
Vampire Blood-Mage

Levi, Abandoned by his family of powerful mages, stumbles upon a forbidden spell that promises untold power. As he performs the spell, he is overcome by a surge of dark magic that leaves him hungry and transformed. With no one to turn to and nowhere to hide, Levi must navigate a dangerous world of blood magic, while hiding his transformation. His only hope for survival is to correct the spell and regain control over his own body before it's too late. But as he delves deeper into the mysteries of his new powers, Levi realizes that the cost of his ambition may be more than he's willing to pay.

Minty_Squid · Fantasia
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2 Chs

: A Forbidden Spell

My fascination with magic started at a young age. I would spend hours devouring every spell book I could find. Eventually, magic became more than just a skill for me. It was an obsession, a way for me to escape from the harsh reality of my life.

The day after my high-school graduation, I stumbled upon a dark, leather-bound tome with strange Stygian runes etched into the cover. As I ran my fingers over the cover, I couldn't help but think that I'm not supposed to be here, I need to be quick. But if I could just..


My heart is thudding so rapidly it's hard to hear myself think. If I could find my families heirloom spells that would change my life forever. And this book, I don't know why, but I felt drawn to it. My heart continued to race as I stared down at the alluring yet foreboding Grimoire. The spine is marked T. Ainsworth. Ainsworth is my family name, and although both of my parents are Blood-Mages, my mothers family is less prominent.

At this point however, I don't care for either. I don't exactly hate them, but it took both of them to abandon me on a desolate backroad after my Awakening. The Awakening is a rite of passage all eight-year-olds undergo that determine their future prospects. Low aptitudes like me are known as "undesirables". Yet the abandoning of undesirables was uncommon. There are government jobs that pay well enough for survival, they are specifically for those of us that aren't talented. And so here I am "collecting" resources for spell casting and money for the inn. Some would call this theft; I call it an early inheritance.

With shaking hands, I opened the Grimoire to a middle page; the hand writing instantly caught my attention, my curiosity getting the better of me. I started to delve deeper into the pages; reading quickly I discovered a spell that mentioned the Ainsworth family, and reading further, it promised immense power. It's a spell that has been forbidden for centuries, and for good reason. But this is my chance to shove my hard work in their faces, abandoning me was a huge mistake and I am going to prove it.

I collected the necessary blood vials and herbs from my parents' collection and walked into the altar room to perform the spell. My heart still pounding in my chest as I followed the instructions in the book, I couldn't keep my hands from trembling with excitement and fear. I know that this is extremely risky, but how can I pass up this chance? The promise of untold power is far too great.

As I chanted the incantation, I could feel an enormous surge of power coursing through my body. It is unlike anything I've ever felt.. until it became too much for me to handle. I collapsed to the ground, head pounding with pain. My body was convulsing with agony, as if a thousand needles were being driven into my flesh. I tried screaming, but my throat was constricted, my vocal cords paralyzed by the intense pain. I think... I think I might die, this might be it.

When I woke up, I instantly knew that something was wrong. Quickly I stumbled to my feet and looked at myself in the mirror, or at least, it should have been me. I don't recognize the person I'm looking at. This mans eyes are bleeding, his skin is pale, and he looks starved. Suddenly my mind was overcome with an insatiable hunger, I can't think of anything but eating.

I can't tell anyone what I've done, if the Order finds out I've cast a forbidden spell then my parent's finding me will be the least of my worries. I'll likely be executed on the spot. Think, is there anyone I can turn to for help? A high dollar informant might be able to help, or might sell my information immediately after.

I managed to make it to my parents bedroom, stumbling the entire way and I collapsed onto the bed. I couldn't do anything but writhe in my pain, I don't know how long it has been, but I need to leave, I need to eat. I can't think of anything else. I've never felt anything like this before. It was as if every cell in my body was crying out for sustenance. In a daze, I half-crawled out of my parents room and into the dark streets. Not knowing where to go or what to do, I was just looking for something, anything, to eat.

As I wandered through the streets, I felt a strange pull towards a dark alleyway. As I stumbled towards it, my senses heightened, and saw a group of rats scurrying across the ground. Without thinking, I pounced on the rats, sinking my teeth into its flesh. Absolutely horrified, I wanted to runaway but I just couldn't stop. The hunger was too strong.

When I finished feeding, I crawled away, retching and crying, so ashamed of myself. I can't keep living like this. I need to find a way to reverse this spell and regain control over my own body.

But for now, I was alone, frightened, and hungry. And have no idea where to start.

Hi! This is my first book, my goal is around 500 chapters but we will see how the story goes! Please let me know what you think and offer advice if you wish!

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