
vault across the multiverse

Ying Zhe woke up in a strange place. The room was not very big and the atmosphere felt oppressive in front of it, there was only a desk with a somewhat peculiar computer. On the screen you could see the words "Welcome to the Vault Tec Vault Management System Collector's Edition, Greetings Supervisor." along with even Vault Boy with his typical pose. Author's note: It is not necessary to know much about Fallout since I will only use a few of its characteristics or plots, more than anything this is an outlet that I do as a hobby. English is not my native language so excuse the grammar.

Nashi103 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 11: The 3 fierce beauties.

*Hours later*

The warm afternoon light filled the room, however it was not the only one, a sweet pink atmosphere along with the melodic moans of the girl and the heavy panting of the young man in bed.

Next to them, sitting on the carpet in front of a table with snacks and drinks, were 2 half-naked beauties chatting animatedly while watching the flower show.

"Okay Minako, let's put this to good use…" Izumi said as she held up the plastic bag with the pregnancy tests.

"Shouldn't we wait for Sae-Chan?" Minako asked, somewhat amused by her friend's haste.

"That Bitch is very excited about Tasaki. Look at how she clings with all her strength to his" Izumi said grumpily as she watched as the excited Sae moaned.

 tightly as she clung to Tasaki like a koala.

"Mah∼Mah∼ Don't be so angry Izumi-Chan you didn't have a whole hour to yourself until you couldn't stand up. Sae-Chan was very angry and I had to endure her grumbling for stealing her turn. It's not necessary to complain so much, right? Minako said mockingly as she fiddled with her tea cup.

"And you are the one to talk about her stealing her turn? If you were the next to lasso him, you excited that pig so much... *Coff* I say to that stupid Slave, who didn't leave you until Sae got tired and launched herself at him. And now we are in this situation.

Minako's mocking expression froze for a moment and then a deep blush bloomed on her cheeks.

"Moh ♥∼ You can't blame me like that Izumi-Chan. Tasaki-Kun had such a drastic change that I couldn't help it, and he also felt so good, you can't deny that our torture today was much more stimulating than the day before," Minako said, somewhat aggrieved by her friend's words, but pointing to a fact that the 3 noticed when they carried out their "Torture".

"Who will feel good about that Cer… Stupid slave!" The girl said very defensively. But the blush on her cheeks told another story, if that were not enough, the overflowing liquid that ran down her smooth thighs was more reliable proof.

Minako rolled her eyes at her friend's poor excuse, she had already noticed since the girl saw her appearance after her change something changed in her. She even wanted to make him suffer like her other toys, but especially she was very eager to "Torture" him. Her excitement when she rode him with wild abandon on her turn was proof of this. She wouldn't deny that she was also very surprised by her abrupt change, but she also wouldn't deny that she was very interested in that body of his, it awakened a strange emotion in her.

And well, if we had to talk about Sae, well, Minako could only say that Sae-Chan was very honest with herself, when she got bored of waiting she practically pushed her aside and rode even wilder than Izumi herself, apparently Sae-Chan was the one. most excited of the 3 and wouldn't hold back in the slightest. Just seeing the dreamy look she gives Tasaki every time he goes deeper into her was proof of that.

"Well let's leave the dog in heat and let's do it" Izumi said as she stood up and headed to the bathroom.

"Okay ♥∼, Sae-Chan when you're done. Don't forget to get tested" Minako said, however her friend had already ascended to heaven and she seemed to not have heard her at all.

Minako could do nothing but shake her head in exasperation at the wanton actions of her friend and head to the bathroom as well, Tasaki had shown them around the house on Izumi's orders so they were very familiar with the place.

*10 minutes later*

"Hmph! Still negative… What about you Minako?" Izumi said with a frown.

"What a coincidence ♥∼ mine is also negative," Minako said nonchalantly.

"AhhHaa ♥∼ Nmmm♥∼ If you keep it up Tasaki ♥∼" Sae moaned sweetly.

"I was sure we'd get pregnant by now… You lucky bastard," Izumi said as she let out an exasperated sigh.

"Fufu! It's hard to say which one is the best," Minako added.

The room filled with the strong aroma of attention and passion was exciting, the clothes scattered on the floor and the girl's moans made this atmosphere even more exciting.

"Well… it's just a matter of time," the girl said haughtily as she looked from her to the couple deep in their battle in bed.

"I'm going to get pregnant with your baby… No matter what happens ♥ ∼" the girl said with a lot of conviction in her eyes.

"A baby, huh? That would ruin my figure a lot, I'm having some doubts" Minako said as she rubbed her soft belly.

"Come on. "Don't be a narcissistic bitch, you can live with a couple of stretch marks." Izumi said as she waved her hand dismissively.

"Are you sure it's not time we gave up on him?" Minako asked with a happy look on her face but her dangerous aura said otherwise, after all her friend's initial comment was not so much to her liking.

"Huh? You do not get it? Tasaki had the audacity to confront us! We can't let this worm get away with this!" said an excited Izumi, the desire to give Tasaki a hard time still very much overflowing in her.

"Well, maybe you're right. Tasaki has to pay for her mistakes." Minako said, placing a hand on her chin and with a mocking look, observing the duo on the bed.

"We have to fuck him more and more… until he drowns in a sea of his own shame ♥ ∼." Izumi said in a mocking tone.

"PFFTT HAHAHAHA these 3 stupid bitches. They don't even suspect that they have been hypnotized. As if I was afraid of fucking 3 dazzling beauties without a condom." Ying Zhe thought as she drilled inside Sae.

"And good? Do you like my pussy♥∼?" the girl asked as she moved her hips, more intensely.

NIHIHI! It feels good, doesn't it ♥∼?" The girl said while an arrogant expression filled her face and her grip on the young man was still very strong, it didn't seem like she was going to let him go anytime soon.

"Stupid bitches, you naively believe that fucking me like that… is filling me with shame. This is really hilarious. If you really want to get pregnant with my children so badly… then I will give it to you!" Ying Zhe thought. While after a push, he went deeper to the entrance of her uterus. Letting go of her load deep in the girl's belly.

"Oh? Ughhh ♥∼… Ahhh ♥∼ Tasaki ♥∼ you are filling me completely ♥∼ you are filling my belly with all your fresh tadpoles ♥∼" The girl moaned.

When the boy was about to get up. Sae's grip on him had loosened at this point, as she suffered a small orgasm.


With a foot on her butt and a haughty look on her face Izumi said.

"And who said you're allowed to take it out of her? "Sae hasn't cum yet."

"N-Nogami-San?" Tasaki asked, somewhat confused.

"Do you think you can take all the fun and just walk away? "You dirty scum" Izumi said with a look of contempt and condescension.

"Hurry up and get an erection again. Come on! Or is it perhaps that you want the photos of you where you lose your virginity to circulate throughout the school?" the girl said as she continued kicking. The rising blush on her face and the excited look on her face were not visible to the boy but were very visible to her friends.

"Oh there we go again" x2

"B-But I just came a second ago," the young man said meekly.

"Teehee ♥ ∼" with a giggle Minako approached her butt and opening her mouth her wet serpentine and tempting tongue began to stimulate the boy's anus.

With a strange moan the young man replied.




"Oh? Hey! Sa-Sanada-San… AH! Please stop AH!" The young man said, this experience was very new and unknown to him.

"AHAHAHA! You are very lucky Tasaki, apparently Minako is willing to help you get excited." Sae said mockingly beneath him.

"Oh, don't do it!" the boy moaned.



"Uhmm ♥∼ *Lick* Uhm♥∼" Minako.

Sae didn't really understand the situation very well, she had already come when Tasaki flooded her womb, however she wouldn't deny a gift from heaven. She would fervently enjoy this young man. Imperceptible to everyone, a strange heart pattern formed very slowly in her eyes.

"Ah! Damn, they've really gotten to this point, Minako's tongue moves wildly inside me, this sensation is strange but very stimulating at the same time, maybe I should try it later with Chisato." Ying Zhe thought as the doors to a new world opened to him.




Sitting still next to the lascivious trio, the red-haired girl watched with amusement the boy's reactions to being licked.

"What's going on? You're squealing like a little girl ♥∼. Does it really feel that good when a girl licks your butt? Huh?" Izumi asked, very excited by the young man's moans and his embarrassing expression.




"AHAHA! This really worked, I can feel him getting bigger inside me again. HAHAHA It's like it's a magic spell! ♥∼" Sae said, eager to have another round.


"If you recover that quickly then start moving your hips, you damn stray dog." The girl said as she joined her friend and licked the young man as well.




"Don't tell me you're planning on hogging the fun for yourself again. Tee Hee ♥ ∼" Minako said as she competed with her friend to lick the young man.




"Uwh!" The stimulation was too much for the young man in just a few seconds his little brother is already ready and fully prepared for 100 more rounds.

"Come on! Hurry it's time to make me feel good! ♥∼" urged the girl, very eager for the pleasure that the boy instilled in her.

"Good," the young man said as he began to move his hips slowly.

"Ngmm ♥ ∼… that's nice and slow… well keep it up ♥ ∼" the girl moaned although she preferred how fast and rough she was still recovering from her previous orgasm so this was very pleasurable for her.




"I can't move well if they keep licking me like that," the boy moaned.

"Just keep up with Sae… *lick* and do your best to make her feel good… *Slurp*" Izumi said between licks.

"Good luck ♥∼ *Lick* Tasaki-Kun ♥∼" Minako added.

With a cocky smile on her face Sae said.

"That's right?" the girl asked as she moved her hips with a particular rhythm to let the other two lick the young man, the smug expression on her face was still there, but the faint pink tone in her gaze was imperceptible to everyone. in the living room.


"Damn this is amazing! It feels like everything below my waist is melting, these hateful girls who tormented me so haughtily are now doing everything they can to satisfy me∼ This feeling of superiority is great!" thought the young man.

While the girl beneath him began to moan uncontrollably, quickly approaching her next orgasm.

Izumi and Minako's tongues moved meanderingly and lasciviously behind him.

"Hey! Tasaki, press it harder and go as deep as you can to my entrance." The girl demanded, although the softness of her tone and the cute expression on her face made it seem more like a plea.

"Here?" asked.

"Yes ♥∼… Keep it up ♥∼… Ah ♥∼… I love it ♥∼…" the girl moaned louder.

"Ugh… you're tighter" the boy moaned, if he realized that this seems to be her g-spot.

"Ah ♥ ∼ I love this ♥ ∼ Tasaki ♥ ∼ Tasaki ♥ ∼ More ♥ ∼ Give me more Tasaki ♥ ∼" the girls moaned, consciously or unconsciously accelerating her movements. While she clung tightly to her back, if it weren't for the young man's high toughness stat, her nails would have long since left bloody marks on her back.

"Come on ♥ ∼ More ♥ ∼ I'm so close ♥ ∼ Come on Tasaki ♥ ∼ just a little more ♥ ∼" the girl moaned as she clung closer to him, perhaps in an attempt to fuse her bodies.

"Hinata-San, I'm about to cum too," said the young man.

"Do it ♥∼ I'm about to cum too ♥∼ Come on ♥∼"

With a final moan from the young man he drove her manhood deeply into the girl, almost entering her womb. He let out his entire load directly into the young woman, making her moan in ecstasy as she let out a huge gush of her love juices and her eyes rolled back in her head.

"Fufufu! ♥∼ that was a big burden, considering it's the second one in this short period." Minako said eager to have another quality time with the boy.

"You're right look at all that cum ♥∼, I guess there's more where that came from ♥∼." Izumi said with a big smile on her face, she also wanted to have one or two more rounds with him.

*an hour later*





The boy was lying on the bed, 3 beauties licking him greedily.

"Ha! It's hard again!" Sae exclaimed.

"Fufu! Very energetic ♥∼" added Minako

 "It really makes you hard to have girls playing with your cock, what a hopeless shit penis ♥∼" Izumi said with a haughty look.

"No way… not all 3 at once… I don't want to get excited but… Have some mercy!" said the boy piteously.

This excited the trio, especially the redhead.

"Your body is very Honest even when you are raped," Izumi said as she tied up her hair stuck to her face from sweat.

"You know we're taking advantage of you ♥∼, and yet you're working hard to release all that baby juice. Tee Hee ♥ ∼, how cute ♥ ∼" Minako said as she licked one of her nipples and played with the other.

Sae was too busy choking on the young man's member to say anything bold.

"I guess it's just a man's instincts," Sae added once she finished.

"This should work Minako," Izumi said as she massaged the young man's member until it was upright once again.

"Fufufu! Finally it's my turn again ♥∼, I will be in your care Tasaki-Kun ♥∼" Minako said coquettishly

Author's note: well this is all for today, it's a little longer since I couldn't publish a chapter yesterday. Tomorrow is my day of rest so I will bring a longer one or 2 medium chapters. Well that's all for today, leave comments and suggestions.