


I'm a programmer. I write as a hobby. You can donate to me here: https://ko-fi.com/drakonus

2019-05-06 UnidoIndonesia



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  • Lord_Drakonus
    Respondeu a Avlenz

    Also, forgot to say this, but when was the MC ever portrayed as naive? I might try to rewrite that part since he's not supposed to look naive. In these early chapters, I was trying to portray him as someone who had a lot of secrets and was holding himself back.

    Ch 2 Chapter 1 - Entering A New World
    Universal Insanity
    Ficção Científica · Lord_Drakonus
  • Lord_Drakonus
    Respondeu a Avlenz

    It gets more brutal later on, don't worry. The first few chapters are pretty tame for the sake of worldbuilding.

    Ch 2 Chapter 1 - Entering A New World
    Universal Insanity
    Ficção Científica · Lord_Drakonus
  • Lord_Drakonus

    Okay, he's part of the problem. At first I thought that he's going to tell the truth and that no one would believe him. But he's just digging his grave deeper.

    Somehow, Hajime felt a bit guilty upon seeing the pity and concern on Akamine-sensei's face that he just hang his head down low in embarrassment. There's no getting around this, that much Hajime knew. "I ditched it," He responded, hoping that saying the truth would at least minimize his punishment.
    A Book Can't Be Judged By The Cover
    Realista · DaisukiDayoSenpai
  • Lord_Drakonus

    Ok, I stand corrected. Author is either British or Australian.

    "Good morning there, mate! Seems like you've decided to work earlier than usual, huh."
    A Book Can't Be Judged By The Cover
    Realista · DaisukiDayoSenpai
  • Lord_Drakonus
    Respondeu a Lord_Drakonus

    Correction: Only a few countries have them. Among them, most are English-speaking countries like the US, Canada, UK, and Australia. Generally speaking, 90% of the world don't have the culture of maintaining lawns, and this includes Japan.

    After running toward the fence of his neighbor, Hajime cleared it by doing a vault and landing on the neighbor's lawn. He lurched forward due to the momentum but he soon picked himself up, accelerated, and jumped upward, grabbing the edge of the roof and prompting himself upon it so he could commence his escape.
    A Book Can't Be Judged By The Cover
    Realista · DaisukiDayoSenpai
  • Lord_Drakonus

    Who tf is Satoshi?

    Este número foi suprimido.
    A Book Can't Be Judged By The Cover
    Realista · DaisukiDayoSenpai
  • Lord_Drakonus
    Respondeu a Yamette_Kutasai

    Also, let me ask you this. Do animals care about nature? Of course they don't. Their instinct is just to survive and thrive. That's just the basis of life. You're saying that most humans don't care about nature, but ironically, mot caring about nature is more natural than caring about it.

    You, piece of shit, I hate you to the core. I hate all humans. I feel like vomiting just from looking at your disgusting face. You, humans, are vile creatures that would even kill their own kins. I find those wild beasts better than you lowly creatures. I can't stand a second in front of you."
    My Wife is the Asura Empress
    Fantasia · thewhitesnow
  • Lord_Drakonus
    Respondeu a

    You're basing your arguments from fiction. It's just impossible for these races to be far less destructive than humans. Logically speaking, the technological development of a society is parallel to what they take from their surroundings. Humans weren't always as destructive as we are now. Think back to the pre-industrial era of humanity. Human-related pollution was almost nonexistent. Yes, we did cause a lot of animal species extinction, but those were because of overhunting. You might think that that's exclusive to humans, but nope, even chimpanzees do it. So it's pretty much just primal instinct.

    You, piece of shit, I hate you to the core. I hate all humans. I feel like vomiting just from looking at your disgusting face. You, humans, are vile creatures that would even kill their own kins. I find those wild beasts better than you lowly creatures. I can't stand a second in front of you."
    My Wife is the Asura Empress
    Fantasia · thewhitesnow
  • Lord_Drakonus
    Respondeu a Yamette_Kutasai

    Even elves are destructive. Their food, clothes, buildings, and many other things, are all made of natural resources. You cannot create something out of nothing. Logically speaking, a give and take process is absolute.

    You, piece of shit, I hate you to the core. I hate all humans. I feel like vomiting just from looking at your disgusting face. You, humans, are vile creatures that would even kill their own kins. I find those wild beasts better than you lowly creatures. I can't stand a second in front of you."
    My Wife is the Asura Empress
    Fantasia · thewhitesnow
  • Lord_Drakonus
    Respondeu a Yamette_Kutasai

    Are you sure about that? All other apes have been shown to have just as much greed and destructive behaviour as humans do. It's just a matter of intellect. Other apes can't utilize a human-level intelligence as its tool for their greedy and destructive behaviour. These Asuras however, have the same behaviour and intelligence as humans. I can assure you that these Asuras are the same as humans. They only pick and choose whether they think what they're doing is destructive or not. The world revolves around give and take. To make something, you have to take it from another thing. Creating something out of nothing is literally impossible.

    You, piece of shit, I hate you to the core. I hate all humans. I feel like vomiting just from looking at your disgusting face. You, humans, are vile creatures that would even kill their own kins. I find those wild beasts better than you lowly creatures. I can't stand a second in front of you."
    My Wife is the Asura Empress
    Fantasia · thewhitesnow
  • Lord_Drakonus

    If anyone's willing to draw an anime-styled portrait of Elizabeth for free, please tell me. I would be really grateful, and I'll use it for the cover art. I'll even credit you in the novel's description.

    Ch 18 Chapter 17 - Hot Steamy Night (Part 2)
    Universal Insanity
    Ficção Científica · Lord_Drakonus
  • Lord_Drakonus

    This is a more recent review of my own novel. It's not joke review, and I would like to dedicate this to people who are interested in reading this novel. The start is a bit slow due to the worldbuilding, but worry not, things will kick in. You might think that there's a lack of action and romance at the start, but again, don't worry. Things will truly start to consistently progress after a certain torture scene. Anyways, this story is actually hardcore sci-fi disguised as fantasy. So I hope you guys won't mind if the story switches genres in later parts.

    Universal Insanity
    Ficção Científica · Lord_Drakonus
  • Lord_Drakonus
    Respondeu a horrendous_potato

    Probably someone religious. They can't bear seeing someone talk about "God" negatively. Thank God I'm an atheist(Pun intended).

    If this so-called god that everyone here liked so much was so powerful, why did the food served we eat taste so horrible? Why did our parents abandon us?
    Ranking System
    Fantasia · BrighterThanBlue
  • Lord_Drakonus

    You all*

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Ranking System
    Fantasia · BrighterThanBlue
  • Lord_Drakonus

    You are*

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Ranking System
    Fantasia · BrighterThanBlue
  • Lord_Drakonus

    This day and age*

    There were cases of people bullying one another before one turn at eighteen. And once they have aged for the system to count. The cases of a victim killing the bully are pretty standard. That's why bullying is rare in this day in age.
    Ranking System
    Fantasia · BrighterThanBlue
  • Lord_Drakonus

    Would have, not "Would've". The latter is not correct. Btw, these simple grammar mistakes are making me annoyed. They're so simple that you would learn about them when you learn English for the first time.

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Ranking System
    Fantasia · BrighterThanBlue
  • Lord_Drakonus

    This one doesn't make sense context-wise.

    "Nene. Let's buy an artifact without some people affecting our minds."
    Ranking System
    Fantasia · BrighterThanBlue
  • Lord_Drakonus

    Should be "Charles' " or "Charles's", both are grammatically correct by the way.

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Ranking System
    Fantasia · BrighterThanBlue
  • Lord_Drakonus

    Even though it's grammatically correct, "We have" is the best choice here. Using "We've" just sounds clunky and not natural.

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Ranking System
    Fantasia · BrighterThanBlue