
39 Forever Reserved

"Oh ho. Look at the workaholic now. I'm happy for you kid. Having a midwife follow you two around on vacation is a lovely idea. I hope that they are paying you well for the extra time. Although free travel is probably nice. Since you are here that means you are spending the night." He turns around and grabs two keys. He holds the one out to Cindy and the other he hands to Leo. "The restaurant is having some pretty decent specials today."

Leo takes the key and puts down the cash for the two rooms. "Thank you for that information. As always no one knows that we came here." He leads Kitty out of the room.

Cindy took her key and followed the couple out of the room. Once they are outside she looks at Leo quizzingly, "is it wise to stay at a place you have stayed at before?"

Leo looked over at Cindy. "It'll be fine as this place is a safe place. They won't disclose anything. Jere works for me anyways." He chuckles and walks towards the room. He looks down at the key he was given. 'He changed my room to a bigger one, that must mean he gave my usual room to Cindy.'

"What kind of specials will be at the restaurant? What do you mean by Jeremy works for you? Is there something wrong with the key you got?" Kitty walks beside Leo and wonders why he had a slight frown on his face.

"Depends, if Jere is recommending the restaurant then it must be some really good ones. Ah, that is right I never explained. On the side, I own a few motels so that work goes more smoothly and so I can make it like I never stayed somewhere. There is nothing wrong with the room he gave us. It's just not the usual room I use. Cindy are you in room 7?"

"Nope, I am in room 18. I am glad that he recommended the restaurant. I am starting to feel hungry even though all I did was drive." Cindy looks at her key and wonders where the room is.

"Room 18, that's upstairs on the other side of the building. We're downstairs in room 1. Let's go for dinner then we can go to relax in our rooms after we have eaten." Leo grabs a hold of Kitty's hand and starts to lead the way to the restaurant.

Kitty smiles when he takes her hand and starts to lead the way. 'After tonight there are only two more days left. I'm nervous but I must be strong.'

Leo holds the door open and lets both women in first then follows in afterwards. He leads them to a table in the back and sits down. "Don't worry this table is always reserved. I never know when I will come around. So, they decided to keep this table open for whenever I am in town."

Cindy sits down and looks at the decor. "This is an interesting place. Is it like this at most of the places you visit?"

The manager saw Leo walk in and went to the bar and told them to make the usual drink for Leo. He carried it over along with three glasses of water. "Good evening, Sir Leo." He places the whiskey down in front of Leo and gives everyone water. "It is good to see you again. Is there anything I can get you ladies to drink?" He handed a menu to each of the ladies.

"Ginger ale, please." She had sat down just before the manager came over. She picked up the menu and leaned her head on Leo's shoulder relaxing.

Cindy grabbed the menu and flipped through it. "I'll have a coke or pepsi whichever one you have." She watches the manager leave. 'Interesting, I wasn't expecting all this new information. I wonder if it's like this wherever he goes?'

Leo picked up his drink and took a sip. 'Yup, this is satisfying.' Looking over Kitty's shoulder he looked at the menu. "I would suggest going with one of the specials." He picks up the special menu and hands it over to Kitty.

She smiles and takes the menu. Looking at the three options, she smiles. "I think I will have the chicken stir fry that is on special. It looks pretty tasty. Cindy do you want to look at this menu?" She holds it out to Cindy.

Cindy takes the menu and looks at the options. "I can see why you want the stir fry now. I think I will do the same. That looks too good to pass up." She puts the special menu down on top of her menu and moves it to the side of the table.

The manager comes back with the drinks and hands them out. "Are you ready to order or do you guys need more time?" He smiles.

Cindy orders first, "I'll have the chicken stir fry special."

"I'll have the usual and my girlfriend will take the chicken stir fry as well." Leo orders for both of them. He watches as the manager leaves. "I was thinking that I would spend a little time with you at home before I head back. I don't want to leave you in an unfamiliar place. I know that you'll have Cindy and Luke but I am still concerned. If I drive through the night I will make it back in time."

"No, I will not allow you to do something so dangerous. You need to rest well and drive safely. If you stay home you will not get an adequate amount of sleep." She frowns and glares at him. "I will allow you not risk your safety just because you are being overprotective."

"I don't think it will be wise as well but it wouldn't hurt if you stayed home for a few hours. You don't have to worry. I will be there and so will Luke. Although I have never met the kid if you trust him then he can't be a bad kid." Cindy drinks her pop.

"Okay don't frown. It is not becoming of a beautiful lady such as yourself." He turns and gives her a hug. "I will stay for only a few hours so that I can make sure that you at least know where most of the important rooms are. I do not want you to get lost." He chuckles and drinks more of his whiskey.

"That is a compromise I will agree with. You really like that drink. I don't understand why it's so strong." She scrunches her nose at the smell of the strong alcohol.

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”

― Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own

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