
Very Bad : Redy

In a city where darkness lurks, a series of brutal murders shakes the community. Labeled as “Very Bad,” these supernatural crimes defy all logic. Inspector Lucas Moreau, known for his unorthodox methods, is called in to investigate. What he discovers is beyond belief: otherworldly creatures, bloody rituals, and a conspiracy that threatens to plunge the city into chaos. Lucas must navigate through a maze of violence and terror to stop the spreading evil. But each step brings him a little closer to his own destruction.

Charo_jorgen · Horror
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Shadows and Resolve

Lucas Moreau stood facing the hooded figure, a palpable tension filling the air of the catacombs. The man in front of him emanated an aura of dark power, and Lucas knew he was facing a formidable opponent.

"Who are you ?" Lucas asked, keeping his flashlight trained on the figure to make out its features.

The man lowered his hood, revealing a stern, scarred face. His deep black eyes seemed to pierce Lucas' soul. "I am Abaddon," he declared in a deep, resonant voice. "One of the highest ranking members of the cult of Azrael. My role is to protect our master's secrets and sacred artifacts."

Lucas clenched his fists. "And you plan to use these artifacts to spread madness and destruction. Why?"

Abaddon gave an icy smile. "You do not understand, Inspector. Madness is not our goal, but a means. Azrael brings true freedom, freeing humanity from its mental and societal chains. We, the faithful, are the guides of this new time."

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "And what is this hierarchy you speak of? Who else is part of this 'big' organization?"

Abaddon crossed his arms, ready to explain. "Our structure is simple but effective. At its core, there are the Initiates, those who have just discovered the truth about Azrael and seek to prove their loyalty. Above them are the Acolytes, more experienced and responsible for recruiting and training new members."

He paused, watching Lucas' reaction before continuing. "Then there are the Cult Priests, like the ones you have already arrested. They perform the rituals and maintain the connection between our world and Azrael's. But the real powers are held by the Ritual Masters, an inner circle responsible for planning and carrying out the most crucial ceremonies."

Lucas listened attentively, memorizing every detail. "And you, Abaddon? Are you at the top of this hierarchy?"

Abaddon shook his head. "No, I am only a Protector. My task is to watch over the artifacts and make sure they do not fall into the wrong hands. But above all of us there is the High Priest, the true leader of the cult, the one who is in direct contact with Azrael."

Lucas felt a cold sweat running down his back. "And where is this High Priest?"

Abaddon smiled sinisterly. "It's a secret you'll never discover, Inspector. But know that he is already preparing the great ritual that will allow Azrael to walk freely among us."

Lucas got into a defensive position, ready to fight if necessary. "I won't let that happen."

Abaddon raised his hands, a dark energy beginning to manifest around him. "You can't stop us, Lucas Moreau. You are a mere mortal, and we...we are the servants of a god."

Lucas knew he had to act quickly. He took one last look at the Silver Heart, realizing that his mission had just become much more complicated. The darkness was closing in on him, but he had no intention of surrendering without a fight.

Lucas quickly realized that fighting Abaddon in the catacombs, far from help, was a suicidal task. His only chance of survival and success of the mission was to flee and return better prepared. However, the dark energy emanating from Abaddon pinned him to the spot.

Dark energy, like tentacles of shadow, wrapped itself around Lucas, immobilizing him. He struggled, trying to free himself, but each movement seemed to drain his energy. Abaddon watched with a cruel smile, relishing in Lucas' helplessness.

"You can't escape Azrael's grip, Detective," Abaddon said, slowly approaching. "Even the strongest succumb to our power."

Lucas gritted his teeth, fighting against the paralysis. His thoughts were a whirlwind of frustration and fear, but deep inside him, a determination still burned. He knew he had to find a way to escape and save Saint-Lys from the cult.

Abaddon held out his hand, a dark glint in his eyes. "It is time to show you the true power of our master. You will become an example to those who dare to oppose us."

Suddenly, a memory crossed Lucas's mind: Professor Bernard's teachings on protection against demonic influences. Bernard had mentioned that faith and will could counter such attacks.

Lucas closed his eyes, focusing on a happy memory, a moment of peace and inner strength. Slowly, he felt a heat rising within him, fighting the dark energy that paralyzed him. He gathered all his mental strength and murmured a silent prayer.

"Do you really think you can break free?" Abaddon mocked, but his smile faltered slightly.

With a titanic effort, Lucas felt the shadow tentacles loosen slightly. He took advantage of this moment of weakness to concentrate all his will in a brutal push. The dark energy shattered around him, and Lucas broke free.

Abaddon stepped back, surprised by Lucas' resilience. "Impossible !"

Lucas didn't wait another second. He turned and ran towards the exit of the catacombs, each step echoing in the oppressive silence. He knew that if he could reach the surface, he would have a chance to return with reinforcements and retake the Silver Heart.

Abaddon, enraged, summoned more dark energy, throwing shards of darkness towards Lucas. "You won't escape so easily!"

Lucas zigzagged through the tunnels, narrowly dodging attacks. His heart was pounding, but it didn't slow down. He knew that every second counted.

After what seemed like an eternity, Lucas finally saw daylight filtering through the entrance to the catacombs. He redoubled his efforts, rushing towards the exit. A final attack from Abaddon narrowly missed hitting him, hitting the wall next to him.

Lucas finally emerged from the catacombs, panting but unharmed. He rushed to his car, revving the engine. Driving away from the abandoned church, he glanced in the rearview mirror, seeing the figure of Abaddon standing at the entrance to the catacombs, a look of pure rage on his face.

Lucas knew he got lucky this time, but the battle was far from over. He had to return to the police station, inform Julien and Professor Bernard of what he had discovered, and prepare a new strategy to confront the cult of Azrael.

The road ahead would be perilous, but Lucas was more determined than ever to save his city and end the demonic threat looming over Saint-Lys.

Lucas Moreau pressed on the accelerator, his car speeding through the streets of Saint-Lys. His mind was still filled with the recent events in the catacombs. He had to return to the police station as quickly as possible to inform Julien and Professor Bernard of what he had discovered about the cult of Azrael.

Time seemed to drag on, each second crucial as he made his way through the traffic. But his haste became his misfortune when a car suddenly appeared from an intersection. Lucas tried to avoid it, but the collision was inevitable.

Everything became blurry around him. The car spun, shrill metallic noises filling the air. Then everything went black.

When Lucas opened his eyes, he was not in the destroyed car. He was in a strange space, an indefinite landscape of mist and darkness. He stood up, looking for bearings, but there was nothing except an enveloping darkness.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, echoing in the darkness. "Lucas Moreau, welcome to my domain."

Lucas turned around, looking for the origin of the voice. "Who are you? Where am I?"

A figure slowly emerged from the mist, taking shape in front of him. It was an indistinct figure, but the malevolent energy emanating from it was palpable. "I'm Very Bad," the voice replied, tinged with icy irony. "The entity that delights in desperate choices, impossible dilemmas, and inner darkness."

Lucas instinctively stepped back. "What do you want from me ?"

Very Bad approached, his features becoming lighter as he moved forward. "I'm here to show you the truth you refuse to see, Lucas Moreau. Your desire to save your city, your need for justice... it's all an illusion. The true nature of humanity is much darker, much more complex."

Lucas felt growing anxiety. "I don't believe you. I know what I have to do."

Very Bad laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the empty space. "Do you really believe you can defeat the forces that stand against you? You are just a man, Lucas. Fragile, fallible, doomed to succumb to your own demons."

Lucas felt a sharp pain in his chest, an internal struggle between fear and determination. He knew the truth was more nuanced than Very Bad wanted him to believe. He had seen the darkness, but he had also seen the light in the eyes of those he had saved.

"I'm not alone," Lucas whispered, more to himself than to Very Bad. "There are people who believe in me, who believe in what I do."

Very Bad smiled contemptuously. "Beliefs can be fragile, Lucas. Easily shattered by the cruel reality around you."

Lucas stood up, gathering his inner strength. "No matter what you try to show me. I will not let you distract me from my mission. Saint-Lys needs me, and I will not let fear or doubt paralyze me."

Very Bad's figure flickered slightly. "You are more determined than I thought. Very well, Lucas Moreau. Return to your world, but remember this: the real battle is always in the soul."

Before Lucas could respond, the space around him slowly faded, dissolving into blackness. He found himself in the car again, injured but alive, with help already approaching.

His mind echoed with the lyrics of Very Bad, but he refused to let them overwhelm him. He had to return to the police station, inform Julien and Bernard, and prepare the next stage of their fight against the cult of Azrael.

The path would be difficult, but Lucas now knew that his determination and faith in what he was doing were his best weapons against the darkness that threatened his city.