
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Healing Salve

After a few days had passed, a masked ninja entered the compound of the orphanage where Magina and Fukushu were conversing. The ninja informed them that Hanzo had invited them to have lunch together. Fukushu and Magina exchanged glances, their suspicion evident, but eventually, Fukushu agreed to go.

They followed the masked ninja as they made their way towards Hanzo's building. Fukushu couldn't help but notice the strange stares he received from both civilians and other shinobi along the way. The scrutiny made him feel self-conscious, and he started walking in an awkward manner, trying to appear more dignified. He straightened his shirt and puffed out his chest in an attempt to project confidence.

Eventually, they arrived at the vicinity of the building, and Fukushu observed that the curious gazes had subsided. He let out a sigh of relief as they entered the building.

"Lord Fukushu."

"Lord Fukushu."

As they walked, shinobi of various ranks and wearing different armors saluted Fukushu along the way. He acknowledged their greetings with a nod and continued towards Hanzo.

"Haha! Fukushu, you're here," greeted Hanzo, his body covered in bandages. He gestured for them to take a seat as he settled himself. "I hope I didn't disturb you, Fukushu," he added, nodding in acknowledgment.

"You did, though," Fukushu replied sarcastically, smirking at Hanzo.

"Haha, you're truly different. Go ahead and eat," Hanzo said, taking a bite of meat and chewing it. "You know, I had my men look into your background, but they couldn't find any information," Hanzo continued, scrutinizing Fukushu as he chewed on his meat again. "The only thing I know is that Magina emerged when the Uzumaki Clan fell, and with your red hair, are you from the Uzumaki Clan?" Hanzo inquired, his gaze fixed on Fukushu.

"You're quite astute, Hanzo. I am Uzumaki Fukushu. The reason I allowed Magina to establish this orphanage here is to ensure that we have someone who can continue our bloodline, albeit in a diluted form," Fukushu replied with a smile, exuding confidence. He hoped that Hanzo would not pose any threat, especially since he was still recovering from his injuries.

"You command Magina? Wait, Magina is your subordinate?" Hanzo asked, visibly surprised by the revelation.

"Yes, I am now the leader of Uzushiogakure, and by coming here, I hope that Amekagure and Uzushiogakure can become allies," Fukushu stated, his smile masking his underlying nervousness. He knew that the war was drawing near, and in order for their village to gain recognition, they needed valuable allies who could support them.

Hanzo simply smiled at Fukushu, peering deep into his eyes as if attempting to decipher his plans. After a while, he extended his hand, signaling for a handshake. Fukushu accepted the gesture, shaking Hanzo's hand. This moment would later be recorded in history books as "The Start of Fukushu."

The two leaders engaged in conversation while Magina excused himself. Fukushu shared details about the fall of Uzumaki and how they had come to be where they were now. He deliberately withheld information about their system, keeping that secret exclusively within the village.

As the sun began to set, their laughter filled the room, signifying the end of their discussion.

Fukushu handed Hanzo a bottle containing green liquid and made a drinking gesture, prompting Hanzo to consume it without hesitation.

Curiosity piqued, Hanzo marveled at the miraculous effects of the substance. The medical ninjas of Amegakure could alleviate wounds and pain, but this was something extraordinary.

"This is one of our medical ninja's products. I can sell it to you, but I have limited stock," Fukushu explained, intending to profit from the sale while also gaining an advantage in their alliance.

"And how much can you provide? I want to purchase a large quantity," Hanzo eagerly inquired, envisioning his soldiers obtaining a second lease on life on the battlefield with this product.

"For now, I only have 200 units available. I can sell them to you for 10,000 Ryo each. How does that sound?" Fukushu proposed, his eyes gleaming with the promise of profit.

Hanzo haggled with Fukushu, and after a while, they settled on a price of 8,000 Ryo per unit. Fukushu was content with the outcome, even though he had reduced his profit margin to 2,000 Ryo per bottle. He still stood to gain 6,000 Ryo per item sold, showcasing his skills as a shrewd businessman.

After their discussion concluded, Fukushu bid farewell to Hanzo and made his way out of the building. Meanwhile, a masked ninja entered, delivering a report to Hanzo. Hanzo's face contorted as he listened to the report.

Unbeknownst to Fukushu, his fight with Hanzo had become known to the major villages. Messages were being delivered to all villages, discussing the news of Hanzo's defeat in his own territory. However, Fukushu remained oblivious to this development, immersed in his walk back to the orphanage with an umbrella he had acquired from the ninja guards. He contemplated how to return without getting wet, unaware of the brewing storm his actions had set in motion.

Meanwhile, discussions and rumors about Fukushu's encounter with Hanzo spread among the leaders of the shinobi world.