
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

The Fight.

"Hanzo, let's fight," Fukushu announced boldly, causing the people in the shadows to emerge, their kunai at the ready, prepared to strike at any moment.

"Puhahahaha! Boy, who do you think you are? You have quite the audacity to challenge me," Hanzo laughed, amused by the young boy's request. He waved his hand, and the ANBU members dispersed, disappearing as if they were never there.

"Are you scared? I heard the Salamander is a ninja god, but you seem more like a ninja cat," Fukushu taunted, provoking Hanzo into sparring with him.

Hanzo glanced at Magina, as if wanting him to intervene, but Magina simply shook his head and smiled at Hanzo.

"Very well, I shall see what moves you have. But if you fail to amuse me, I will kill you," Hanzo said angrily, frustrated at being provoked by a brat. He initially planned to let the boy go with a warning, but the boy insisted on the fight.

Hanzo and Fukushu arrived at the outskirts of the village, with Magina looking worriedly and angrily at Fukushu. Magina wasn't aware of Fukushu's true strength and found his arrogance unsettling.

"I will only step in if he's on the verge of death," Magina muttered, watching the two individuals who were now staring each other down.

"Shall we begin?" Fukushu asked eagerly, jumping into a fighting stance.

"Okay," Hanzo replied coldly, donning his mask and armor.

Hanzo initiated the battle by using his Water Style: Rain Tiger Jutsu, manipulating the raindrops to become sharp blades, intending to gradually wear down Fukushu's strength. Fukushu activated his Shukuchi, vanishing from Hanzo's sight. Hanzo, with heightened senses, scanned his surroundings, waiting to see where Fukushu would strike from.

"Water Style: Water Wall," Hanzo created a protective barrier of water around himself, shielding him from harm. Seeing this as an opportunity, Fukushu dashed through the water, but when he emerged, he found no one there. In response, he unleashed his Fire Style: Paper Bomb Jutsu, attaching countless explosive paper bombs to his feet and hips before abruptly stopping.

"Boom!" An explosion erupted, shrouding the area in smoke. Hanzo expressed his disappointment, believing that he had defeated a weakling.

As the smoke dissipated, everyone's gaze fell upon the battlefield, but Fukushu was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, Fukushu teleported behind Hanzo. Although his body was bloodied from the explosion and rain, his Berserker's Blood ability proved useful, as his punches and kicks became wilder, forcing Hanzo to retreat.

Taking advantage of Hanzo's retreat, Fukushu didn't give chase. Instead, he declared, "First Gate Open, Second Gate Open, Third Gate Open, Fourth Gate Open!" His speed and strength multiplied several times over.

With a resounding "puakk," Fukushu delivered a powerful kick to Hanzo's abdomen, causing him to cough up blood. The spectators became anxious, wanting to help their god, but they were stopped by their leader.

"Summoning Jutsu!" Faced with Fukushu's overwhelming taijutsu, Hanzo summoned his salamander. The salamander unleashed a stream of fire, which Fukushu narrowly dodged.

Fukushu slammed his feet into the ground, causing the earth to crack. Hanzo and the salam

ander had no choice but to move. Seizing the opportunity, Fukushu relentlessly punched Hanzo, who attempted to block the blows with his fists. However, unbeknownst to Hanzo, each blocked strike only fueled Fukushu's vitality due to the assistance of Jingu.

Enraged by the disrespect he had received, Hanzo's salamander spewed even more fire at Fukushu, who retreated to evade Hanzo's counterattack.

Fukushu smiled as he allowed the fire to consume him, his vitality diminishing once again. Seizing this opening, Hanzo unleashed his Lightning Release: False Darkness. Lightning bolts surged towards Fukushu, who failed to evade them. At this moment, Hanzo unsummoned his salamander and lunged towards Fukushu, intent on finishing the fight.

"Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bullet!" Flames erupted from Hanzo's mouth, hurtling towards Fukushu with fierce intensity. The scorching heat enveloped the area, creating a wave of searing fire that crackled and roared.

Fukushu, lying motionless on the ground, braced himself for the incoming attack. His body remained steadfast, not yielding an inch to the onslaught. The flames licked at his skin, leaving behind the unmistakable scent of burnt flesh. Despite the intense pain, Fukushu did not flinch, his determination unwavering.

Meanwhile, Magina, who had intended to intervene and aid Fukushu, found himself halted by the vigilant Anbu, their whispers and reassurances compelling him to stay put. Reluctantly, he complied, his worry and concern etched on his face as he watched the unfolding battle.

Hanzo approached Fukushu, a triumphant grin stretching across his face. He delighted in the formidable fight he had experienced, relishing the challenge that Fukushu had posed. As he closed in on the seemingly defeated opponent, he decided to bestow him with a nickname.

"Heh! How about we call you the Ninja Demi God? It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" Hanzo jeered, his voice laced with both amusement and admiration.

Unbeknownst to Hanzo, Fukushu's body remained still for a reason. A dark violet sphere materialized, encasing both Hanzo and Fukushu within its enigmatic confines. Panic flickered in Hanzo's eyes as he attempted to retreat, only to realize that he was completely immobilized.

A wicked smile spread across Fukushu's face as he stood upright, defying the odds. Within his hand, chakra crackled and swirled, coalescing into a concentrated lightning form.

"Raikiri!" Fukushu unleashed a devastating punch, his lightning-infused strike connecting with Hanzo's abdomen. The impact was shattering, as Hanzo crumpled to the ground, rendered unconscious by the immense force.

The spectators watched in astonishment, their silence broken only by the pattering of raindrops. Slowly, they snapped back to reality, their disbelief giving way to shock and awe. Shinobi rushed forward, concerned for Hanzo's well-being, yet Fukushu reassured them with a confident smile.

"Fear not, everyone. Hanzo will be fine with some rest. He will return to his peak in no time," Fukushu assured them, his voice filled with satisfaction and elation. Deep within, he marveled at the power of his borrowed time, his Borrowed Time of Abaddon, which had turned the tide in his favor.

With a smirk directed at Magina, Fukushu made his way back to his ally, basking in the glory of his victory. The ninja of Amegakure bowed toward Fukushu as respect in his strength and for giving their leader light injury.

Hope you like this chapter, If you want the next chapter just comment and of course, I will write for you.

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