
Unleashing Marvelous Might: Whitebeard's Abilities in Marvel Universe

John finds himself transmigrated to the world of Marvel. John must navigate the Marvel universe, encountering various superheroes and villains along the way. As he confronts numerous challenges, John's strength and abilities make him a formidable force in this new world. Before you start the fanfic, here's a little heads up: 1) The MC will start as a normal guy who will have to train in order to have strength as strong, or even stronger, than Whitebeard. 2) It's not a harem. I apologize to my dear harem readers. I am not a good enough writer to blend a harem into my story and make it natural enough. 3) This fanfiction will be a cross between the MCU movies and the X-Men movies. I will follow the timeline of the MCU movies, and as for the X-Men movies, it will be a little off from the original as I have to properly merge both the MCU and X-Men worlds. Well, have a good read then. ______________________________________________ Also the cover does not belong to me. If the owner wants me to take it down, it will be done. For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · Filmes
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75 Chs


'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


'Wait a minute, but what is my goal?' John wondered.

In his previous life, his goal was pretty much to make the two ends meet and to survive and oh, also to see the end of One Piece.

Now that he was transmigrated to the world of Marvel, things had changed. He was now a rich guy with abilities of Whitebeard.

'To become the strongest or to conquer this world or to become a hero or villain?' John thought. He knew that he was not a hero type guy who would sacrifice himself for complete strangers. Though he would not hesitate to protect the people close to him.

'I definitely don't want to become a hero as I am not a cut out for that. I am not that selfless, who would endanger myself for others,' John concluded.

As he pondered over his options, John realized that becoming the strongest was not just about physical strength, but also about influence and power. He considered the idea of conquering the world, but it didn't really appeal to him. He was not interested in ruling over other as he found it boring and burdening.

'To become the strongest,' he thought. 'That seems like a good goal.'

With his newfound powers and knowledge of the Marvel universe, John knew that he had the potential to become incredibly powerful. He could take down the most formidable opponents and become a force to be reckoned with.

But becoming the strongest wouldn't just be about physical power. John also wanted to become mentally and emotionally strong. He wanted to overcome his weaknesses and fears, and become someone who could handle any situation with calm and confidence.

He wanted to become someone who could protect the people he cared about, and stand up against any threat that came his way. He wanted to be someone who could make a difference in the world, even if he didn't do it the traditional hero's way.

And so, John set his goal to become the strongest. He would train relentlessly, hone his powers, and seek out challenges that would push him to his limits. He would become someone who could face any adversary head-on and come out on top.

But along the way, he would also remember the importance of staying true to himself. He wouldn't let the pursuit of power consume him, or turn him into someone he didn't want to be. He would always strive to protect those he cared about.

This new goal excited John. It gave him a sense of purpose and direction in this new world. He set out to learn more about his abilities, discovering their full potential and honing his skills to become an even more formidable force.

He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to carve his own path and leave his mark on this new world.

Though deciding a goal and working towards it are two different things after all. First time ever in his two lives, John had a clear purpose, something to strive for. Sitting in the plane and looking out

the window at the vast expanse of clouds, the day, the place and the moment got etched into John's mind, because instead of going with the flow John had decided to actively shape his own life.

His life had completely changed since the day of his transmigration but today was the day he felt like he was truly taking control.

John pondered over this for a while, while looking out of the window. After a bit of a time he emptied his mind and covered the entire plane with his Observation Haki looking for anyone suspicious.

He had checked while boarding the plane, but it cost nothing for him to do again. He looked for anyone familiar that he had seen in the Marvel movies. But he found no one one familiar in the plane.

'SHIElD didn't send anyone to tail me? Or there are already people waiting for me in Russia?' John wondered.

As John continued to scan the plane, he couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and unease. On one hand, it was comforting to know that he wasn't being followed by a potential threat. On the other hand, the absence of any familiar faces could also mean that there were already individuals waiting for him in Russia.

As the hours passed, John's mind began to wander. He found himself reflecting on the past few months and how his life had changed since his transmigration. From being a regular person in his former world, he now possessed extraordinary abilities and found himself embroiled in a dangerous game of power and intrigue.

The plane eventually landed smoothly in Russia, and John disembarked, his senses still on high alert. As he passed through customs and made his way out of the airport, he looked for a cab.

While looking for a cab, John, using his heightened senses, scanned the area for any suspicious activity or individuals following him.

This time, John was successful. He spotted three familiar figures in the distance. If he hadn't seen them in movies before, he may not have even noticed that they were spying on him. John didn't make eye contact with them; he just acted like a curious person who had set foot in Russia for the first time. Well he truly had.

Activating his Observation Haki, John took note of the presence of these three individuals.

Based on his knowledge of the movie plot, John easily deduced that these people could be divided into two groups. One group consisted of a man and a woman, while the other woman who was also spying on him did not belong to the same group as the pair.

Although he had expected the first group to spy on him, John was slightly surprised to see the second woman engaged in the same behavior.

'I can understand why Natasha and Clint are here, but why is Wanda here too? Sent by Hydra? Wanda is only a year older than me. Why would Hydra send someone like Wanda instead of an experienced veteran to spy on me? Maybe it's a coincidence,' John wondered and decided to observe a bit more before drawing any conclusion.

John spotted a cab and, after quickly paying the fare, he requested the driver to take him to a nearby restaurant.


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