
Upgrade System In The Undead Skeleton

In a world where there is no technology and there are ferocious beasts that prey on humans. Humans also become strong to fight the beasts to survive. There is a lonely child who wants to become a warrior to survive and get out of poverty. However... Plans don't match reality, he dies when he's dealing with a beast that's stronger than himself. And when he was about to die, a notification popped up. After that his world began to change...

DragonOfChocolate · Ação
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106 Chs

Chapter 12 Goat Beast (Normal)

The next morning Bobby didn't do his morning routine, because he already had an appointment with his uncle to go out of the village to check the trap he had set at that time.

Arriving at Uncle's shop, Bobby was given a brown armor made of Beast skin and a sword made of Beast bones. What kind of beast it's made of I don't know.

"Quickly put on the armor and sword, we have to leave now before it's too late," said the uncle who was wearing brown armor made of the beast as well as a bone sword that was almost similar to mine. But it seems stronger and uncle looks very cool with a combination of long hair that already has some gray hair and a mustache face.

"Okay uncle" I immediately put on the armor and sword made of the beast. After I put on this armor and sword, I didn't look too thin because it was covered in armor, only my face looked tired and a bit pale.

After that we went to the exit of the village, uncle said to the guard "Excuse me, both of us want to go out to hunt beasts, please approve the request for permission to leave the village"

The gatekeeper then looked at me while pointing his finger at me, "You brought this child too?"

"Yes, I want to take him with me to give him some hunting experience, don't worry, the two of us will only hunt around the village and no more than 5 km from the village," said the uncle to the guard.

"Okay then, what's this kid's name?" "Bobby," said uncle. "Okay, be careful you two," said the guard while writing down our names in his book.

"Thank you" both of us went out the village gate.

"Uncle, why when I left the village at that time, the gate guard didn't record my name in the book?" I asked.

"Oh, they didn't write your name in the check-in book?" Uncle's tone was a bit confused. "Maybe because the guard doesn't want to take responsibility when you don't return to the village"

"Oh, No. wonder at that time he said 'I don't want to be responsible if something happens to you'," I understand why my name wasn't written.

"Well that's that then, let's check the first trap you set first,"

We walked a few minutes to arrive at the first trap point I set at that time. In that trap, there was no sign of a beast passing through it. We proceeded to the second trap.

When we arrived at the setting of the second trap just like the first trap, there was no sign of any beasts passing through the trap. Same with the third trap.

But when we got to the fourth trap, we saw that it had hit something and there was a trail of blood leading into the forest. We both followed the blood trail by running because the blood trail was still new so the beast was not far away.

After a few minutes we ran following the trail about 2 km from the fourth trap we saw a brown goat-shaped beast with a height of about 1 meter and a length of about 1.5 meters. "Normal Goat Beast" uncle also mentioned the name of the beast.

"I'll attack it, you keep your distance and not too close, even though this beast is a normal type and not too strong. If you get hit by his attack you might be in agony if you don't die" said the uncle while taking out of his sword and increasing his speed toward the Goat Beast.

I nodded my head and hid behind the trees.

Mbee... Uncle caught up with the beast and attacked it with a sword that had an aura flowing from it. "Die!" the sword aimed at the beast's head. But the beast was parrying with his horns.


The beast's horn was also covered in the same white aura as Uncle's.

'So this is a fight between a warrior and a beast. An ordinary person who can't use aura will definitely die if faced with this beast.' I looked from behind the trees.

After the clash between sword and horn. Both of them took some distance from each other and stared at each other. Both of them gave off an aura that enveloped their bodies. They both stepped forward to launch an attack at a fast pace.


But the Goat Beast seemed to be slower because one of its legs was injured. So Uncle Jason's speed is faster. When Uncle was about to launch his attack toward its horn, Uncle changed his direction to the right. Yes, uncle using avoid step. Tak!

The Goat Beast missed its attack when half of the beast's body passed uncle. Uncle launched his attack toward the Goat Beast's neck with his sword. "Die!" Swosh... Creak...

The Goat Beast's head was detached from its body. Gludug gludug... the head of the beast fell to the ground and rolled over. It didn't take long for the beast's body to fall. Brak...

Hah Hah... Phew... Uncle even wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"You can come out now boy" after that I came out from behind the trees.

"You are a great uncle, so this is a battle between a warrior and a beast," I said with starry eyes.

"Yes, but this is nothing compared to the battle between a level 2 warrior and a level 2 beast 3 years ago," he said while taking the beast's head and shake's his head.

Uncle took a knife from his pocket and cut open the beast's head. Clack!

Inside the beast's head was a transparent white orb. "This is where the cores of the beasts are, but I heard that there are some beasts that have the cores, not in their heads."

After that uncle started hanging the beast's body on the sidelines of a tree using a rope to draw out the blood from the body of the beast.

"What's on your mind after seeing me a fighting brat?" asked the uncle with a smile.