duke of Flowers and his heir

In one of the relatively simpler designed mansions in the City of Erun. A very one sided duel was currently being held between two similar looking, golden haired men with matching blue eyes and frankly... quite fetching appearances... one being younger and seemingly more inexperienced while the other, a much older man who exuded a calm and composed aura as he steadily drove the former into a corner, his sword practically dancing in the air.

Wearing dvalin forged armor that would have left any lesser men reeling and unable to move from the sheer weight it was notorious for, Surprisingly the older man was still able to move quite swiftly despite wearing such heavy equipment, the dark colored armor could barely slow him down as he continued to launch an array of slashing and thrusting strikes that left the younger man in quite the sorry state every time he was forced to block or was nicked by the reinforced wooden longsword that the older one was wielding.

Using his own weapon that was similar to the one his opponent wielded, as a crutch. A dirt stained Dean, struggled to remain standing after exhausting himself just trying to fend off the series of attacks that capitalized on his reactionary actions and mistakes, burning his stamina every time he was forced to make stop gap maneuvers to prevent himself of being knocked out in one blow.

Dean understood that each blow he received was different in a way that the "sword" of his opponent felt like it was "alive"... adapting to his guard and change of stances preventing any chance for him to do a counterattack much less go on the offensive. it was an absurd notion that would leave any person to despair once they realize the futility of fighting such a skilled opponent but for Dean it only fueled his resolve...to surpass him no matter what.

Despite becoming stronger thanks to the help of Evelyn's daily sparring, Dean still felt like a child playing swords when faced against his own father, Ulric Astley, the pride of Verida and the current knight captain of the Swords of Wisteria, a time honored division of warriors that protected the kingdom ever since its founding.

As a living legend that survived hundreds of skirmishes and won almost all of them, the people that fought him, whether young or old, came to believe that the highly lauded Duke only became stronger with the passage of time, exchanging the vigorous strength he once held in his youth with wit and cunning making him an even more deadly fighter to face in battle, cementing his legend as the man that could even stand against an army.

looking down on him like a hawk staring at its intended prey. the ever scowling duke waited for Dean to stand up so they may continue, knowing his own blood quite intimately, it wasn't a surprise that the boy managed to inherit his stubborn streak and mentality that would rather fight to the bitter end than admit defeat. a good mentality for a warrior but not so much outside of the bloody profession of kill or be killed.

Knowing this fact he waited, a gesture that would leave any seasoned fighter to feel dissatisfied or angry, a literal taunt which means "I am looking down on you." a good way to rile up opponents.

Reacting as the duke expected. A simmering Dean briskly stood up, nearly falling over in his haste to right himself. gritting his teeth In frustration Dean suddenly breathed out a puff of cold air from his mouth as he activated his elemental attunement, empowering himself with the element he was born to rightfully wield. ice crystals slowly manifesting around him, dancing like leaves carried by the breeze.

accompanied by this strange phenomenon Dean's shoulder length hair slowly turned from resplendent gold to frigid white as it broke free from the pin that kept it in its place. his dark blue eyes on the other hand became a even brighter shade of blue.

looking at the gradual transformation it was not just his hair and eyes that changed, Dean's body also underwent a qualitative change by the activation of his attunement. his lean muscular body became even more leaner, adding a delicate and fragile air to his now much smaller frame. his previous face that could be said to be quite handsome became androgynous and ethereal, causing a strange sense incongruity that if Dean were dress as a woman and walk around Erun now, he would easily pass as one and surprisingly be called beautiful by passerbys to boot.

"You're finally taking it seriously dean?" Ulric Spoke with barely visible mirth on his still scowling face.

"Yes Father." Dean answered crisply as he adopted a battle ready stance as ice slowly spread from where his boots met the ground.

"please continue guiding me well."

retreating twenty paces from one another, the two nodded at each other as the dual began anew. Using the distance afforded to him Dean slammed his feet hard causing a pillar of ice to erupt from ground, heading towards the duke at a frightening speed. Snorting at such use of brute force for a usually quite Elegant Element, the aloof duke evaded by stepping aside as he charged forward, intending to cover the distance between them as soon as possible, only then will he secure victory.

knowing that its his automatic defeat once the duke managed to close the distance between them. Dean immediately sprung into action, materializing hundreds of small ice shards in front of the duke, in a effort to slow him down.

retreating backwards Dean shrouded himself in a elemental barrier as he began using his wooden sword as a baton to directly manipulate the ice particles in the air and gathered on its wooden Blade. satisfied with the amount he gathered in such a short time. Dean then swung his sword in an arc, sending a wave of highly compressed Ice Particles towards the old duke whom with another snort and a powerful swing of his sword, shattered the elemental attack to bits. while examining his weapon for any damages, the duke only gave him a "is that all?" look before promptly charging towards Dean once more who could only sigh and mutter to himself.

"you got to be kidding me."

his Father was every bit of a monster the court and his enemies perpetuate him to be...

Welp chapter up and done. Enjoy~ ^~^


Astyr_Wisteriacreators' thoughts