
Very Bad : Redy

In a city where darkness lurks, a series of brutal murders shakes the community. Labeled as “Very Bad,” these supernatural crimes defy all logic. Inspector Lucas Moreau, known for his unorthodox methods, is called in to investigate. What he discovers is beyond belief: otherworldly creatures, bloody rituals, and a conspiracy that threatens to plunge the city into chaos. Lucas must navigate through a maze of violence and terror to stop the spreading evil. But each step brings him a little closer to his own destruction.

Charo666 · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Shadows of Choice

Red and blue flashing lights illuminated the accident scene, casting shards of light onto the wreckage of Lucas' car. Rescue workers and police were milling around the damaged vehicles, trying to figure out what could have happened. The collision had been violent, but strangely, the angle and impact didn't seem like an ordinary accident.

Lucas, despite his injuries, was conscious and observed the scene with a troubled look. The sounds of sirens, the voices of rescuers, and the creaking of crumpled metal mixed in his mind. He knew he had to return to the police station, but for the moment, he had no choice but to let the emergency services take care of him.

A young officer approached him, noting his state of consciousness. "Sir, can you tell me what happened?"

Lucas nodded slowly. "I...I was driving back to the station. A car came out of nowhere...it was an accident."

The officer frowned, looking around. "The pattern of the accident is strange. You appear to have been thrown sideways, but the road is clear. We have difficulty understanding how this could have happened."

Lucas sat up slightly, feeling the searing pain from his wounds. "I know it sounds weird, but that's all I remember for now."

Meanwhile, at the Saint-Lys police station, the telephone rings. The service agent picked up the phone and listened carefully. His expression went from routine to worried in a matter of seconds.

"What? An accident? Where? Okay, I'll inform the captain immediately."

Julien, sitting at his desk, looked up when he saw the agent on duty approaching quickly. "What is happening ?"

"Agent Moreau was in a car accident. Emergency services are on scene, but they say it's...strange. The accident pattern doesn't make sense."

Julien jumped up, his face hardening with concern. "Where did that happen?"

"The intersection of 5th Avenue and Rue des Lilas. Emergency responders say Lucas is conscious but injured."

Julien grabbed his jacket, turning towards the agent on duty. "Prepare a team. We must go there immediately. And inform Professor Bernard. He must know what is happening."

A few minutes later, Julien and a team of police officers were on their way to the accident scene. In the car, Julien was trying to understand what could have caused such an incident. Lucas was an experienced and careful driver. Something more than chance must have been at play.

When they arrived at the scene, Julien rushed to Lucas, who was being stabilized on a stretcher. "Lucas, what happened?"

Lucas opened his eyes, his voice weak but determined. "Julien... it was as if... something had forced me to have this accident. And then... I met an entity... Very Bad..."

Julien frowned, turning towards the officer in charge of rescue. "Is he able to speak?"

The rescuer nodded. "He is injured, but stable. We need to take him to the hospital for further examination."

Julien nodded. "Okay. Lucas, rest and recover. We're going to investigate this accident and find out what's really going on."

Lucas shook Julien's hand weakly. "Be careful, Julien. What I saw... what I felt... it's much bigger than us."

Julien nodded, his expression serious. "We will do whatever it takes to uncover the truth and stop the cult of Azrael. Rest easy, my friend. We still need you."

Lucas was taken away by ambulance, leaving Julien and the police team with more questions than answers. But one thing was clear: the fight against the cult of Azrael had just taken an even darker and more complex turn, and they must be ready to do anything to face the darkness to come.

At the hospital, doctors quickly took care of Lucas. He was taken to the intensive care unit where a medical team checked the seriousness of his injuries. After extensive examinations, including x-rays and blood tests, the diagnosis was made.

The head doctor, Dr. Laurent, approached Lucas' bed, holding a medical chart. "Mr. Moreau, you were lucky. Your injuries are serious, but not fatal. You have a few cracked ribs, bruises and a mild concussion. With proper rest and care, you should be able to be discharged in about a week."

Lucas nodded, grateful for the good news despite the pain. "Thank you, doctor. I need to recover quickly. There are urgent matters I need to take care of."

Dr. Laurent gave him a reassuring smile. "We will do everything we can to speed your recovery. But remember, your body needs time to recover."

Once alone, Lucas thought about everything that had happened. He knew he needed to tell someone about his recent experiences, especially his encounter with Abaddon and the Very Bad entity. When Julien arrived at the hospital to visit him, Lucas knew the time had come to reveal everything.

Julien entered the room, his face still marked by worry. "How are you feeling, Lucas?"

Lucas smiled weakly. "I'll get through this. Sit down, Julien. I have a lot to tell you."

Julien sat on a chair next to the bed, attentive. "I'm listening to you."

Lucas took a deep breath. "When I was in the catacombs, I met Abaddon, one of the highest ranking members of the Cult of Azrael. He explained to me the hierarchy of the cult and their plan to free Azrael. I tried to escape with the Silver Heart, but he paralyzed me with dark energy. I managed to escape, but on the way to the police station, I had this accident."

Julien frowned. "Do you think there is a connection between this accident and the cult?"

Lucas nodded. "I'm sure so. But that's not all. After the accident, I had some sort of vision or encounter in a strange space. I encountered an entity there called Very Bad. He claims to delight in human dilemmas and darkness, but he also warned me about the true nature of our struggle."

Julien seemed perplexed. "Very Bad? And you think he's an ally?"

Lucas shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure. He seems to want to play a complex game with our fears and our hopes. But he gave me crucial information. He showed me that our battle is not only physical but also spiritual and mental ."

Julien took a moment to digest this information. "We need to approach this with caution. If this entity is involved, it means we are dealing with forces we barely understand. We will need to consult Professor Bernard to get more clarity on all of this."

Lucas nodded. "I agree. We must remain vigilant and plan our next step carefully. The Silver Heart is still in the hands of the cult, and we must find a way to get it back."

Julien stood up, determined. "Rest for now. I will inform Bernard of all this and we will come up with a plan. We will not let the cult of Azrael take over."

Lucas watched Julien leave, feeling a mixture of anxiety and determination. The road ahead would be rocky, but with help.

Three hours after Julien left, Lucas was trying to rest in his hospital room. He closed his eyes, trying to calm his mind tormented by recent events. The dim light of the room and the gentle hum of the medical machines seemed almost calming.

Suddenly, a strange feeling invades the room. Lucas felt an oppressive presence, as if the air was growing heavier. He opened his eyes, scanning the dimly lit room. His gaze rested on the mirror hanging on the wall in front of him.

A shadow formed in the reflection, expanding and taking on an increasingly distinct shape. Lucas slowly sat up, his heart pounding. The shadow in the mirror transformed into a human silhouette, and within seconds, a man emerged, standing in front of Lucas' bed. It was Very Bad, but this time in human guise.

He was tall, dressed in a crisp black suit. His eyes shone with a mischievous glint and his smile was as enigmatic as it was disturbing. "Good evening, Lucas. We meet again."

Lucas stood up, despite the pain, and stared at Very Bad suspiciously. "What do you want? Why are you here?"

Very Bad smiled, slowly approaching the bed. "I'm here to remind you of our little talk. Remember? The inner battle, the impossible choices... all of that."

Lucas clenched his fists, trying to keep calm. "I remember. But why show yourself now? What is your goal?"

Very Bad shrugged his shoulders, taking on a falsely innocent look. "My goal? Let's just say that I find all of this fascinating. To see how you will react to the challenges you encounter. And then, I'm here to offer you... an opportunity."

Lucas frowned. "What opportunity?"

Very Bad sat on the edge of the bed, his piercing eyes fixed on Lucas. "I can help you fight the cult of Azrael. But everything has a price, Lucas. Are you willing to pay that price to gain the power needed to save your city?"

Lucas felt a surge of distrust. "And what would that price be?"

Very Bad grinned, his face lighting up with an evil glow. "Your humanity. The more you use my help, the closer you will come to darkness. But in exchange, you will gain powers that will allow you to destroy your enemies."

Lucas remained silent, weighing his options. He knew that the Cult of Azrael was a terrifying threat and that he would need all the help he could get to defeat them. But he couldn't afford to lose his humanity in the process.

"I don't know if I can trust you," Lucas whispered. "But I also cannot ignore the threat hanging over Saint-Lys."

Very Bad stood up, looking at Lucas with a mixture of amusement and respect. "The decision is yours, Lucas. Just remember that every choice has consequences. I'll come back to see you, and I hope you'll have made up your mind by then."

With that, Very Bad faded into the shadows, disappearing as mysteriously as he had appeared. The room returned to calm, but Lucas remained seated, disturbed by the appearance of this entity and by the impossible choices available to him.

He knew he had to speak to Julien and Professor Bernard about this new meeting. Together, they would have to find a way to counter the threat of Azrael's cult without succumbing to the darkness that Very Bad tried to impose on him.