
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs


A week had passed since Orochimaru's visit to Amegakure, yet there was still no news about the resources they needed to exchange for Jiraiya's release. Jiraiya couldn't help but feel nervous, sensing the angry glares from the men around him. Konoha had yet to send anyone to aid him in his predicament, and he found it unsettling. Nevertheless, he continued to eat and enjoy his time as if he were on vacation. Occasionally, he would visit the orphanage in search of Fukushu, but to his surprise, Fukushu was nowhere to be found.

One of the guards whispered nervously to his companion, "Why don't we just kill this man?"

"We can't," the other guard replied. "Hanzo-sama said that due to the shortage of resources, we have no choice but to wait. Otherwise, we'll be forced to plunder small villages."

A third guard interjected, "Why doesn't Hanzo-sama ask Lord Fukushu about the shortage of food reserves?"

"Don't you remember?" the woman snapped, her frustration evident. "Hanzo-sama dispatched some civilians to infiltrate the orphanage five years ago. But when the seal in the sky was activated, no one reported back. Perhaps he found out and killed them."

The guards let out simultaneous sighs, their hearts heavy with the loss of valuable information.

"Why are you all sighing?" Jiraiya asked, noticing their reaction.

The three guards looked at him oddly and shook their heads in response.

Jiraiya took a sip of water and didn't press further, allowing them to continue with their duties.

Suddenly, a pained moan echoed behind Jiraiya, followed by a thud as a body fell to the ground. Jiraiya swiftly grabbed his kunai, ready to confront the attacker.

"Sakumo!" Jiraiya's heart skipped a beat as he turned around, recognizing the attacker.

Witnessing the attack, the remaining guards decided to flee. They knew that fighting against two Jonin-level shinobi was certain death with only one of their own to aid them. However, Jiraiya's Hair Jutsu moved faster than they expected, ensnaring one of the guards and slamming him to the ground. The other guard met his end with a blade from Sakumo.

A woman, observing the fate of her comrades, realized the gravity of the situation and infused mana into a paper.

"Boom!" Before Sakumo and Jiraiya could eliminate the woman, it was too late. She detonated a large paper bomb, taking her own life. Sakumo and Jiraiya exchanged glances, understanding the urgency of the situation. They needed to escape quickly before the explosion alerted the Amegakure ninja.

Upon hearing the explosion, Hanzo rushed out of his building, flickering through the village, following the direction of the blast.

"Konoha!" Hanzo shouted, as he pursued Jiraiya and Sakumo's silhouettes. The Amegakure ninja, alerted by Hanzo's command, followed suit.

Hanzo unleashed a burst of fire, using his Fire Style: Dragon Flame technique, aimed at Jiraiya and Sakumo. However, Jiraiya countered the attack with his Hair Style Jutsu, blocking the flames.

The clash of steel resounded through the air as Sakumo attempted to strike Hanzo with his sword. However, Hanzo swiftly blocked the attack with ease, demonstrating his exceptional skill.

Unleashing his signature technique, Hanzo called upon his Fire Jutsu. Flames erupted from his palms as he directed a scorching inferno towards Jiraiya, aiming to engulf him in its destructive embrace. At the same time, he swiftly swung his hoe-like weapon towards Sakumo, aiming to catch him off guard.

"You wretched Konoha scum! I allowed your people to leave my village in exchange for resources, and yet you dare to infiltrate and attack us? You ungrateful swine!" Hanzo's voice reverberated with anger and resentment as he launched his assault. In a burst of fury, he delivered a powerful kick to Sakumo's chest, attempting to send him reeling. However, Sakumo managed to block the attack, displaying his formidable resilience.

Seizing the opportunity, Jiraiya swiftly countered Hanzo's onslaught with his Hair Style Jutsu. His hair moved with precision and speed, entangling Hanzo and restricting his movements.

Realizing that he was at a disadvantage, Hanzo jumped backwards to retreat the attack.

Meanwhile, inside the orphanage, a plant began to sprout and a man emerge from the grown plant. "Now that I've purchased some healing potions, it's time to sell them to Hanzo," a red-haired man murmured as he approached the orphanage's exit. Suddenly, he was startled by the commotion outside. "Huh? Why is it so noisy?" he wondered, surprised by the chaos unfolding in the village.

"Fukushu-sama, Amegakure is under attack!" a voice urgently called out.