
38 Stopping for the Night

"I only mean to say that I want to have more than one child. If it makes you busier isn't that a good thing? Besides you are more than welcome to stay at my place as well. You can help Kitty with the baby and when I need her to attend the parties we can leave the little one in your care without having to worry." He finishes off his sandwich. "I feel that is probably part of the cause of her exhaustion. My best-estimated guess is that between the baby, the overuse of her powers and the emotional strain; each one of those adds more pressure to her. I know there isn't much we can do for her at this time but I wish there was more we could do." He sighs and drinks the rest of his coffee.

Cindy listens to Leo's answer, "you are more than likely correct." She finishes her food and coffee as well. "Thank you for allowing me to stay at your place with Kitty. I guess my new title will be a nanny." She laughs and stands up, "You two are going to have your hands full. Let's get back on the road." She walks back to the truck.

Leo smiles and shakes his head. "That's not a bad title for you. Let's get this trip back on the road again then." He gets up and walks to the van and gets in. He sets his phone up before leaving this time. Also, before leaving Leo checks on Kitty and sees her sleeping peacefully. He starts the van up and pulls out to start the next five or so hours of their trip.

Kitty woke up after four hours of napping. She lightly stretched and looked at Leo in the rearview mirror. 'He seems pretty focused maybe I should just eat a snack and let his focus.' Looking beside herself she grabs the container that had the cheesecake and opens it up quietly. She starts munching on a macaroon.

"How do you feel?" Leo heard the rustling from the bag and looked back at her in the rearview mirror. 'She looks awake now and not so tired. Was it really just sleep that she needed?'

Kitty jumped a little by the sudden question. "I'm not as tired anymore." Feeling his gaze on her she looks into his eyes, "I really just needed sleep darling. How far away are we from the next stop?" She finishes off the macaroon and pulls out another one.

He looks back at the road. "We have been making great time, so maybe about thirty minutes. I am glad that you able to catch up on your sleep but I find it strange that you are sleeping so much now. Are you sure there isn't something else going on?"

"I've had bouts of drowsiness like this in the past. My powers were used too much in my unstable state. It was bound to happen. I am recovering now while I can before I suffer from the loss of my people." She looks out the window sadly eating the macaroon watching as the scenery changes. "Do you want a macaroon?"

He keeps his focus on the road. "If that is the case then there is nothing we can do. Don't use your powers unless you have to. My place is safe for you so there isn't any reason for you to use your powers. The only ones who I will allow to come to visit are Will and Sam. If I need to hold a meeting I can do it at one of my other places. At least until the baby is born. I'm good, I'll eat when we arrive in town."

"That seems fair but won't they find it odd that they can't go to the home that you normally reside in? Mmmk." She finishes the third macaroon. And digs out her bottle of water and finishes it off. 'I am starting to feel hungry which is a good sign. Less tired more hungry but will I be able to sleep tonight?' She tilts her head and places her pointer finger on the right side of her chin while thinking.

He looks up and watches her facial expression. "They don't know what place is my main house and with Luke at the place, I never have company there, so it won't be any different from normal." He reaches the outskirts of the town. He drives to the motel and parks in front of the office. "What's on your mind?"

I was just thinking if I would be able to sleep tonight because I've been sleeping so much…" She looks at the building and transforms her ears and tail fade away. She hops out of the van and stands up. "Mmmmm. It's good to be able to stand up."

Leo gets out of the van and walks up behind her. "If you can't sleep, I am sure I can find a way to tire you out." He whispers this into her ear seductively. He engulfs her in a hug and rubs her belly feeling the baby kick. "We should check in and get some food.

Cindy parked next to Leo, got out and walked up to the couple. "We are two-thirds of the way there now. I'm so glad to get a break from driving. So this is the motel that we will be staying at? It looks like a decent place." She watches the intimacy between the two. 'It's obvious to anyone who sees these two together, that they were meant for each other. I wonder whether it'll be a girl or a boy?' She smiles and then asks, "do you think you will have a girl or a boy? I know you don't know so I was wondering what your guess would be. I think it could be a boy."

Kitty was blushing from what Leo had stated and Cindy's comment made her blush even deeper. "It does look like a nice place. You already know all I care for is a healthy child but I have to disagree with you I think it'll be a girl."

"This is a great place to stay at. I'm sure the rooms we get will be good. As for me, I think it'll be a boy as well but I could care less if it is a boy or a girl I just want both Kitty and the baby to be healthy." He lets her go and leads the way into the office. "Hey, Jere. How's it going?"

Jeremy looks up from the book he was reading. "Well if it isn't Leo. Don't you ever get tired of work?" He looks over at the two with Leo. "Now wait a second. Where did you find these beauties?"

Leo chuckles, "I am actually on vacation. I thought it would be a good idea to travel with my girlfriend before our child arrives. This is Kitty my loving girlfriend and her best friend Cindy."

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." Kitty smiles and gives a small bow. She leans her head on Leo's shoulder.

Cindy looks at Jeremy and smiles. "Hello. I'm Cindy. I traveling with these two to keep an eye on the baby. I'm Kitty's midwife and someone has to make sure she doesn't overexert herself."

The emotional built up for these past chapters has been rough but I am pleased with how they have turned out. More fluffy chapters to come.

The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.

--Jim Goodwin

Shirokitsunecreators' thoughts