
Uroki of One piece.

His past life is slowly playing a major role in making his decisions, “Without enough resources or strength, I will die a no one in this life as well.” “Talent is important too, right?” he asks himself again. “Oh yes! ‘Talent can be cultivated by hard work’ who ever said this, it is true” In an empty room he talks aloud as if he is talking to someone inside him and getting answers, but only one voice is asking the questions and the same voice is answering the questions. A whispering trail of a voice in his head reminded him a few words, “In the depths of the mind, a war unfurls, Where battles rage and hopes are hurled. A symphony of conflict, fierce and wild, Where emotions clash, like a tempest compiled.” Maybe he realized this himself, the voice faded but various conversation is happening in his mind. “I am Uroki of One piece” Disclaimer: My ownership of this novel resides solely with the written content and ideas I have created. The photographs used in this novel are not mine, and I am more than willing to remove them if requested by the rightful owner. I claim no copyrights over any images sourced from Google or the great creation of One peice series. I only write for fun and i support free novels. Forever inspired by Oda- sensei - Hail_D_Hydra.

Hail_D_Hydra · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Man on Mission

Uroki woke up to the first light of dawn seeping through the windows of his modest abode. His mind was buzzing with ideas and plans as he unfurled the shipping log from the previous day.

Uroki's first stop was the marketplace. He needed supplies and information. His cover as a sailor remained intact as he weaved through the crowded market, making purchases while subtly probing the merchants for any unusual transactions or rumours.

The scarce description hinted at peculiar features - akin to rumors he'd heard about a certain Devil Fruit. A thrill coursed through him, a sensation of grasping at a tangible lead.

Tucking the log securely away, Uroki steeled his resolve. This was not a day like any other.

He wasn't just the sailor seeking work, but a hunter trailing his elusive quarry. He began his day with a renewed sense of purpose.

Undeterred, Uroki decided on a change of course. The path of indirect questioning had led to a dead-end; it was time for a more forthright approach.

But despite his efforts, his queries yielded no significant leads. The mysterious buyer from the shipping log remained an enigma.

With the flowing cool breeze of Logue town, a whispering trail of a voice in his head like a background music, reminded him a few words from his memory,

"The warriors of doubt brandish their swords,

Their whispers of fear, like venomous chords.

But amidst the chaos, a spark ignites,

A beacon of courage, that forever fights."

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and gold, Uroki found himself heading towards the darker side of the city. His quest for the Devil Fruit was far from over, and he was ready to delve deeper, to the places where danger and opportunity walked hand in hand.

Soon, Uroki found himself at the threshold of Loguetown's seedy underbelly, where information was a valuable currency.

If the Devil Fruit was here, in this town, he was ready to dig deep into the shadows to find it, ready to enter a world where danger lurked around every corner, but so did opportunities.

Arriving at a seedy tavern that was known to be a meeting point for the town's more unsavory residents, Uroki took a deep breath and stepped inside.

The heavy scent of tobacco and spiced rum hit him first, followed by the low murmur of voices that seemed to blend with the somber notes of a sea shanty playing in the background.

He moved to the bar, ordered a pint of the local brew, and started to scan the room, his keen gaze studying each patron.

Behind the gruff exterior of these men and women, Uroki could see glimpses of their stories - tales of adventure, loss, victory, and despair. But among them, he sought the ones with secrets to sell, secrets that could guide him to the Devil Fruit.

Casually striking up conversations with the tavern-goers, he weaved an elaborate facade, playing the role of an interested listener.

His words were measured, his questions subtle yet probing. He had dived into the depths of Loguetown's underbelly, playing a dangerous game. But, with every passing moment, he was one step closer to his elusive goal. He was observing everything happening around him casually and trying to figure out the person who could give him a lead on his quest.

Casually striking up conversations with the tavern-goers, he weaved an elaborate facade, playing the role of an interested listener. His words were measured, his questions subtle yet probing.

He had dived into the depths of Loguetown's underbelly, playing a dangerous game. A game he must play.

'Keep your emotions out of decisions' he kept hyping himself. Soon he found his target.

Uroki engaged in a seemingly innocuous conversation with a grizzled sailor, adorned with weathered tattoos.

"You know, I've heard some crazy tales," he started, swirling his half-finished pint.

"Like that one about the fellow who traded a map for an unusual fruit. Sounds absurd, right?"

The sailor chuckled, scratching his bearded chin. "Boy, in these parts, you'll hear tales that could chill your blood or warm your heart. But trading a map for a fruit, that's a new one."

Emboldened by the sailor's receptive manner, Uroki cracked a light joke, "I guess that makes him... a fruiterer?"

The tavern erupted into a blend of chuckles and groans.

Uroki took the opportunity to press further, mentioning the specific details from the shipping log. The sailor, intrigued, introduced him to a rough-looking pirate who claimed to have an uncanny ability to sniff out rare items.

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As Uroki ventured into conversation with the pirate, he kept his humor flowing. He listened to the pirate's tales about unusual treasures, interjecting with light-hearted puns like, "So, you'd say you're pretty 'oar-inspiring', huh?" or "Must be hard to 'navigate' those situations!"

Even in the dimly lit, rough-edged tavern, Uroki managed to carve out a bubble of joviality.

The laughter and camaraderie made the environment a tad less dangerous, earning him a place amongst the regulars.

Uroki continued this dance of wit and inquiry well into the night, building trust and, more importantly, gathering the pieces of the puzzle he needed.

Despite the laughs and jokes, his goal never strayed from his mind. He was here for one thing, and one thing only - to find the Devil Fruit.

As the night deepened, Uroki found himself deep in conversation with the pirate, a man who introduced himself as Skarn, his coarse laughter and weathered features offering a stark contrast to the jovial humor Uroki offered.

Skarn claimed he could find anything for the right price. The idea intrigued Uroki. Could this man help him locate the elusive Devil Fruit?

"Alright, Skarn," Uroki began, an amused smirk playing on his lips, "Let's say I'm interested in acquiring a... rare fruit. Hypothetically speaking, of course."

A spark of interest flickered in Skarn's eyes, and his gruff laughter subsided. "Hypothetically speaking, aye? Well, hypothetically, I might need a little more to go on."

In response, Uroki leaned in, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper.

He felt a knot of anticipation in his stomach. This was it, the point of no return.

"Let's just say, it's the kind of fruit that can make a man more than just a man."

A slow, understanding grin spread across Skarn's face. He didn't say anything for a moment, merely regarding Uroki with newfound interest.

The atmosphere in the tavern seemed to thicken, the noise of the other patrons fading into a dull murmur.

Suddenly, Skarn leaned back in his chair, letting out a hearty laugh.

"Well, Uroki, you sure know how to spin a tale! I think we're going to have some interesting days ahead."

The mysterious exchange left Uroki with a sense of anticipation and unease. His journey into the underbelly of Loguetown had just taken a turn, leading him closer to his ultimate goal.

The road to the Devil Fruit, it seemed, had finally begun in earnest. As he walked out of the tavern, leaving behind the warmth and camaraderie, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something big was on the horizon.

Did i mention this is 4 chapter a week and all chapters on Saturday night ?

Remember, Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Hail_D_Hydracreators' thoughts