
vault across the multiverse

Ying Zhe woke up in a strange place. The room was not very big and the atmosphere felt oppressive in front of it, there was only a desk with a somewhat peculiar computer. On the screen you could see the words "Welcome to the Vault Tec Vault Management System Collector's Edition, Greetings Supervisor." along with even Vault Boy with his typical pose. Author's note: It is not necessary to know much about Fallout since I will only use a few of its characteristics or plots, more than anything this is an outlet that I do as a hobby. English is not my native language so excuse the grammar.

Nashi103 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 10: Indoctrination and arrival of the 3 beauties

*back to the supervisor's room*

Standing in front of the sleeping girl, Ying Zhe is thoughtful.

It hadn't taken him long to complete the construction of the facility, however he had already spent a lot of time training Chisato before, and doing a couple of calculations, dawn would be close, knowing those 3 bitches, they would keep their promise and be here early in the morning, if he wants to keep up an act he can't show Chisato, but he really wasn't in a situation to keep her in the shelter for so long.

Reluctantly he decided to make Chisato work another time, for now he would take her to her house, he would leave the explanations to her, he was her master and she was her toy after all.

Smacking the girl's cheeks he called her name, however there was no response. With a feeling in her heart she said.

"Chii-Chan lift up for me."

"Mmm ♥∼… Master? Where we are?" Chisato asked, somewhat confused.

"Who knew I would react to that" she thought.

*5 minutes later*

After explaining the situation again, trying not to overload the girl, to avoid unnecessary fainting. She is she looked at him with eyes as bright as the stars.

"That's amazing, master! The girl said, fascinated by the knowledge she had just learned.

Chisato exerted force on her fists and felt her new strength, filling her with excitement.

With a somewhat dangerous look in her eyes, the girl said.

"That means I'm as strong as you! The girl said before launching herself at Ying Zhe.


With a dull slap the girl fell to the ground. Her previous brightness and joy completely disappeared, with a fearful look she looked at the boy as she held the place where she had been hit.

With an authoritative tone and an icy look the boy said.

"Listen to me bitch, you will never be as strong as me, kill those stupid thoughts that are running through your mind, because believe me I don't mind turning you into a broken toy, now and always you will be nothing more than my toy who will be happy to please me, understood ?" "He said as he came face to face with the girl. Her penetrating gaze made the girl shudder, it also awakened a strange feeling in her.

"It's not that you dislike this type of treatment, right?" She said while one finger teased her sweet spot, making her moan.

"Nmm ♥ ∼" after moaning a little, the fearful look disappeared and the impression of heart returned to her eyes, while her breathing accelerated again.

"Nmm ♥ ∼ Uuuu ♥ ∼ Master, please don't hate Chisato ♥ ∼ Chisato will be obedient, please, master, don't hate Chisato ♥ ∼ Uuuu ♥ ∼" said the girl, letting out the pitiful moans that she would make a pet when reprimanded by the owner of it. She as she clung to her leg refusing to let go.

"Well it seems you understand Chii-Chan. You see everything easier if you just follow me obediently," said Ying Zhe as she placed her hand on the girl's head, caressing her reassuringly.

This filled the girl with happiness as she moved her hips from side to side.

Ying Zhe swore he saw a dog's tail wagging wildly.

"Yes ♥∼ Yes ♥∼ Chii-Chan I will be obedient ♥∼ I will be very obedient so please love me ♥∼! Give me lots of love ♥∼!" the girl said as she rubbed against him.

Poor Mashiro Chisato hadn't noticed. Her being had already been broken and reformed to be pleasing to the master, to whom she clung.

"Good, I'm glad you understand, now stand up, I have unfinished business." The boy said.

"Pending issues?" the girl asked.

"I need to take you home, at the moment you can't stay in this place for long. I'll leave the annoying explanations to you. The boy said, waving his hand as if to keep the problem away from him.

"Oh! It's true. My parents... oh wait, master, right now I'm alone. "My mother is on a business trip for 2 days and that man was supposed to take care of me during that time." The girl said remembering her previous situation.

"That will make things easier. I'll ask you for a taxi to get home," the boy said as he took out his phone.

"Give me your contact information. I will contact you soon, be attentive to my calls and don't make me wait, I am not someone who has much patience. Oh and take this" said the Ying Zhe as he threw him a wallet.

"That was that guy, keep the money anyway, it's not going to be of any use to him anymore," he said nonchalantly.

"Yes, Master ♥∼" the girl exclaimed.


After saying goodbye to Chisato, Ying Zhe returns to his room to sleep. Although he is not very tired given his high vitality, he still wants to rest a little since in a few hours he will really have to endure a very big burden. inconvenience.

*Hours later*

It was 8 o'clock this weekend, the birds were tasting the sun was already high, the soft breeze of the air kept the atmosphere cool, on this beautiful morning. 3 beauties were in front of a house.

The red-haired beauty in the front smiled as he thought about the very exciting day that awaited him. He couldn't help but get a little wet thinking about the silly face that pig would make. The other 2 companions behind her couldn't help but share the same thoughts as hers.



They rang the bell and knocked on the door, somewhat impatient and eager to intimidate the boy.

"This time I will be first! You lost the bet yesterday Minako and Izumi hogged it all the time so it's my turn!" Sae said, somewhat excited to be the first.

"It's unfair Sae-Chan, I was the one who had the least time yesterday," Minako said, somewhat depressed.

"No! I will be the first! We bet who would cum first between you and Tasaki and you lost. So I will be first!" Sae refuted.

"Uuuu," Minako moaned in defeat.

"Okay today I feel generous so you will be the first, although before that we first have to use these" the redhead said pompously, before lifting the plastic bag in her hand with some boxes inside it, they were pregnancy tests.

"Oh so you bought them, Great!" Sae said, very interested in using them.

"Fufufu I wonder what Tasaki-Kun's reaction will be like" Minako said letting out a small giggle.

"HAHAHA! I look forward to seeing the stupid face she will make when she sees that we are pregnant with her horrible offspring. Ahh ♥ ∼ her desperate face makes me excited ♥ ∼ "Izumi said with a blush on her face.

"There we have it again" Sae said in a tired tone, knowing that her friend is once again into her strange tastes.

"Fufufu, you know what she is like, let's let her be happy," Minako responded.

"Hey! You two don't talk nonsense or I…" the girl wanted to say but was cut off by the sudden opening of the door.

The 3 girls were stunned.

"Hey?" x3

"Who the hell are you!" Izumi growled.

In front of her was a boy who looked nothing like the pig she tormented and rode yesterday.

Instead there was a tall man. About 1.85cm, stocky so she could see his figure and most obviously thin, yesterday's pig did not look anything like this handsome boy.

Although his black hair and eyes remained the same.

"Nogami-San you still don't recognize me even after everything you did to me yesterday," Tasaki said in a meek tone.

"Tasa…ki is really you, what the hell happened to you?" the surprised girl asked, although she felt somewhat doubtful, Tasaki's meek tone was unmistakable to her.

The other 2 girls were also very surprised by the change.

"Wow Tasaki! She had heard about growth spurts but this. This is absurd! I LOVE IT! IT'S GREAT!" Sae said, very excited about Tasaki's change and somewhat excited to test those muscles in her future activities.

"Ara… Ara ♥ ∼ it seems that Tasaki-Kun had a sudden improvement" Minako said, although her words were a little strange, the other 2 girls ignored it.

Although they did not notice the shine in his eyes when he saw Tasaki's figure nor did they see the lick of her lips.

Only Tasaki noticed this and when their eyes met she winked at him flirtatiously.

"Enough at 2, well what happened to you doesn't matter, pig... *Cough* stupid slave we have come to continue your torture for challenging our authority. "Be prepared, because none of the three of us will let you go until you put a baby in our wombs." Izumi said bravely. Trying to maintain her professional bully figure. Although it was hard for her to take her seriously when the girl had to raise her head to see the boy who was a few heads taller than her.

Author's note: Okay, okay guys. Here I am again, I have to admit that I had a short block so I could only release one chapter, but I will try to bring 2 tomorrow and if not possible a slightly longer one. For now, tell me how you see the plot. Although I thought about following all the Ijirare Saimin OVAs, with the current state of the MC I will make a small change, and with respect to Chisato's treatment, it is very possible that it will become worse or better depending on my mood. I say this because as such the MC will act to train her and break her in such a way that she is nothing more than an obedient dog, due to her personality, however if I feel happy I doubt that it will make her so miserable and improve her treatment. well leaving that aside. Give me suggestions on what possible powers to add. With that said the author says goodbye. bye bye.