

When the Universe first gained sentience; The First Firmament was born and out of boredom of the first few billion years, he created the first sentient beings and gave them the task to create and destroy life for his own enjoyment. Thus began the story of MARVEL, as known by many... But! what if there was another... what if the Universe gave birth to two sentient beings... The one unknown to the Universe itself... The other Primordial...

Doctor_Blue · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Some explanations...

A/N: Hello to all,

1. I guess people are putting this book on the reading list for now so that they can read it when there are at least a few more chapters... I get it.

But, if you are someone, who is reading it chapter by chapter, I would like you to comment: if you like the chapter, if you dislike the chapter, if the characters are good, and if they are not, etc.

You see, I have probably addressed this in earlier chapters; I am writing this ff because I want help from the readers to know my mistakes and my good points so that I can write better.

Therefore I will appreciate it if the actual readers comment on the chapters, thank you.

2. The age of the four children mentioned in the previous chapter, is relative age; it means, although 20 years have passed their bodily growth is only 13 years... this was just an example.

3. Our MC/OC is an old entity, as you may have read and come to understand until now. Hence, it's harder for him to suddenly act like a human with varying emotions.

4. There will be character development or more accurately emotional development for our MC. But it will be a slow process.

5. Our MC's power level is not described yet; there are many reasons but mainly: The MC is not invincible in any shape or form, just yet. The MC can be killed by humans too, at least his body right now, also MC's powers will soon be disclosed, but not fully, so please wait.

6. There will be a lot of POVs or full chapters of other characters, living their lives or dying, and mentioning our MC; as he will have in some way made their lives into what it is now.

7. Blue is not fully a gag character, she will have her arcs too.

8. MC/OC will go on his travels again and meet different people: he may fight, he may play politics, he may adopt once again or he may simply destroy.

9. For now I have content till the MCU Avengers Endgame, I may shorten it or lengthen it.

10. Hmm... I have not much to explain now... so if you have any questions left please do comment and ask.

Thank You, and Paka.