
Chapter 39

The phone rings but Gian beats her to it. Taking it ",No phone calls for you ".

"What do you mean ?why are you all behaving like control freaks?"

"Its for your own good, our baby needs to grow up healthy " .he pushes her to the kitchen as he picks the call.

The other person on the line doesn’t say anything meaningful but cuts the line.

"Weird" he says

"What's weird ,who was that?"

"I don’t know, whoever it was didn’t have the courtesy to even say his greetings".

"Gian, I think we should get moving?"

"you mean now ,get moving to where? why the hurry?"

"I will explain later but for now we should be out of here ".he whispers to him

"You are freaking me out, why are you so mysterious? Is she in danger?

Since coming from the hospital you have been all jumpy."

"I have no time Gian ,I will fill you in later but what I know is we need to get her out of this place as soon as possible"

"I thought we had everything settled, has he found her whereabouts?"

"What’s with all this whispering? " she comes in peeling an orange.

Startled they laugh it off but they cannot hide their tense and anxious look.

Throwing herself on the couch ,"What’s going on? you have been behaving quiet funny ,what’s with the mystery?"

"Huh !nothing nothing" he starters

"Gian the way your voice tremors is an indication something is wrong somewhere. did you impregnant a girl?

Does she know where we live, is that why we are packing out all of a sudden?"

With a mischievous smile playing on his face. "How did you know ,is it that obvious?"

"Brown, what the f*** ,what nonsense are you spouting?''

"Gian here couldn’t keep his little Johnny in place .He had managed to poke a beehive".

"You mean? so its true ,Gian how did it happen ,how old is she?"

He knows he had gone too far but that is the only excuse he could come up with .Seeing his disappointed look  he shrugs his shoulders as he gives him an apologetic look.

"Are we in danger ,shouldn’t we report her to the authorities ?Brown maybe if we talk to her she would listen".

"Talk to her ?" he laughs

"The only thing that will calm her down is if Gian marries her and if he does then that will be the end of your brother.

That lady is a psychopath with split personality disorder do you know that he forced him to have sex".

"Gian oh my goodness she hugs him ,you were raped? 

he wants to protest but his throat has gone all dry.

"Did you report her? how long ago was this why didn't you inform me?"

Brown continues with his hoax of a story. "Have you ever heard a case of a man being raped? He would become a joke in society even his family will suffer because of that. Gian cam here to try and heal from all the humiliation and torture but seems like she discovered his hide out."

"Ooh Gian she hugs him you should have told me you know am a hundred percent for you"

If relocating is what will make her madness stop then so be it she looks determined

Gian can’t hep but shed tears ."I will always stand by you hope you know that she brushes her fingers through his thick hair"

Sniffling ",I never knew you cared for me this much"

"Silly I love you even more, and whoever tries to have their way with you they have me to contend with", she shows off her small muscle sending them both to laughter

The phone rings once again this time brown picks it.

Whoever was on the line has managed to make him all mad.

"We need to move". he runs to the bedroom to grab her things

"Did she find us ?

"I guess so"


"Any news?"

"Yes, the phone number went through ".

"that’s good news."

Copying the number he calls his friend from the communications authority

"Sam, help me check its location .How long will it take ?"

"Give me forty minutes"

"No twenty is all I can give kindly get on it".


He parks  meters away from house

he knocks on the door

No response

He rings the bell countless times but nothing.

the neighbors door opens revealing an old lady in the company of cats opens .

"Morning old lady would you telme if the lady is out?" he points to her house

she doesn't like the way he speaks, for a delivery guy he is way too proud.

"what do you want him for?"

"him? doesn't this belong to a certain lady?

she looks at the package inquisitively ,"is that for him?

"ooh its for her?"

"but it has no name on it. are you sure you have the right address?"

twisting his nose the woman is a pain in the ass.

"Would you know where she left to? you see this delivery needs to be signed"

"for a delivery job ,your watch is a luxurious one.it can pay my two years rent and cater for my upkeep"

he glances at it, "ooh this he adjusts it ,it was a gift from a friend".

"so is the wedding ring right ?i have an eye for jewelry I can tell its an expensive one. If you don't mind I can sign for her ,that 's what neighbors are for isn't it?'

she makes a point of grabbing the package but he steps back.

"I can keep it for her till she gets back."

"no need old lady, I shall come back some other time" with that he rushes off.

"what a weird fellow ,if he wanted to court her must he hide behind the guise of a delivery man. love can make one do stupid things.

she laughs if this boys continue this way ,their sister will die a spinster.

Not too long ,her door bell rings

Once again with her cats she makes for the door

On her pouch stands a tall elegant man in a business suit.

His attire screams luxury

She smiles,

"Madam how are you sorry to disturb you at this hour." He seems to be well cultured and courteous.

"Ooh its nothing I am used to seeing handsome men on my front door".

"Ooh know !molly, jenny cruise, dolly get back here.

Squeezing themselves on the little space they make to the neighbors house

"I had opened the door to wide".

Looking at the wide opening" the size won't fit even a toddler.

"Your kids?"

"Yes they are without them I will die with loneliess"

"but i never saw them get out ,how old are they?"

" They are very fast and cunning how could you have seen them? molly is three ,jenny cruise and dolly are two and the youngest is six months. she has refused to it since her mother left".

he feels bad for her, putting his matters aside where could they possibly be at this hour

" Are they your kids? where did their parents go? at your age you shouldn't be stressing yourself with such matters you know".

"am sure they have gone to the neighbors house but she isn't around. They will turn their house upside down."

"you aren't worried they will get lost?"

"they never do, but am worried  about her house."

Seeing her all sweaty and shaking he helps her back to the living room.

"my goodness those babies are a handful" she states as she sinks into her old leather couch

On the far end in a small cartoon box with fluffy blanket a small white kitty is cuddled into a sleeping position

Her beautiful peaceful sleeping face attracts him to her.

He runs his fingers on its head she snuggles in closer for the touch

"She seems to like you ,here she hands him a bowl of milk try if she can feed".

Woken up by his touch she opens her eyes weakly.

The fiery green eyes are so attractive that he picks it up placing it on his lap

"She hasn’t fed since her mother left her".

"Did the mother die?"

"no seems like she went on vacation together with her brothers ,wonderful creatures I must say".

"What! All this time you were referring to a cat?"

"Yeees"..now its her turn to be surprised

"You mean molly dolly jenny and cruise are cats?"

"Of course they are , wait you though they were my little babies?"

She laughs so hard that her stomach is in pain

"Young man I haven’t laughed this hard in ages .I like you".

He continues to feed the cat till the bowl is almost empty

"What’s her name ?"

"Her mother hasn’t named her. She picked up on the streets one rainy night since then she had lived in her care."

"What do you mean her mother hadn’t named her?"

"Jeez! young man you are so slow.

Her mother I mean the owner of the pet ,not like her cat mother".

"Where did she go why would she live her pet all sad and lost, its so young"

"She is my neighbor, she traveled so she had left her in my care".

"The one who stays in that house?"

"How did you know?

"Since I arrived I realized you have been staring at it with sadness in your eyes."

"Oh you are right. a lovely girl just like her little pet but with two overprotective brothers".

The kitten curls in his arms as it drifts to sleep. placing it into its box she holds tightly to his sleeve he can feel her sharp claws digging into his flesh.

"Seems like she doesn’t want to let. Other than her mother no one can hold her closely as you have done".

Holding it closer to his chest a smell of a familiar fragrance wafts to his nostrils.

"How is this possible? Maybe he is imagining things."

Sitting down it doesn’t let go but rather snuggles in closer to him.

"What is the name of her mother?"

"I have never asked but When I saw her she was laughing and smiling her eyes seemed to twinkle with countless stars so I called her starry.".

He remembers how the eyes would twinkle whenever she laughed.as the distant memory plays through his mind he smiles while stroking the cat gently.

"Starry it is then".

The old woman smiles in satisfaction.

"If her mother were around am sure you would have gotten along really well if not  for her overprotective brothers.

What brings you here?".

"Ooh nothing much I wanted on her elder brother but seems like I missed them".

"You are a doctor too? However you don’t look like one."

Laughing ,"I am a business man, being a doctor is not in me".

"I know it suits brown better. But I have never seen you around?"

"I am always on business trips and meetings today I was free so wanted to check on him but guess it isn’t my lucky day."

"Have you checked with the hospital?"

"the hospital? I hate hospitals. I find the smell repulsive".

"Ooh dear you are just like me but where he works isn’t your normal hospital it’s very clean ,you would take it for a five star hotel.

Starry and I once visited him I was surprised by how neat it was. It is like the hospital of the rich and famous

Fixing him a cup of coffee that’s all I have got for now but next time if you visit I will prepare you my famous dish, starry and her brothers always loved it"

Placing the sleeping kitten down he thanks the lady as he takes his leave.

He had harvested more than he had hoped for.

"so the brother is a doctor, now it all makes perfect sense.

my sperm gets lost and she ends up get pregnant by it.

what could they be planning?"