
Chapter 17 - stickers

Aviana's pov :

I woke up with my feet hanging off the bed and someone placing stickers on my face.

" roarrrr" I shout scaring chlo.

"Ahhhhhh, hey that's not fair." She speaks dropping the rest of the stickers.

"And neither is sticking a bunch of stickers on my face. Now let me just have a shower and wash my face." I said  making sure I left out the bit where I feel sick.

You know that nasty taste you get when your about to be sick well I got it but I didn't throw up.

I walked into the bathroom connected to chlos bedroom and splashed my face with cold water.

Once I could see without a blurry vision, I  locked the door and turned the shower on. I got in, the hot water steaming as it pierces my skin.

As I got out I realised that I had no clothes or a towel . "Colby can you bring me some clothes and a towel please." I shout still in the bathroom.

He didn't say anything but I heard footsteps coming towards the door " can you let me in then ?" He said while knocking on the door.

" no, I have nothing on" I spoke back opening the door abit so I can grab the clothes. Every time I went to get it he'd pull them away " colbyyyyy" I say frustrated

" it was worth a shot" he said hading me my clothes and laughing.

Once I was fully clothed I put my towel and old clothes in the laundry basket and left the bathroom.

I looked around the room and couldn't see chlo anywhere. I took deep breaths to calm down I haven't checked everywhere.

" Chlo, baby where are you? You need to get dressed."I spoke trying to find her.

" roarrrr!" She shouts from under the bed.

"Ahhh, oh no don't eat me." I said sarcastically but she didn't know.


It's about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I'm just sat in my room waiting for the guys to come back with the food except for Colby he stayed. They left about 20 minutes ago taking chlo and matias so they should be back soon.

I got bored so I turned on the tv and put YouTube on. I typed in Jerry springer and as I went to put it on.


I rushed to the window to see if there was police and there wasn't.

"Get out !!" I heard colby scream

I rushed down stairs to see what was going on, until I saw three fat men in the living room punching Colby.

I started to have a panic attack but I knew I had to do something. Two guys were attacking Colby shouting at him for money.

The other guy wouldn't let me downstairs. " let him go! He hasn't done anything you fat twats!!" I shouted and shouted but they didn't listen.

I threw my shoe at the door to distract the guy at the bottom off the stairs. I ran down and tried my best to push the guys of Colby.

I helped a bit until the other guy grabbed me from behind and made sure I couldn't do anything.

Just in time the guys came back. I heard there cars but I don't think they did.

I smacked knowing they would help.

"Honey, were ho... wtf!" Noah greeted.

That's when it all really started. I elbowed the guy in his stomach and grabbed his gun from his waste band.

I pointed it at all of them even the guys locked scared. I'm not thinking straight. I'm holding a gun. And it's not pink and doesn't hold a speck of glitter on. Who am I? 

Before I knew it one guy came at me and the gun was loaded then fired. The same happened to the other two guys.

Colby looked at me through his black eye with his busted lip on his mouth wide open.

" what can I say. Don't mess with a girl on her period." I spoke putting my hair behind me.

I walked into the kitchen shouting " so, where's the food at?" Then in cane Emmet with the kids that were outside and the bag of food.

I heard colby giving the guys orders about hiding the bodies and to let me cool off.

I gotta say that felt gooooooood !


So I'm posting today to clear my mind something terrible happened but I hope you like this anyway. Vote comment share please

                    ~ kadie