
Vampire System: Mage Of Blood And Shadows

A young boy whose life takes a turn for the worse under his father after his mother's death. Eventually, he ends up murdering said father after his attempt to murder him drives him into a corner. Unfortunately, he ends up dying on the same spot murdered by his own father. In his death, he smiles as he has succeeded in taking the life of the one person he hated the most oblivious to the fact that this wasn't his end. Just as he drew his last breath and closed his eyes, his consciousness is called back by a sudden ding except that he wasn't called back to the world he remembered. He found himself floating in a dark astral plane and a system message in front of him. [ System awakening: 15% ] [ Transferring consciousness to new life ] [ Process initiated ] Before his mind could start processing what was going on, he found himself in the body of a newborn with two faces staring down at him. A mother who bore quite the striking resemblance to his old mother and a father whom he already hated on first sight. He was given another chance at a new life but he had one burning question in his heart. Was this fate giving him a chance to see the good in people or was it another attempt to screw him over?

Franklin_Nwakamma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Chapter 14: Torture

"Now, where should I start with you?"

At the moment, Luna had the red-haired leader cornered against the wall with her left arm blocking off his exit from the left.

She could tell he wanted to scream as loudly as he could despite the fact that that would affect him negatively but it didn't matter because getting thrown into prison was better than what he was feeling now.

"Well, even if I did let you scream nobody would hear you so it would be pointless."

He quickly turned to the left entrance where she walked in from to see that it was blocked off by some kind of shadow, blocking the little light that was creeping into the alley through there.

The right entrance wasn't any different and so was above.

'Is that some kind of barrier magic?'

"Alright, you seem to have gotten the full gist of that so let's continue." She said before leaning closer. "I asked what I should do with you and you still haven't given me an answer."

With his whole face covered in sweat, he nodded several times before vigorously shaking his head, his eyelids twitching the entire time.

"I know." She clicked, her gaze shifting down to the lower part of his body. "Let's start by cutting that thing in between your legs, I'm sure it's barely two inches anyway so it's not like anyone is going to miss it."


"Do you know what we're going to do once it's snapped off your body?" She asked, her face curling up in a sinister smile. "That's simple, we'll tie a rope to it and throw it into your stomach to properly dip it into your stomach acid and properly marinate it."

His eyes sunk deep in greater fear at that moment, he wanted to believe that she was just joking and was only trying to terrify him but with that look on her face which suggested that she was enjoying herself, he just couldn't bring himself to believe that.

"It's up to you to decide how we dip it into your stomach acid." She continued. "You could just swallow it and then we'll pull it out after about twenty hours."

'Twenty hours?' He gasped with his mouth still closed.

"But if you don't like that, I could just open your stomach and dip it directly, however, that method is quite risky so you might end up dead."

That one sent a massive shrill running but that wasn't just because of what she said, he seemed to have caught sight of something, there were two fangs slightly sticking out of her mouth. They weren't that long but he could tell those weren't normal and now his mind was wondering.

'What the heck is she?'

"And do you know what we'll do once we pull the baptized twig out of your stomach? Well, there are two options, you could either swallow it but for real this time or we could just stitch it back to where it came from. You don't really have any say in the matter so I vote for stitching it back…"

She paused at that moment as she noticed him averting his gaze, and seeing that, the smile on her face receded quickly replaced by a serious expression.

"Hey, I want you to look me in the eyes."

He tried to resist but almost immediately he found himself staring deep into her eyes and right at that moment, he saw a flicker.

"Now, I want you to tell me what you think of that."

Just as soon as she said that, he found himself in another location, a completely dark and empty space with a crimson moon right above him.

The air felt stale and the aura emanating everywhere felt like it was going to suffocate him, however, he wasn't able to properly notice those things.

Everything was overshadowed by the pain of going through everything Luna just told him, she was right in front of him doing everything with a satisfied smile on her face while he screamed in pain and terror.

"You can speak now."

His consciousness quickly returned to the real world at that moment as he let out a scream of pain and agony before slowly crashing to the floor now unconscious.

"Enjoy the nightmare." She said before slowly turning away.

Her gaze quickly shifted to the one who kicked Neo at that moment, and as soon he made eye contact with her he began to shake his head vigorously while trying to pull himself up from the ground.

None of that worked so he began to violently smash his head on the floor to see if that would knock him out of her control.

A smile curled up on Luna's face at that moment as she took a step toward him.

"That's pointless, you're just hurting yourself for no reason but I guess I don't mind that."

Just a few seconds after she got to him, he began to scream but it wasn't just one scream like their leader, he was screaming in between pants like he was running through flames while being chased by something deadly.

He screamed and cried and pleaded for his life for quite a while before eventually passing out.

"Enjoy getting kicked a thousand times since you enjoy kicking people so much." She remarked before slowly turning away from him.

'Should have made it a million times though.'

She was looking at the remaining two who were so terrified that they had given up and accepted their fate, there was no struggling from them.

"Now about you two."

A few seconds later, the two found themselves screaming in agony before eventually passing out.

"Your bloods aren't even worth taking." She huffed before turning to Neo who was still sitting there like he was in some kind of trance.

The shadow dome covering the area disappeared at that moment as she made her way to Neo.

"Let's go, Neo." She said just after stopping in front of him.

He was suddenly called back to the real world at that moment and the first thing that left his mouth was a quick gasp.


"Hey, Pookie, are you alright?" She asked before squatting down beside him.

"Um… yeah, thanks to you."

His gaze slowly shifted to the thugs who were all lying unconscious on the floor now before shifting back to her.

"You didn't waste any time taking care of that." He uttered.

"They got exactly what they deserved."

Neo's recollection of what exactly happened in that alleyway seemed to be way different from what actually happened. What he saw was his mother quickly knocking out the thugs as soon as she got there but that was a false memory.

However, there was something that actually happened that he still remembered.

'Her eyes were crimson, just like mine.'

He slowly shifted his gaze to her eyes as she slowly cleaned off the dust on his body with her handkerchief. Her eyes were back to being blue now but he saw a tint of red for a split second.


"Is something wrong?" She asked before looking up at him.

"No, it's nothing, thanks for saving me."

'Was I imagining it?'

"Well, that's just my job as your mother, I shouldn't have even let them take you in the first place." She responded before slowly pulling him up. "Let's get out of here and continue our shopping."

The two walked out of the alley just after that, leaving the four thugs unconscious on the floor.

_________ __________

Just about fifteen minutes after Luna left the alley with Neo, a hooded figure came strolling into the area, dragging along with him a completely red sword, the weapon was just as red as blood.

He dragged the sword past the thugs without really paying any attention to them.

"Well, this is an interesting turn of events."