
Vampire Diaries: A Slayer Is Born

Given the chance to reincarnate into a world of some NEET R.O.B's choosing, Arthur would of course take said chance. Who wouldn't want to live a second life? Pick the right choices they didn't make in their first life. Avoid the regrets they had. Live their best life while knowing the cheat codes and hacks that took decades to learn previously, right? But when the self-proclaimed Goddess said he'd be reincarnating in Vampire Diaries with a few extra add-ons, Arthur didn't really know what to do. Yet when given the chance to pick some wishes, his worries quickly dissipated. And so, the first male Slayer was produced and set upon the world. (A/N - Vampire Diaries will be the focus of the novel but Teen Wolf and Buffy the Vampire Slayer will also be in this world but to a much lesser extent. Also, if you're expecting some cold and calculating, possibly evil, protagonist, you can go elsewhere. The MC isn't gonna be a total goody two-shoes but he's not gonna be a dickhead either. He's gonna be a good guy. If those types of characters annoy or aggravate you, please don't read this story because you'll only end up complaining to me about the MC. Oh, it should also go without saying that I don't own the cover photo. If the original owner wants me to take it down, they need only ask.)

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7 Chs

The Deal (Prologue)

"...So, you're saying I'll be reincarnating in 'Vampire Diaries'? Any specific reason as to why?" I asked the somewhat short, and self-proclaimed, Goddess in front of me.

She had dark brown hair that was bordering on black and she had piercing blue eyes that seemed to look right through me instead of at me. But such an intimidating aura and appearance soon fell away as she pouted, her eyes filling with despondence, "Because I've watched Vampire Diaries too many times! I know every line, every little scene, every plot twist! I hate to say it--but it's gotten boring for me! I need a reboot--Which is where you come in, Arthur!" the 'Goddess' got in really closer to me, looking up at me because of her short height.

I showed her I confused look, my head cocked to the side and one of my eyebrows raised, "What? How do I come in for that? Wait--" I went to reply, in disbelief, but the 'Goddess' snapped her fingers with a smile.

"Exactly, Arthur! I want you to become the new protagonist for Vampire Diaries! A reincarnated soldier, sent into a world of Supernatural threats...! Just thinking about it is so exciting!" she squealed, not acting like a Goddess at all and instead looking like a teenage girl all of a sudden. I just looked at her before sighing.

"Can I at least sit down for a little while? I was just killed, you know?" I managed a weak smile and the 'Goddess' squealing and excited demeanor instantly stopped and I found myself sitting in a ridiculously comfy chair.

"I nearly forgot about that in my excitement...I apologize," I saw the 'Goddess' lowering her head across from me where she was sitting in an identical chair to one I was in. Think of one of those fancy leather chairs rich people have in their studies. Those really expensive ones. "Take all the time you need, Arthur, and feel free to ask whatever questions you want. It's the least I can do after dragging you into my selfishness," she looked apologetically at me and her entire aura had changed from a hormone full teenage girl and into an understanding and mature person.

Hearing what she said about questions, I didn't hold back and instantly spoke up.

"If you needed someone, then why pick me? I mean, I'm a soldier, sure. But I'm not exactly...special. Hell, I joined the Marines because I wasn't special enough to get into University," I gave a slightly self-deprecating laugh but that died off when I though about my situation.

I didn't exactly have the energy to find joy in a joke I always used to tell to my family and to my mates in the Marines. Family and friends I'd never see again.

Luckily, the 'Goddess' quickly answered my question and took me away from my thoughts.

"Well, I picked you because of...certain requirements," she started and I leaned in to listen to her as she continued with an awkward smile, "You already know the first. The person needs to be a soldier. Not because of some silly plot line I was squealing about earlier," she looked somewhat embarrassed but carried on nonetheless, "I just didn't want to send a normal civilian to such a place. At least a soldier would be able to go along with my selfish desire without having a 100% chance of dying. Especially as I'm going to give you wishes to ensure survival. But power isn't a sure thing when it comes to survival. You can have power to bend metal but not have the skills or knowledge to survive in a harsh world."

She finished and we both sat in silence for a few seconds before I understood that she wanted my opinion on it. Nodding, I replied with a somewhat serious face, "It makes sense, I guess. A normal civilian, no matter their wishes, would still lack the training and skills of a soldier," I agreed but shook my head, "But there's got to be more to it, right? Can't just be that because as I've said; I ain't that special of a soldier," I gave a mirthless laugh before waiting for the reply.

The 'Goddess' nodded and gave me a bright smile as well, "Yes, there's more. But it's exactly because you're special that I chose you. You're determined. To an abnormal degree for a human. You were average throughout your early life. Never the overachiever, always in the middle of the pack - but that never stopped you from trying. Even when others improved beyond their former limitations as they grew, you didn't. You stayed average in everything you put your hand to. But still, you never stopped trying. Even when you couldn't go past College to University, you weren't disheartened. You just put your determination toward a new avenue and kept on going," she took a breath, looking at me with an odd combination of pity, awe and admiration, "You trudge forth no matter the variables involved. Such a person is...fascinating to us Godly Beings. Do you know why? Because they are what you call Heroes. Beings who are determination incarnate."

Hearing such compliments, I was...stunned for a few seconds. Not once had I been complimented for my determination in my life. It was always ''He doesn't know when to stop'' or ''No matter how hard you try, hard work never beats talent''.

No matter what was said, it was never said in admiration.

So, I just sat there, looking over at the 'Goddess' in front of me who was smiling patiently, waiting for me to come to terms with what she just said.

...I truly am coming to terms that this person who I sarcastically or suspiciously refer to as 'Goddess' might actually be a Goddess. Only a Godly Being could have such sincere compassion for an average person like me.

"Is t-that so?" I stuttered out my reply, my voice cracking somewhat, before I cleared my throat and got my shit in order again, "Even if that's the case, Goddess...there are plenty of determined people you could pick from. I'm definitely sure there are better fits than me."

Hearing me, for some reason, the Goddess smiled...sadly?

"...Is it really so hard to believe that you fulfill my requirements, Arthur?" she asked with a gentle but sad smile, "Life truly did destroy your self-esteem even if you did keep moving on with that determination of yours..." she trailed off before her smile instantly brightened and turned from sad to happy as she continued, "Well, so be it, I'll continue by telling you the last requirement: That the person I send to this new world should be a decent person."

This...surprised me as well. It was odd to think she'd call me decent. I'd been to war. I'd killed people to survive in those harsh war zones. Those things had always struck me as...bad. Even if you kill in self-defense, it's still killing. People who lie to themselves and say it's acceptable are only cowards who hide from the truth of their actions.

Smiling, the Goddess continued, "There are plenty of soldiers, and there are plenty of determined soldiers...but there are very few soldiers who are determined and are still decent people. Good people," she said and just as I was about to refute her, she already replied to what I was about to say, "Yes, I know. Determined soldiers do what they have to do. But some became too desensitized to what they'd done, too loyal to their superiors that they'd commit atrocities purely because they were orders." After she said this the Goddess shook her head, "I don't need the best soldier. I don't need the most determined person. I just want a decent person to be the center of this new world I'm making," she smiled before finishing up what she meant, "You tick off that last box and you're passable in the other two, Arthur. Especially when it comes down to determination. You killed but you never got used to it. You did your orders but expressed distaste and downright insubordination when it came down to orders that were downright horrible. You are who I need and who I want to be in this world, Arthur."

I continued to just sit there and soon leaned back into the chair. I needed to digest this. I still had more question but they could wait.

Sitting there, I came to terms that I truly did fit her requirements.

I was a soldier. Not the worst one and not the best. But a pretty good one. I was, if anything, determined to move forward in life, to live the life my mother had wanted me to live before she passed away. A life I could be proud of. Which meant never giving up, never giving in and always trying my best.

And most of all, I guess by this Goddess' standards, I could be considered a decent man. I never bullied people nor did I take advantage of them. I didn't lash out in anger or angst because of my less than desirable situation in life.

But most importantly, I knew how to get things done yet I wouldn't take unnecessary and brutal actions to get it done.

By her standards...I guess I could be considered a decent man. Maybe even a good one.

"...I couldn't have been the only one who you had your eyes on. So what, I was just lucky enough to die?" I gave a mirthless joke but at least the Goddess was polite enough to chuckle a little before she gave me her answer.

"Of course you weren't the only person I had my eyes on. Who knows, I might send those people to be protagonists of their own worlds at some point in the future," she teased and I felt stupid to think that she could only do this once. She's a Goddess, after all. Who knows how strong she is or what the limits of her abilities are. My own thoughts aside, the Goddess carried on, "But yes, you're correct. You were always destined to die in combat and dealing with a 29-year-old who still wants to live is so much easier than most of the others who will live well into their 70's and won't want another chance at life. You could say you're my prototype Reincarnator, Arthur. My first, so to speak~" she teased, well, flirted at me and I found myself chuckling.

I hadn't expected a Goddess to flirt with me, a mere mortal human, after all.

"Really? Well, I'm honored. I've always been lucky like this, haven't I?" I asked, jokingly, as I did a mock bow earning me a sincere giggle from the Goddess. But then I realized something, "Wait...if you've had me on this list of yours...doesn't that mean you've been tweaking stuff in my life?

The Goddess went solid for a second before sighing and nodding, "...Yes. But I couldn't change anything major. Only certain things like luck or happy coincidences and whatnot. If you're looking for someone to blame because of when Hannah rejected you when you asked her out for Prom, you better look elsewhere, Mister," she teased lightly, like some sort of aunt of mine. Which was odd coming from her youthful and short appearance.

But such thoughts ceased when I thought of what she said. Luck and happy coincidences. Oddly enough, despite being average, I'd always been decently lucky. At least when it mattered.

Looking over at the Goddess who had a sheen of understanding in her eyes, I instantly felt choked up as I asked a question I already knew the answer to, "L-luck, huh? You wouldn't by any chance be...be the reason for why I could get to the hospital in time to say goodbye to m-my mom, right?" I asked with a crackling voice and when the Goddess gave a nod, I felt a tear slide down my eye.

Followed by another one. And another one. Until I felt a cascade of tears fall from my eyes.

I'd always wondered how I'd gotten back in time. The paper work that allowed for me to leave active duty came in a day early just as I found out my mom was losing her battle with cancer. It shouldn't have happened and it was something that was seen as either quite lucky or a pretty bad mistake.

Then, just as I made it back, I got a call off of my sister saying mom's condition was deteriorating. I rushed to the hospital she was in, in a rented car. Every light was green. There was no traffic despite it being rush hour.

I got to the hospital just in time to say goodbye. To give my mom one last hug. To hear her say 'I love you, Art' one last time. It was sad. Terribly so. But it was much better than how I would've felt if I wasn't there for her passing.

Now, I'd found out that it was due to a Goddess who was right in front of me, and despite having done so much for me with just that luck, she was still going to give me a second life.

Gratitude. That's all I felt for this deity in front of me.

I stood up, wiping at my eyes and walked toward her. I stood in front of her and smiled as wide as I could, hoping to get across how grateful I was, "I know how blasphemous this is going to be but please don't banish me from existence," I joked with a sincere laugh of joy as I bent down and pulled the short and petite Goddess into a hug.

Luckily, I didn't just turn to dust or whatever, and the Goddess actually hugged me back.

"Thank you, for everything," I said with a smile as I tightened the hug for a brief second before letting go and backing up. Looking down at the Goddess who you could hardly tell was a Goddess, I spoke up, "If you really did organize that, I'll go along with your selfish desires, Goddess. So, you said something about wishes, right? Let's get down to them then."

I said this, went back to my seat and sat down across from her again.

Instantly, the Goddess' attire changed from a sort of toga to a business suit along with glasses appearing on her face though they were teetering on the edge of her nose.

She looked like some kind of high-class secretary.

"Great!" she smiled, "Then, let's get to it," she said before coughing and clearing her throat and continuing, "You get three wishes, Arthur. They cannot completely go passed the power levels of the 'Vampire Diaries' world but other than that, they can be whatever you want them to be. My reasoning for this is that it wouldn't be very fun to watch you decimate anything that went up against you in that world. Well, not for long, anyway. Do you accept these limitations?" she asked.

I nodded, "Yes."

If I played my wishes right, I could easily ensure my survival. It just included a little combination of two different things and opportunity to gain training that would help me with supernatural creatures like Vampires and Werewolves.

"Good. Now, your wishes?" she asked and a pen appeared in her hand as she clicked the top as a notepad appeared in her other hand. She stayed ready to write down my wishes.

Let's get to it then.

"First up, I want to be born into a family of monster hunters. Or vampires hunters. As long as they're proper hunters. The top of what can be achieved, I guess. I want to be born to the leader of this family so I can gain access to the necessary training and skills that I will no doubt need in the future."

The Goddess wrote all this down before looking up at me, "You don't want to be a Vampire like an Original?" she asked and I shook my head in reply, to which she questioned, "Why?"

Shrugging, I gave an honest answer, "I don't want to be shackled by instincts to consume blood. Nor do I want to consume blood. It's always seemed odd to me that some people aren't bothered by that part of being a Vampire. Everything else about a Vampire is pretty cool but the drinking blood part...well, it kinda makes me wanna throw up when I think about it," I said this, chuckling a little before carrying on, "Plus, I don't wanna burn up in the sun or rely on a magic ring to stop that from happening, honestly. Or be weak to wood and Vervain. I have a feeling you wouldn't let me banish myself of these weaknesses if I chose to become a Vampire. It wouldn't make for a good show if I had no weaknesses, right?" I smiled wryly and the Goddess uncomfortably shifted in her seat as she knew I'd figured out the limitations on the wishes.

I could have things as long as they wouldn't make it too easy for me.

My first wish would just let me deal with supernatural creatures to a degree. I would still have to struggle against them if I wanted to survive.

Taking her stare as a gesture to carry on, I quickly said my next wish, "I wish to have a Hunter's Mark. Put together with my soon-to-be family's training, it should prove to be a suitable power. Plus, there are little to no inherent weaknesses with taking up this kind of power. Outside of general Human mortality and the Hunter Instinct but I should be able to work around the latter...while the former isn't a problem for me. I don't want to live forever anyway," I shrugged as the Goddess looked somewhat suspiciously at me but I ignored it and just watched her write down the wish.

She tapped the end of her pen against the notepad, "Okay. What's your last wish, Arthur?" she asked with a smile.

Nodding, I leaned forward a little, "You ever watch 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer" I asked with a smirk. The Goddess gave a nod and I continued, "Then you should understand what I mean when I say, make me into a male Slayer. Give me a connection to the Shadow Demon and let it give me it's powers."

The Goddess went solid for a second or two before writing it down and the notepad disappeared. That just left her looking at me with some confusion, "...If you wanted to be a Hunter or an empower human, why didn't you just become a male Slayer? What was the point in becoming a Hunter as well, Arthur?" she asked and I found no reason to not answer her.

"Well, Slayers don't have resistance to mental control, I don't think, and even if they might, I don't want to take the chance. Compulsion and Spirit Possession are very real threats in 'Vampire Diaries' and I'd rather not try and mess with that stuff, honestly. Plus, there's a decent chance being both a Hunter and a male Slayer will make me even more powerful, so why not wish to be both?" I smiled before stretching my arms and standing up, "Shouldn't I be off then? The sooner your personalized show starts the better, right?"

"Mhm," she nodded with a smile before her clothes suddenly changed to pajamas with little cats all over them, "You're right. Though before you go, I need to tell you some limitations I'll have to put on your wishes. Nothing big but I though you should be aware of them," she smiled.

Nodding, I watched as she opened up a rift in space right next to us before looking back to me and speaking, "Your Hunter and Slayer powers won't activate until your 14-years-old. But you'll still have their combined affinity for combat, martial arts and weaponry, so train well in the mean time. Oh, and the stronger you are before the powers activate, the stronger you'll be after they've been bestowed to you. Got it?" she nodded and I nodded in return, "Good, now enjoy being in a womb for a few months, Arthur~!" she smiled and I suddenly felt a force of incredibly strength push me into the tear in space.

Then I was suddenly in a somewhat cramped place, submerged in water.

Huh. This is pretty...well, it's not neat or good. But it is pretty comfortable...

And with that, I faded away into unconsciousness.