
Universal Insanity

(WARNING: This novel contains graphic language, highly disturbing subjects, sexual content, and detailed gore. Reader discretion is highly advised.) After escaping a highly advanced alien research facility, Lucius mysteriously found himself alone, stranded on a ruined version of Earth, filled to the brim with monsters. He spent centuries living in that world with only his highly advanced full body armor suit, surviving by eating monster flesh. His previously black hair turned white, and his sanity broke down countless times. While living in that world, he discovered that the aliens did something to his brain, and that brain had numerous abilities, such as manipulating his own mind as if he was fine-tuning a piece of software. On one particular day, he was tired of everything and decided to "sleep" for an unknown period of time, sort of like an indefinite hibernation. But suddenly, he was dragged into another world. This world was a medieval fantasy world. Thus, realizing that he was mysteriously set free, it was finally time for him to do the things he wanted. * * * * (Releasing usually every Tuesday at 6 PM GMT +7.) [Author Note] Hello, I am writing this novel as a hobby. So I will not be monetizing it here on Webnovel. Please add this to your collections if you enjoy it! I don't upload frequently due to me being busy with university. But, I am open to donations on ko-fi! I'll try to dedicate one chapter of around 2,000 words for one donation. Here is my ko-fi link: https://ko-fi.com/drakonus

Lord_Drakonus · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Chapter 24 - Change of Plans

Due to the sudden influx of advanced scientific knowledge given to Lucius by the mysterious man, his plans of slowly advancing his kingdom into a modern country had to change.

In his office, Lucius was drawing up the plans of changing everything. It was already a few days past the mysterious man's visit.

From what he knew, the mysterious man had given him more than a thousand years of scientific knowledge from the current era of Earth-0.

As for why it was specifically knowledge from Earth-0, he didn't know.

But he could guess that it was somehow connected to the mysterious man's message of finding his lab on Earth-0.

His plans of a so-called slow technological development was supposed to take a few decades to achieve, considering that he first had to get his people educated.

But now, he could shorten it to about less than a decade.

The first obstacle was the schooling system. Currently, he was just using the 21st century model of schools which he had modified.

With the knowledge he had gotten from the man, he could already design a full dive virtual reality system that could let the students study for a whole 15 years in just 1 year.

Due to the extremely complex way of doing it, quickening the time that a person experiences inside of their sleep was only made possible in the 27th century according to Lucius' newly received knowledge.

Thus, prior to the discovery of the technology, previous full dive VR system time could only move at the same rate as real life time.

Over time, the technology evolved from only a difference of 2:1 to a 3:1, and so on and so forth.

With the current known technology, any full dive VR system time could run at a maximum of 40 times faster than real life time. However, going through such a ridiculous time difference would almost always harm the user's brain.

So the safest maximum time difference was a 20:1 ratio. However, even at that ratio, there was a time limit set to only a maximum of 5 hours in real time.

Lucius planned to make his full dive VR system's time difference at a 15:1 ratio.

However, given how it was extremely complex to make and mass produce in his kingdom's current technological prowess, he could only make a few of them at a time.

While playing with his newly invented ballpoint pen that he was now selling through one of the companies under the Dragon Group, he was having a pretty intense internal monologue.

'In the end, those robots will soon become useless. Though I can still use their AI in the VR environment.'

'The server-related issues would be a problem as well. I need to educate my current software and computer engineers with the sufficient knowledge.'

'All of them are from the current Earth-0, so it shouldn't take them years since I'm sure that they're familiar with it.'

'Next, I need to hurry my acquisition over the Enrivier Empire. This continent is in and of itself smaller than the continents of Earth. If I could give it a guess, based on the current world map, the continent's size is a bit smaller than Australia.'

'They didn't even bother naming the continent. And there was not a single mention of other continents in the books.'

'So there's either no other continents in this planet, or they're so far that the inhabitants of this continent couldn't reach them. I guess in a way, the second one scenario similar to what America was.'

'I need to make other means of transport as soon as possible. In order to satiate this insane desire of mine, I need to escape this damn continent first.'

'Fuck, why did I agree to myself to do this? I could just conquer this continent as a whole, right? Right?'

'Well, nevermind. I have to also focus on the war. It seems that the Zurgs are planning to invade our trade route with the elves. But oh well, after carving that long fucking tunnel through the mountains, I've already placed the former Earth-0 soldiers to guard it.'

'They'll probably need help just in case, so I'll be sending some soldiers from Heimer this time.'

'Now that that's out of the way, let's progress my plans of making the internet. The full dive VR system would also need it. I can't use satellites right now, so I'll make do with signal towers.'

'Computers would also need to be somewhat widespread before the adoption of the internet, so I'll first distribute them to the academy students and government workers.'

'And now for the toughest part. I need to introduce electricity to this kingdom.'

Shockingly enough, Lucius hadn't yet introduced electricity to the citizens' lives.

Even though the academy's robots and various other electrical devices either brought from the crashed spaceship or made from the synthesizers were running on electricity, they were either self-powered or were running on batteries.

Even the concept of electricity was already taught to the academy's students.

To make electricity, he first had to build the proper infrastructure.

He already decided to not use fossil fuels since they would polute the kingdom.

'Solar panels are the best case scenario right now. Heimer's territory consists of mostly grasslands, and only about 30% of those grasslands are used by people.'

The current knowledge that he had would make him capable of building solar panels with 95% efficiency. This percentage of efficiency was still a mere pipe dream back when he was still on Earth-0.

'The problem is the materials. I need to scrap the spaceship's materials again for them. If I get lucky, I could get all the future material necessities from mining the mountain range. But for now, I can only get them from scrapping the ship's parts.'

'The mining speed has been lacking compared to the amount of resources I've been using. I was lucky that the mines were full of a diverse range of minerals. But I'm sure that we'll soon be dry of it.'

Suddenly, Lucius widened his eyes at a new idea that took shape in his head.

'That's it! I can just get the resources from the other kingdoms and empires in this continent. I will just be taking them from underground.'

'Plus, I won't take everything from them, since that will just invite trouble for my kingdom. First, I will need to survey which parts of the continent is rich in which minerals. I will prioritize the unoccupied mining areas. If there are already mines, I will only choose the mines that are remote enough. Then, I can just kill the workers.'

'To make sure that my secret mines wouldn't be able to be detected, I need to make sure that no one approaches them using any means possible.'

'Fucking hell, this such a stupid plan now that I think of it. Oh well, I could venture out to find other continents, but that'll take too long. Even though I can live pretty much forever, I don't like wasting time.'

While he was busily thinking up some alternate plans, Sebastian suddenly bursted through the door.

Lucius was going to remind Sebastian to knock first, but he could see that it was an emergency, so he let it slide.

"Your Majesty, they have started!"

I've been increasingly forgetful of what I had written in the past chapters due to the long time stretches in whcih I'm not writing this novel. So please point out if there're any plot mistakes or out of place errors in any chapter. You can be angry about those errors or whatever, I hate that kind of stuff as well. Nevertheless, if you haven't yet, please add this to your collections too!

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