
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Jiraiya is dead

"What?!" Startled by the report from the child in the orphanage, Fukushu sprinted towards the source of the smoke. However, upon arrival, he was met with the sight of a dilapidated building, the remnants of the recent explosion.

With a calm yet determined movement, Fukushu leaped towards the highest building in Amegakure, seeking a vantage point to assess the situation and determine how he could assist.

His eyes scanning the battlefield, Fukushu observed the intense confrontation between Hanzo and Jiraiya. This time, he approached the fight with a renewed sense of purpose, intent on severing Jiraiya's hair. While he did not wish to kill the Konoha ninja, knowing of his potential aid to the Uzumaki clan, Fukushu aimed to weaken him significantly.

Upon arriving at the scene, Fukushu refrained from immediately intervening, instead watching with a mix of amusement and curiosity. The two Konoha ninja found themselves at a disadvantage, struggling against the formidable might of Hanzo, the Salamander.

"Hanzo the Salamander, have you no concern for your own men? They are falling before us. Let us leave now!" Sakumo shouted towards Hanzo, attempting to sway his resolve as he witnessed the casualties suffered by both Konoha and Amegakure.

In the background, Amegakure chunin, genin, and specialized jonin clashed with their Konoha counterparts, utilizing every tool at their disposal in the fierce battle.

And Sakumo was not alone in his efforts to aid Jiraiya. He had meticulously planned their actions from the beginning, though he had not anticipated the sheer power of Hanzo.

Suddenly, a colossal salamander materialized before Jiraiya and Sakumo, while smaller salamanders spawned by Hanzo began spewing torrents of fire.

"Dodge!" Jiraiya and Sakumo instinctively warned each other, leaping out of harm's way as flames scorched the ground. However, Hanzo was relentless. He performed a series of hand seals, igniting a paper bomb that hurtled towards the two Konoha shinobi, attaching itself to their bodies.

"Boom!" The explosion reverberated through the air, obscuring the scene in a cloud of smoke. As it cleared, Sakumo and Jiraiya were nowhere to be seen. Yet, in the midst of the chaos, Sakumo emerged, brandishing his lightning-infused sword with incredible speed.

"Poof!" The summoned salamander vanished under Sakumo's lightning-charged assault.

"Sakumo, you've grown stronger once again, but I still believe I hold the greater strength! HAHA!" Jiraiya's voice resounded with happiness and excitement as he witnessed Sakumo's speed and technique.

"Sakumo, you may be stronger for now, but can you lend me a hand before you start boasting?" Sakumo retorted, sweat dripping down his face, his fatigue beginning to weigh on him. After repelling the salamander, Hanzo's attention turned back to Jiraiya.

Fukushu, observing the intense battle unfolding, knew that Hanzo still had a trump card up his sleeve. Sensing the impending danger, Fukushu decided not to waste any more time watching and leaped towards a group of Konoha chunin, engaging them in a deadly kunai-wielding spree.

"Why did Magina and Gondar choose this particular moment to go out?" Fukushu couldn't help but feel frustrated by the absence of his comrades at such a critical juncture. He sighed, acknowledging that their absence only added to the already overwhelming number of enemy ninja.

Meanwhile, the Konoha ninja, witnessing their comrades fall one after another, turned their attention to Fukushu. The specialized jonin among them quickly shouted for a retreat, realizing the formidable strength of the red-haired man named Fukushu, as reported in their intelligence. They knew they had to regroup and devise an alternative plan to assist Jiraiya and Sakumo, ensuring they wouldn't become trapped in enemy territory.

"That Fukushu is killing Konoha ninja!" Sakumo said toward Jiraiya with anger in his eyes. He knows about Fukushuand he knows that Fukushu is a strong person, so he wondered why is he bullying the weak?

"How dare you!" Enraged by the apparent disregard shown by Sakumo and Jiraiya towards the ongoing battles, Hanzo lunged at Jiraiya with unbridled fury, wielding his hoe with lethal intent.

"Puchi!" The sharp edge of Hanzo's hoe grazed Jiraiya's arms, causing blood to trickle forth as a numbing sensation spread through his limbs. Jiraiya jumped to retreat as he use needle jizo, Hanzo who expected this retreated.

Still angered by the two, Hanzo summoned his larger salamander, sacrificing a considerable portion of his chakra in the process. The massive creature wasted no time in launching an assault on Sakumo, forcing him to evade its powerful strikes. It was a calculated move by Hanzo, exploiting Sakumo's evasion to focus his attention back on Jiraiya.

With a swift motion, Hanzo aimed a vicious strike towards Jiraiya's neck, intending to deliver a fatal blow. However, a well-timed kunai intercepted the attack, blocking the lethal strike and saving Jiraiya from a potentially dire fate.