
Uroki of One piece.

His past life is slowly playing a major role in making his decisions, “Without enough resources or strength, I will die a no one in this life as well.” “Talent is important too, right?” he asks himself again. “Oh yes! ‘Talent can be cultivated by hard work’ who ever said this, it is true” In an empty room he talks aloud as if he is talking to someone inside him and getting answers, but only one voice is asking the questions and the same voice is answering the questions. A whispering trail of a voice in his head reminded him a few words, “In the depths of the mind, a war unfurls, Where battles rage and hopes are hurled. A symphony of conflict, fierce and wild, Where emotions clash, like a tempest compiled.” Maybe he realized this himself, the voice faded but various conversation is happening in his mind. “I am Uroki of One piece” Disclaimer: My ownership of this novel resides solely with the written content and ideas I have created. The photographs used in this novel are not mine, and I am more than willing to remove them if requested by the rightful owner. I claim no copyrights over any images sourced from Google or the great creation of One peice series. I only write for fun and i support free novels. Forever inspired by Oda- sensei - Hail_D_Hydra.

Hail_D_Hydra · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Prologue Chapter 1: Resolve

Uroki's eyes flickered open to the warm light of a sunbeam piercing through the gap in the modest wooden window blinds. He was in a humble yet unfamiliar bed; the room around him was distinctly not his own. His heart pounded in a disconcerting rhythm and many new memories came into his mind as he comprehended the bewildering truth - he was not in his own world anymore. This was the universe of One Piece, a reality he'd ardently followed in manga and anime back in his original life.

Fragments of his past life began to creep in; he had been a mere low level office worker even at the age of 38, entrapped in the monotonous cycle of everyday life. He was so confused to determine the reality and fiction.

'What am I' keep echoing in his mind. He took a deep breadth to readjust himself.

"I am Uroki of both the worlds" He spoke aloud as if assuring every cell in his body.

Uroki from earth was an avid research-oriented person in his 38 years, he spent most of his day-to-day activity to gather information from various sources and as an avid chess player, he tends to imagine the various possibilities.

Uroki from Louge town is 16-year-old Dock labour, most of his day is physical work and surviving.

These were some major differences he identified and many wrong decisions that he made in his life came next.

Uroki From earth never put his 'research' into action at all.

Uroki From One piece never put 'thoughts' into his action at all.

Two Extremes.

However, it appeared he was now presented with a second chance, a new start for both Uroki origins, a new life of unpredictability and adventure in the grand world of One Piece.

The joy of this realization was immense, yet it was coupled with a daunting sense of responsibility. The stakes in this world were far higher than anything he had ever encountered before.

Wandering through the hustling streets of Loguetown, he absorbed the sights that he had observed these scenes on a screen and in real life before.

Pirates, marines, and civilians roamed around, engrossed in their daily routines. It sparked a surge of thrilling nostalgia yet was underlined by a novel sense of excitement. His mind slowly adjusting to the new reality, he starts thinking on the essential aspects to plan.

As the day's end approached, Uroki returned to his newfound home with renewed purpose. He had been gifted a chance to experience a life full of adventure, to correct the injustices he had read about, and to immerse himself in a world he had only fantasized about. He had truly woken up in another world, and he was ready to meet it head-on.

Aware of the upcoming events from the One-Piece storyline, Uroki recognized the potential dangers and opportunities he would encounter. He resolved to alter the course of the narrative he knew so well and to pre-empt the impending calamities.

His past life is slowly playing a major role in making his decisions,

"Without enough resources or strength, I will die a no one in this life as well."

"Talent is important too, right?" he asks himself again.

"Oh yes! 'Talent can be cultivated by hard work' who ever said this, it is true"

In an empty room he talks aloud as if he is talking to someone inside him and getting answers, but only one voice is asking the questions and the same voice is answering the questions.

A whispering trail of a voice in his head like a background music, reminded him a few words from his memory,

"In the depths of the mind, a war unfurls,

Where battles rage and hopes are hurled.

A symphony of conflict, fierce and wild,

Where emotions clash, like a tempest compiled."

Maybe he realized this himself, the voice faded but various conversation is happening in his mind.

"I am Uroki of One piece"

"Many of my friends in previous world begged me to try talking in front of mirror. Alone just me and my mirror, but I never did that. Now I know what they mean"

'The person I see with my eyes is reality, the variations of same voice in mind and the questions/answers, all come from my reality, and I can shape my reality.'

"My First Mission: Mission Devil fruit"

Strength determines the fate.

The world of One Piece was fraught with peril, and to survive, Uroki would need to become strong. A devil fruit will give him a chance to survive and thrive for what is to come. It would grant him the power he needed to protect himself and those around him.

xx -- -- -- -- -- xx -- -- -- -- -- -- xx-- -- -- -- -- -- xx

The first ray of sunlight snuck through the crevices of Uroki's humble dwelling, and the daybreak marked the commencement of his quest in this strange, familiar world.

As the sun ascended the sky, the quaint town of Loguetown began to stir from its slumber. Shops started opening their shutters, sailors roamed the streets, and Marines carried out their routine patrols. Loguetown, the "Town of the Beginning and End," was waking up, and so was Uroki's ambition.

Back in his original life, he had been an avid fan of the One-Piece series, not so much to consume every chapter, episode, and spin-off available but in his opinion, he is not so great.

'Even if I pose as an oracle, I can live happily' He smiled on that thought.

He has knowledge enough to plan his missions in life and this knowledge was his greatest weapon and guide. And his first mission was clear – find a Devil Fruit, a source of power that could lend him an upper hand in this dangerous world.

Of course, strength was important, but Uroki knows that brute force cannot solve everything. He knew that in the grand scheme of things, raw power could only get one so far. The ability to strategize, to see the bigger picture, to calculate risks, and make the right move at the right time was more critical. And this mission of finding a Devil Fruit required just that - a strategic approach.

To blend in with the crowd and to gather the needed information, Uroki put on the guise of a simple sailor looking for work. He strolled through the bustling marketplace, overhearing conversations, and gathering rumours about Devil Fruits. He sat in crowded taverns, eavesdropping on drunken tales of elusive fruits with magical powers. He visited the local library, poring over old maritime logs and maps, hunting for any hint or lead on the existence or location of a Devil Fruit.

In search of the devil fruit, he started to map the conversations and information he gathered. Every interaction, every conversation, was like a move on his strategic chessboard. With each move, he was getting closer to his goal.

One rumour, in particular, piqued his interest, whispers of a Devil Fruit called the "hardened scale" Fruit, rumoured to be in the possession of an infamous merchant dealing in rare artifacts.

The very idea of a power that could manipulate and control scales intrigued Uroki. He decided then, this was the lead he was going to follow, his next move on the grand chessboard. The game was only just beginning.

Still under the guise of a sailor seeking employment, Uroki embarked on the next part of his strategy. His lead pointed him to a notoriously shrewd merchant known for his collection of rare artifacts.

Uroki understood the challenge at hand - to gain the Devil Fruit, he would need to outwit the merchant, a task easier said than done. Yet, he was undeterred. His resolve was solidified with the image of the Devil Fruit in his possession, strengthening his resolve.

He approached the merchant's shop cautiously, under the dim twilight, just as the clamour of the market was beginning to fade.

The shop was a nondescript building nestled between larger, more imposing structures - an ideal location for a black-market merchant to run his operations without drawing much attention.

Entering the shop, Uroki was greeted by an assortment of peculiar items - ancient maps, strange artifacts, and objects that didn't seem to belong to this world.

The air was thick with dust and the scent of old paper and ink. Amidst this chaos, the merchant sat, his eyes keen and observant, revealing a shrewd mind behind his seemingly benign exterior.

Uroki introduced himself as a sailor with a passion for collecting unique artifacts, a disguise to keep his true intentions hidden. The two engaged in a conversation, a dance of intellects. Uroki was careful to steer the discussion towards the rare items in the shop without directly mentioning the Devil Fruit. The merchant, although seemingly intrigued by Uroki's interest, remained guarded.

The conversation dragged on, as if in a languid waltz. Uroki and the merchant delicately navigated the intricate dance of information trade. Uroki could feel the weight of each word, each gesture, and each pause. One wrong move and the whole game would collapse.

He continued to coax information from the merchant, his words laced with charm and tact, gradually building up a rapport.

Suddenly, a worn-out piece of parchment caught Uroki's eye. It was a shipping log, an item that seemed unremarkable among the collection of the bizarre and rare.

'I can see a pirate logo on it'

An idea took root in his mind. He casually expressed interest in the parchment, skillfully diverting the merchant's attention.

In a stroke of luck, the merchant seemed eager to rid himself of the seemingly worthless item. In exchange for a small amount of his savings and a promise to spread word of the merchant's shop, Uroki secured the shipping log for himself.

His heart pounded in his chest, but he maintained his composed exterior, thanking the merchant for the 'worthless' piece of parchment.

Exiting the shop, the cool night air of Loguetown hit him. Underneath the quiet stars, Uroki could not help but let out a sigh of relief. He held the piece of parchment, a potential map to the Devil Fruit, tightly in his hand.

Back at his humble dwelling, Uroki unravelled the parchment, his eyes scanning the faded words. A sense of anticipation filled the room, the only sound the rustling of old paper. Tonight, marked the true beginning of his journey towards power, a journey marked by strategy and wit. Thus, Uroki was ready to play his game. Potentially a game as long lasting and interesting as a chess game.

Trying to find my writing and narrating style here. Please let me know your thoughts and feed me some stones.

Hail_D_Hydracreators' thoughts