
Vampires Legacy

Chifuyu’s life is flipped upside down when he’s brought into the world of hunters and vampires. His tale will bring happiness, laughter, sadness, and pain to himself as well as those around him. A new journey begins. *** Hello to all those reading and thank you for taking the time to check out my series. This is my first story that I'm posting online and I am serious about writing Vampire Legacy to be the best it can be. Though I do need to make clear that the first 100-200 chapters will be a mix of comedy and serious arcs. This will be a fantasy action story just as much as a comedy/slice of life story until the true plot kicks in. I plan to go all in with the comedy, then when we get to a certain turning point, the breaks will not stop with 13 long continuous serious arcs that will go until the finale. This novel will definitely be at least 500 chapters. I hope you all stay and see what I have to offer. *The cover is fanart for the anime The Case Study of Vanitas. I’m using it instead of the basic book cover until I draw the key visual myself.*

wavyesper · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Parents Part 2

After eating dinner and watching tv, Shoyo fell asleep at Chifuyu's house. Even though he still had matters to take care of. This man will stay committed to his carefree nature.

Chifuyu's dad took the news surprisingly well, while his mom was the opposite, she quickly got herself together thanks to her husband. The thing that shocked them the most was hearing that Chifuyu had almost died. When they heard their son became a half-vampire, they didn't have anything to say at the moment. Perhaps it's because they chose to wait to bring it up since Chifuyu looked well, or they just didn't know what to say.

Chifuyu is putting a cover over Shoyo as he sleeps carelessly on the couch while his parents clean up the dining room table and the kitchen.

"So Chifuyu, you're a half-vampire now."


His dad was the first to bring it up. Not as a question, but as a statement.

"You feel any different?"

"Not right now."

"Then that's good."

His dad as well as his mom seem to have accepted their son's fate.

"You made the right choice, Chifuyu. We wouldn't be able to bear hearing you died in a vampire incident. If you had to become one to survive, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Especially since you'll have Ariel to rely on, I think you'll be just fine."

He walked up to Chifuyu and put his hand over his shoulder.

"Just remember to stay true to yourself."

Chifuyu's mom just listened as she continued cleaning the kitchen. She smiled. There was nothing she had to say, as her husband conveyed what both of them were feeling.

Chifuyu's their son, they have nothing to worry about.

"I will."

Ariel smiles gently as she quietly listens.



"You can do it Master!"

"Go beyond..."

Chifuyu was currently doing everything he could to surpass his limits. He's at the beginning of a new journey. He'll keep moving forward, no matter what hardships he must face. The sole reason that drives him to do what he must is because he was born in this world.

"...Plus Ultra!!"


Several chunks of substances that had been digested fall into the bottom of a toilet bowl. Chifuyu emerged successful from a top 5 fight of his life.

"You did it, Master! Only through blood and sweat will you be able to grow stronger."

Is what Ariel is currently telling Chifuyu, but other thoughts are roaming through her mind.

'Note to self, never watch someone else defecate again, that was a ghastly experience.'

"Hey Ariel, I'm just now thinking about it, but you don't always have to be observing me when we're together right?"

"I don't."

"Great, I'll definitely need some privacy when I'm taking care of business."

This was a sentiment they both agreed on.

"I'm about to get some rest anyway, but there's something I want to talk about with you Chifuyu."

"I'm all ears."

"As you know at the trial, I vowed to never harm a human with malicious intent. I would've rather not done that because I already resolved myself to side with you guys. I won't betray the humans, but I still had to make the vow so they could trust me as much as possible. Anyway, what I'm saying is that I'm the only one that vow applies to."

"I think I see where you're going with this."

"You should. You're a half-vampire and you have me, so drinking the small amounts of blood you have to every now and then shouldn't be a problem. But if you were to somehow lose control and feed on a person, you will undoubtedly be sentenced to death."

"I'd be executed."

"That's right. Though of course, I wouldn't let it happen. No matter what, I will always protect you. But you will lose everything else around you. Your friends and family will turn on you and there'll be no home for you here anymore."

"Do you think there's a small chance I could lose control?"

"None at all, if we maintain the bare minimum of blood intake you need."

Chifuyu breathes in and out.

"Okay, I should be fine then."

"Of course. I just wanted to make sure you know."

This is only the beginning of their relationship, and Ariel is already looking out so much for Chifuyu.



Chifuyu's wiping right now.

"I must say you surprised me when you said you'd put an end to the vampire's existence."

"Oh, that part. Heh, that may have been just a bit for show. I don't really know where I'll be when this is all done. I'm not sure if killing every vampire will be possible, or if that's what it'll take for this long battle to be over. In any case, I'll fight as a hunter until I find that answer."

"Killing every vampire may be the only solution. That aside, do you want to go back to being human?"

"Of course if there's a way. Unless the method's being hidden, I'm sure how to turn a vampire back into a human would've been announced by now."

"I've never heard of a human who became a vampire being able to revert back."



This serious conversation took place as Chifuyu was taking care of his business. As he washes his hands, he leaves Ariel with these last words before heading to bed.

"Well, whatever the future has in store for us, we're in it together. Right, partner?"


At least, he wanted to leave off with those words. Ariel comes out of Chifuyu's shadow with something to say.

"This is the beginning of our legacy. Our Vampire Lega—"

Before she can finish her sentence, Chifuyu swiftly wraps his arms around her waist and delivers a devastating supplex.

"Ah! What was that for?!"

"You were about to say something corny. I had to intervene."


In District 4, a certain establishment is currently being created under the Hunter Agency. It is called Odd Jobs Cafe, and it's being run by a Special Rank Hunter who can no longer carry out their duties due to certain circumstances. It only has one member, Kagura Mikase: a young female hunter.

Bells hung on the door to the Odd Jobs ring as someone entered the building.

"Welcome back Kagura, how'd the bodyguard mission go."

"Hehe, I have a lot to tell you, Ms. Nailah."

Kagura briefed the Special Rank Hunter on what took place during the confidential trial. Those present were forbidden from telling anybody what happened, but as long as the news doesn't get out to the public, it won't be anything to sweat over.

"So, what do you think of this half-vampire boy?"

The question was posed by the superior-ranking Hunter.

"I made eye contact with him once, at the very least he is interesting. I was impressed by his speech, I felt real conviction from it."

"Do you think he'd be a good fit for Odd Jobs? I'm sure the two of you will get along just fine."

"Of course, I planned to ask you first!"

"Opening this place was your idea, you're the one that needs to recruit members."

"True. Hehe, I'm so excited."

"I'll contact Shoyo at a later time to see what he thinks."

"Kay, that concludes my report."

More and more pieces will continue to come into play, this legacy has only just begun.