
Vampires Legacy

Chifuyu’s life is flipped upside down when he’s brought into the world of hunters and vampires. His tale will bring happiness, laughter, sadness, and pain to himself as well as those around him. A new journey begins. *** Hello to all those reading and thank you for taking the time to check out my series. This is my first story that I'm posting online and I am serious about writing Vampire Legacy to be the best it can be. Though I do need to make clear that the first 100-200 chapters will be a mix of comedy and serious arcs. This will be a fantasy action story just as much as a comedy/slice of life story until the true plot kicks in. I plan to go all in with the comedy, then when we get to a certain turning point, the breaks will not stop with 13 long continuous serious arcs that will go until the finale. This novel will definitely be at least 500 chapters. I hope you all stay and see what I have to offer. *The cover is fanart for the anime The Case Study of Vanitas. I’m using it instead of the basic book cover until I draw the key visual myself.*

wavyesper · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

Parents Part 3

It's the morning of the next day. Shoyo has left Chifuyu's home and has a few things to take care of. Afterward, he's personally going to Erika and Dakota's home to talk to their parents about transferring to the Hunter Training Academy and the risks that come with being a Hunter.

Both their parents were informed last night of what happened by the Hunter Agency staff that escorted them home. It seems Dakota's parents may be fine with it, but Erika's mom isn't allowing herself to be easily convinced.

Chifuyu wants to say his farewells to his basketball team. They would've still been together for another 2 years and some of them could've possibly played together in college, but Chifuyu training to become a Hunter won't allow him to. He plans to go around the time school ends. He will be tailed by one of the 1st Rank Hunters that was present during the trial until he starts staying with Shoyo.

If word got out that a vampire, albeit a half-vampire, has been allowed to roam free and even join the ranks of the hunters, the public will go into an uproar. Even though word has already gotten around throughout the higher-ranking Hunters and Hunter Agency Staff, as well as those with connections to the Hunter Agency, nobody will leak it to the public. Not yet at least.

A certain high-ranking Hunter approaches Dallas Boreas, the calm and collected 1st Rank Hunter who was present at the trial and is well acquainted with Shoyo, even though he'd rather not be.

There are 3 families that're on top in the world of Hunters known as the Big 3: the Ayase Family, the Boreas Family, and the Scarlet Family.

These families have the most power and authority equal to the executives of the Hunter Agency. They dish out several top-notch Hunters and have influence that reaches all throughout Shioto.

Dallas is from the Boreas Family, and so is the Special Rank Hunter that has just approached him. They have the most members out of the Big 3, most of whom are women. The principal of the Hunter Training Academy is a Boreas, so they look over most of the matters for students there. This family in particular is known for bringing up some of the strongest hunters. There are currently 2 members of the Boreas Family that are Special Rank Hunters.

"Good morning to you, Dallas."

"Is there something I can help you with, Amelia?"

The two are outside the Boreas Estate. It's occupied in the 9th district, Dallas gave a detailed report of what transpired at the trial to the master of the Boreas House. He stayed the night and was on his way out, before being stopped by Amelia.

"How can you be so cold to your one and only sibling?"

Dallas sighs. They're right outside of the estate, and there's multiple people who work for them watching the two interact. It's not like Dallas is trying to keep up a persona so people have a good impression of him, but he does find Amelia unpleasant. He doesn't want those around him to think he and his sister are on bad terms, so he'll entertain her for a bit.

"I'm not being cold, I just like getting straight to the point."

Dallas who hadn't even turned around to face Amelia yet finally does so as he says this.

"I guess it's been a few months since I last saw you, we can take a walk while we talk."

"You're too kind."

Amelia's appearance is extravagant, to say the least. 1st Rank and Special Rank Hunters can pick out a different kind of uniform or have a new design tailored. She has bright red lipstick applied on, her long dyed red hair with purple streaks stops just above her buttocks. She dons an unbuttoned blazer that stops right above her waist. Instead of having a t-shirt on under it like most Hunters do, she wears a short white Chinese-style dress which displays her curvy figure with a cutout at her chest revealing her ample cleavage. Lastly, white over-the-knee stockings cover her legs.

She acts caring to the public but has an ulterior motive for everything she does. Her golden eyes display ferociousness when nobody's around her, except for those who know her true nature.

"I heard you took Shoyo's side, so you let that vampire kid leave the courtroom alive."

"I did. I trust him after all."

"You trust the Vampire Lord that suddenly decided to join us? That's too funny."

"You weren't there, you didn't see the resolve put on by either of them. Plus, that Vampire Lord made a vow. She won't cause any danger."

"That vow holds no meaning. It could still betray us."

"How so?"

"I can think of several possibilities, but the simplest one would be capturing us. That could easily be done by someone as strong as a Vampire Lord without causing any harm. We'd get dragged to the Alter World and be fed on there or become livestock."

"I guess that's plausible."

"And yet you'll still trust this monster."

"That's right. The President is also in agreement."

"That old bastard needs to step down. If we'd had someone else at the helm of this battle, we could've been brought together a force to snuff out every vampire hiding here."

"Are you implying you'd be fit for that job?"

"Heh, who knows?"

"In any case, I see you have no intention of trusting the Vampire Lord."

"You're goddamn right. This new half-vampire shouldn't be allowed to live either. It doesn't matter if this brat was human, he has vamp blood in him now. That makes him the same as the rest of them."

"What do you plan on doing?"

"I'll kill this half-vampire myself. Then I'll make quick work of the Vampire Lord who won't even be able to fight back."

"Shoyo will know it was you."

"I'll wait for the chance to do it."

Amelia's mouth had wrung into a wicked smile, she was dead serious.

"Is that so? Well at least wait until after the 2nd expedition. If that mission is successful, it'll be a huge leap for humanity."

"Tch. This is absurd. To think we can't traverse the Alter World on our own."

"That was a while ago. Now, we'd probably be able to get pretty far on our own. But with her help..."

"I get it. I'll hold off on my plans until after this 2nd expedition."

"Alright. Just know if it goes exceedingly well, I'll also be willing to stop you from killing humanity's new hope."

Dallas waves as he walks off. Amelia's face twists in disgust.

"A vampire being humanity's new hope? Ha! How ironic."


Dakota's Pov

What's up guys, Dakota here. I haven't gotten much screen time, but my time to shine is close. (It's not)

This Hunter Agency guy explained to my parents that I was taken in for questioning because I was basically in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I'm in the clear. It wasn't a staff member that was at the trial so I'm pretty sure he doesn't know the other stuff that happened.

Anyway, after he left I kinda just told my parents I wanted to transfer to the Hunter Training Academy and they had no problem with it. Seems like Shoyo is stopping by today to bring over the necessary paperwork and explain the curriculum, and what I'm signing up for.

5:28 p.m

Ding Dong

Looks like Shoyo's here, for some reason my parents make a mad dash to the door and welcome him like he's some sort of celebrity. Well, I guess he is. I've never been hip with the Hunter world.

"Welcome, Mr. Shoyo!"

"Please come right on in!"

"Haha, thank you for having me."

They even laid out a red carpet, they had to have just gotten that in the afternoon.

"Good evening Sir."

I formally greet him. Since he's known as the strongest Hunter, I guess he would be pretty well-known throughout Shioto.

"You're good friends with Chifuyu, no need to be proper with me. We're new friends after all!"

He casually strolls up to me and hugs his arm around my shoulder.

"If you say so."

"Be-best friends with our boy?!"

"Dakota, we're so proud of you!"

"Um, I literally just met him. We're barely acquainted."

"Mr. Shoyo, you brought up Chifuyu, didn't you? Do you also know him?"

"Yep, I have high hopes for him! You could also say he's the reason Dakota wants to become a Hunter!"


"That boy, such a role model."

"You're lucky to have a friend like him Dakota!"

"All our boy's ever been worried about is playing on his game. It almost brought me to tears to hear him say he wants to pursue something else."

At least they're happy.

"I'm happy for you."

It seems Shoyo has the same sentiment.

He went on to explain the intense curriculum I would have. Finishing your high school education is still required at the Hunter Training Academy. The campus is vast with several high-quality dining halls, training grounds, a huge library, well-conditioned classrooms, renowned professors, and first-rate medical facilities and dorms.

Every student has to live on campus as well. This is all overwhelming, but I have to deal with it.

The tuition is expensive. The only way non-rich students get in is through recommendation or by passing an entrance/transfer exam. Since I'll be getting in with a recommendation from Shoyo, I won't have to pay anything for my enrollment. I need to show my gratitude.

He goes on to explain the risks that come with being a hunter. Although vampire incidents are at an all-time low, about 10-20 hunters still lose their lives each year. My parents are naturally concerned, but I tell them I'm not gonna die without becoming something big.

When I was a kid, I was always trying to become popular. I wanted all my classmates to go crazy over me when I did something amazing in sports. Or even praise and look up to me when I got straight A's in academics. But neither of those ever happened. I just didn't have the talent to play sports. And studying was harder than I thought, I ended up just settling for no more than C's on everything. Video games were the only thing I excelled at. But even then, I'm still kinda scared to start streaming and put myself out there.

Maybe this can change with my training to become a Hunter. I have no reason to follow Chifuyu and Erika on this path, but maybe it won't be so bad. I've never put that much effort into anything. Even for video games, I just had a knack for them.

Maybe I could try to become popular again.

I'm not Chifuyu. I can't fully resolve myself to such a big commitment as becoming a hunter. But at least I'm a little motivated.

If I do graduate from the Hunter Training Academy, I could make a name for myself as the Ultimate Hunter Gamer! I may not become the strongest Hunter, but the best gamer is something within my grasp. I'll be the face of what gamers aspire to be!


With that, my parents signed the necessary paperwork and Shoyo left. I'm gonna finish my second year at my current high school, get caught up with my hunter training over the summer with a special instructor, and transfer at the start of my third year.

I have no idea if I'll regret this choice, only time will tell.


Erika's mom has also been informed of why she hadn't been home for almost a day. Her dad has been absent from her life since birth. But that hasn't been a problem for them at all. Erika has a younger brother, their mom has been capable of raising them both on her own just fine.

She wishes for Erika to get into a great university and have a job where she's the boss. She started performing exponentially better in her classes when she met Chifuyu in middle school. Now, she continues to maintain all A's. Her mom knew she had nothing to worry about anymore, until earlier today.

"Mom, I want to become a Hunter with Chifuyu."

She had just finished speaking to the Hunter Agency staff member and was on her way to make breakfast. Hearing Erika's words, she immediately stopped and slowly turned around.

"A Hunter, what do you mean by that sweetie?"

"Something happened with Chifuyu where he has to start training to become a Hunter. I've decided I'll pursue that path with him!"

"What're you saying all of a sudden, you told me the two of you wanted to go to the same university if possible."

Her mom had broken out into a cold sweat.

Erika explained herself, saying she'll still be able to finish her high school education and that she wouldn't have to worry about her. But it was all going in one ear and out the other.

"I won't allow it."


"Become a Hunter, are you kidding me? I won't allow you to throw your life away!"

This is the first time Erika's mom had yelled since she was a child.

"Mom, please. I promise there's nothing you need to worry-"

"You can forget it, go to your room!"

She had nothing to say to Erika, this was non-negotiable to her.

Shoyo called about an hour later and asked if he could stop by to talk about the curriculum and everything else. Erika's mom told him that she has no intention of letting her daughter become a hunter. She was surprised though that the man known as the strongest hunter had personally called and asked to stop by their house. Shoyo figured there could be a possibility that either Dakota or Erika's parents would say no to them. So he asked if he could negotiate with her. This was supposed to be non-negotiable, but the strongest hunters being involved in her daughter's choice allowed for a little more leniency. Shoyo won't be pushy during the negotiation. He'll try his best to convince Erika's mom, but if she's still not on board then he won't press any further.

7:45 p.m

Shoyo arrived at the Tohska household.