

When the Universe first gained sentience; The First Firmament was born and out of boredom of the first few billion years, he created the first sentient beings and gave them the task to create and destroy life for his own enjoyment. Thus began the story of MARVEL, as known by many... But! what if there was another... what if the Universe gave birth to two sentient beings... The one unknown to the Universe itself... The other Primordial...

Doctor_Blue · Filmes
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21 Chs

Free Explanation!

A/N: Hello again, dear 'secret' readers and hoarders... hehe...

* First point- Many of you, if reading. You would think that the MC/OC is not doing much, and there is not any action yet, which, although true, is not the complete story. You see, The MC/OC; Vedanta, is a superior being trying to assimilate his powers, which he still doesn't understand correctly. Also, there have been no Humans until the last volume, so he has no one to duke it out with.

* Second point- In the second volume: we will face Asgard, Bor, Odin and many others.

* Third point- Until now, we only know that Vedanta has adopted some kids, formed a shabby family and taught some things to some people. Now, we will dive into what happened after he saved Blue and before he adopted the kids.

* Fourth point- Though Vedanta is the main character of this story, it doesn't mean that he has to be present in every action scene and every chapter, as that is how I envisioned my book and story to flow. Picture Vedanta as... Gojo is in the first season of the anime. He is powerful, and we know that, but until now, we only know it. From this volume, we will see him in some fights, which may present as flashbacks or not... plus, his students or family members will also be fighting and honing their skills.

* Fifth point- If you guys want- I can assimilate his powers; that are present in his vessel, in the chapters somehow, or I can make a separate list and post it as a chapter.

* Sixth and Final point- People, people... I need some comments, reviews or, at the least, some power stones. Because as I have mentioned twice, I think. I started writing this fanfiction to improve my writing skills, including different tropes, modes of storytelling and much more...

So, for the love of all that is chaotic and the superiority of Cats. Please, review or comment; if that is hard, throw some stones; if that too is hard, I don't know, but hey, help a luck-ridden guy out...

Thank You,

Kia Koa.