
Veiled Saga: Conquest and Domination

(please check out my new book: Gang Lord of the Heavenly God) "If I can't conquer your heart, I will conquer your land." —Miguel "Quit shouting Old man! This genius shall show you how it is done. Done pretty well! Just like that pretty over there." —Argus *** Miguel, an Ex-General falsely accused and is sentenced to death, transmigrated inside the body of a former young master, turned to a slave: Argus. The era is at the age of conquest, a millennia before Miguel's country is colonized. During Miguel's takeover, however, Argus is still alive! Argus regained his control against Miguel's spirit, and they began to swap. Now the two are intertwined. Two souls, two fates, under one path. —DOMINATION! They come to an agreement and declares to conquer the world. A Glorious Veiled Saga that re-writes history! *** Photo Cover is owned and drawn by: Ian Sta. Maria Follow his page on FB: the art of ian sta. maria IG: takbotikbalang This is my first novel on this platform, Nice meeting you!

Suezaro · Guerra
Classificações insuficientes
265 Chs

Croc's Egg

Sneaking in the bushy trails, crawling and halting below the tall grasses and smelling the fragrant grassy meadows filled with sunflowers.

Miguel slowly walked until he reached the Lumin Tribe's Kanya: Saman's Courtyard.

Massaging his sore muscles from his aching wounds and bloodied bandages, when he noticed two figures kneeling at the top of small mounds of mongo beans from the winnowing basket.

"Why are they kneeling" He mumbles inwardly.

Then he remembered a tradition in which Ophirians of the old had used in the past, whenever they punish someone.

"So it actually originated as a form of punishment for slaves rather than an imposed rule from those Aghora bastards. hmm" Doubting his history once again, Miguel proceeded to sneak at his own room.

He looked both his sideways to ensure that nobody sees him.

But then, he felt a tingling sensation at the back of his head.

When he turned to look behind, he saw the Saman herself, furiously fuming mad.

Tapping her fingers against her arms, the Saman is seen standing barefooted at the ground again!—clearly violating the rules for the proper etiquette of women with status in their tribe once again.

"Wahh..." Miguel is startled for a bit but instantly calms himself, he repeatedly reminded himself that she is like a daughter to her and that he shouldn't be scared.

But to Miguel who had experienced the terror and danger of a modern-day woman could not help but put a whimper, adding the fact that his wounds ached just with tiny movements he seemed really meek and humble contrary from his glorious arrogant past.

"Saman... this is some kind of misunderstanding! I didn't mean to..."

Then the Saman bellowed furiously! "What do you mean a misunderstanding?!!!" as she stomped her feet to the ground, ready to pounce at Miguel any moment he releases a petty reply.

"I went out to scout for food because I am hungry..." And that's the excuse Miguel had come up with.

"Excuses! Where is the food then!" The Saman who rolled her eyes, aren't buying his lame excuse and immediately harumphed.

As their voices became louder, it attracted the attention of the guards who then immediately came to know the situation.

Four guards with their distinct red bandanna wrapped in their foreheads and top bare naked, wearing gold earrings and each is holding a spear.

Pointing their weapons at Miguel, he is now in a tight difficult spot as he tried to explain himself.

"I went to sneak out for some food..." He loudly repeated.

Then like a magical spell, an egg appeared from his hands.

Recalling how he got the egg, Miguel chuckled with a dry laugh.

From which the guards got irked as they directly pointed their spears towards Miguel's throat.

As his sweat dripped down to the ground, Miguel was reminded of the small side story he had with the eggs.





"Ahh Badong, when we are gathering the materials from your spoils of war we got to have these eggs. It seems that the eggs came from the crocs..."

Malpi who is the most reasonable among the trio, handed him a cluster of eggs wrapped neatly with a cloth.

"Where did you find it?" I asked, if he answers that it is from below the tree then I can't understand why would the queen croc would suddenly give up and leave.

But if he answered that it came from the bushes atop the grassy mountain cliff, then somehow I can understand.

Miguel speculated the origins of the egg as he awaits for Malpi's reply.

"Oh that! it came from the bushes near the stack of broken boats." Malpi courtly replied.

"Is that so? Thanks... We now have something for our lunch." Giving off a tone of mild joy, Miguel chuckled.

And that's how he got the eggs that actually came from the crocs he had slained.





Returning back from his senses, Miguel just shrugged his shoulders clean as he apologized to the guards and slightly winked at the Saman from which the Saman just ignored his gesture of asking for help.

"Sorry, I'm still not used to being a slave." looking down at the ground and while doing so, he thought of a brilliant idea.

He smiled silly as he raised his eyes at the line of sight of the Saman. "What shall I do now my Dearest Saman? If you can forgive me, I can surely give you a sound and delicious meal, how about it? Mind giving it a try?" Smiling wide, his lips almost reached his ears.

Miguel then thought that he is like coaxing a little child who knows nothing.

Although he felt a bit embarrassed, he had nothing right now and his life is important.

Says the guy who literally went toe to toe against a dozen crocs!

Taking a glance with the two figures kneeling at the winnowing basket, Miguel took pity for them.

They are taking the blame just because of his miscalculation.

He cursed at the stupid trio and that man in the tree for his sudden misfortune.

He only wanted to see his Bro, Toto and this had happened.

He sighed and surrendered himself for whatever decision the Saman would make.

But before he could even step back to follow the guards who now learned the situation, scratched their heads, as they were reminded that sneaking outside is tantamount to trying to escape.

This is punishable by death!

But due to the consideration of the Saman's presence which they urged to go back at the neat surface of the hut's floor because she's clearly violating the rules again, they could only wait for the Saman's judgment.

And at this moment, the tense atmosphere suddenly received the light of the noon sunny shine.

Saman's belly growled, roaring loudly at anyone's ears who are currently present within its vicinity.

"Urghh fine... Since I am a bit hungry, go, please this Saman and give me a delicious meal!"

"Also we are not done yet! We have something to talk about regarding Mount Asalah!"

Miguel gulped down his saliva "She did not notice me peeking, didn't she?" nervously mumbling he tried averting his faze from the Saman.

And when the Saman stopped her vicious piercing dagger-like stare,

Miguel heaved a sigh of relief.

But immediately reminded that she should cancel the punishment of the two young ladies, kneeling at the winnowing basket.

"My Dearest Saman, so can the two of them go now?" Miguel politely inquired while lightly patting the croc's egg, like it was a sacred treasure.

When the Saman heard Miguel's caring words for the two ladies, her brows creased into an ugly frown, she replied with a stern voice—clearly mad at Miguel and a bit jealous for some reason.

The poor Miguel who had no clue was yet to be relieved when he received a scowl from the jealous Saman.


Miguel then cast a pitiful glance to the two Alipins who are still kneeling at the winnowing basket which are filled with the hard mongo beans as he was escorted by the four guards towards the Large cooking hut used for preparing foods for feasts.

Now Miguel has to cook an egg that came from the crocodile.

Speaking of which, he only had tried cooking a croc's egg, three times in his entire life except now.

He fidgets from the unknown result, truthfully speaking he is not sure if it will work out.

Unlike chicken eggs the croc's egg doesn't heat up as easily as the chicken's, he is worried that the utensils they have won't be able to cook the croc's egg.

Scratching his head, Miguel proceeded to have his taste on his first activity as a Sulgo on his second day, here in this newfound world.

Now subjected to humiliation, he can only cook like a good wife for his husband, but the difference is...

She's not even her husband or wife, it is more like cooking for your boss.

But as he was about to crack the eggs and stir them unto the pot prepared for him, he noticed one particular egg among the rest of the eggs have suddenly moved and a small crack in the egg appeared.


Still trying to improve my grammar, excuse my inadequacies!

But I will try my best for my beloved readers!

Hope you liked this chapter.

And Kindly, patiently wait for the Next Chapters!

To Be Continued...

Suezarocreators' thoughts