
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Do you want to fight?

"People, today you are in my village, and you will be my people from now on. Each and every one of you has the opportunity to become a ninja if you join the academy. Every family will have their own houses, and as long as you are part of the village, you will never starve," Fukushu spoke to the people with enthusiasm. He talked for about 30 minutes, explaining the different buildings and opportunities available in Uzumaki Village.

After the announcement, the people dispersed, but some children and adults remained, expressing their desire to become ninjas. Fukushu smiled at them, seeing their determination to become strong and help the village. He viewed these people in a new light, realizing that they didn't need as much time to adjust as he initially thought.

Fukushu paid the system, and the Ninja Academy building lit up. He discovered that out of the 80 people who entered, 25 had chosen Taijutsu, 40 had chosen Ninjutsu, and 15 had chosen the path of the Shadowblade. He expected this result, as Ninjutsu was often popular due to its flashy powers, while the Shadowblade path was chosen less frequently due to its difficulty and the preference for operating in the dark. Another 20 individuals opted for the Hospital to train as medical-nin, with 10 choosing to specialize in genjutsu. The remaining 6 people chose the Fuinjutsu building, likely because they were already couples and wanted to pursue it together.

Fukushu couldn't help but sneer at them, muttering, "They shouldn't be here to be lovey-dovey."

"Well, Uzukage, I think you're just jealous. Why don't you find a spouse so that the Uzumaki clan can prosper again?" a woman named Terumi retorted sarcastically.

Fukushu smiled and teased, "Well, Terumi, why don't you and Yon start a family and help our clan prosper even more?" He enjoyed seeing the woman blush and hastily leave in embarrassment. Terumi had believed that her relationship with Yon was kept hidden, but it seemed that others were aware.

Shaking his head at the scene, Fukushu looked at his own status:

[ Uzumaki Fukushu - Uzukage ]

[ Human - Level 21 ]

[ Skills:

- Shukuchi: Level 3

- Berserker's Blood: Level 3

- Fissure: Level 2

- Time Walk: Level 3

- Teleportation: Level 4

- Jingu Mastery: Level 4

- Borrowed Time: Level 1

- Chronosphere: Level 1

- Jonin Rank Taijutsu: Eight Gates Open

- Jonin Rank Ninjutsu: Lightning Jutsu available

Note: You are at Jonin Level, but with perfect utilization of your skills, you can defeat even an S-Rank Ninja.]

Satisfied, Fukushu smiled at his status. He often found himself gazing at it, feeling a sense of accomplishment and contentment. He sat down at his table, sipping his juice, and waited for another level up.

"I think I need to return to Amegakure. The people I left there would be in chaos without me," Magina said with a hint of sadness. He missed Uzumaki Village, but his duty called him elsewhere.

"Let's go together. I'll entrust the villagers to Grandpa, and I also have something to attend to there," Fukushu replied in a dignified tone, smiling at Magina.

Magina felt a mix of confusion and nervousness. He wasn't sure what awaited them in Amegakure, but he hoped that no harm would befall their friends and loved ones.

After giving all his commands to Grandpa, Fukushu retrieved two scrolls of teleportation. He used one of them, and a blue light engulfed them, making them vanish from sight.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

"So, this is Amegakure? My Uzumaki clan is more beautiful than this," Fukushu commented, looking out the window at the tall buildings in the distance. "So it's always raining here? What terrible weather," he thought, criticizing the village. In his opinion, Uzushiogakure was the most beautiful village in the world.

Lost in his thoughts, Fukushu was interrupted by a man wearing armor running towards him. "Magina-sama, it's a good thing you're here. The Amekage and some ninja have come seeking your presence," the man said, gasping for breath from all the running he had done.

"Well, I'll go see them now. Don't worry about it. Make sure to calm the people," Magina replied, running towards the exit to head to the leader's building. Fukushu, witnessing the scene, decided to follow him.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the leader's building. The guards were shocked but didn't block their way.

"Magina, you're finally here," Hanzo said in a serious tone, appearing both angry and calm at the same time.

"I apologize for my late arrival, Lord Hanzo," Magina responded, wanting to avoid any conflict with the Amekage at the moment.

"Well, we saw some kind of large seal last night appearing in your orphanage. The people were alarmed, thinking that we were being invaded. Can you please tell us what that was?" Hanzo smiled, but it was not a happy smile.

A man stepped forward with a smile and said, "That's my jutsu, Hanzo. Do you want to fight?"