
Unfolding Journey

In a world fueled by weapons crackling with potent energies and humans channeling their own unique power, a delicate equilibrium hung in the balance. These energies, distinct in nature yet intertwined in essence, held the key to extraordinary possibilities when united. Within this realm, where boundaries blurred and destiny entwined with the convergence of elemental forces, a tale of unwavering determinations began. Nikhil, a young and courageous soul, found himself saving a life teetering on the edge of existence. The wounded figure, barely clinging to the threads of life, possessed an unyielding spirit despite the severity of their injuries. Recognizing the profound resilience within the stranger, Nikhil extended a helping hand, providing essential treatment and a much-needed shelter. As the days passed, an unspoken desire for something greater began to take root within their hearts. Nikhil and his newfound companion, whose motivations remained shrouded in mystery, yearned for a future that transcended the boundaries of their current circumstances. It was in the pursuit of this shared aspiration that they made a life-changing decision – to embark on a journey towards becoming knights, seeking the esteemed ranks of the academy. For Nikhil, the dream of becoming a knight was interwoven with visions of royalty and leadership, a deep-seated yearning to ascend to the throne and shape a kingdom worthy of admiration. The allure of power and the potential to enact meaningful change propelled him forward with unwavering determination. On the other hand, his enigmatic companion's drive stemmed from a motivation known only to him. A hidden purpose burned within his soul, pushing them to seek a path beyond ordinary comprehension. With each step taken on this journey, their true intentions remained veiled, revealing themselves in tantalizing glimpses that left Nikhil both intrigued and mystified. And so, their shared odyssey began, marked by a resolute resolve and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, skills, and the honing of their abilities. United by a common goal yet propelled by their individual ambitions, Nikhil and his mysterious companion ventured forth, ready to face the trials and tribulations that awaited them on the path to becoming knight.

Whuknows · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs



The night passed by and a new morning dawned with the sun shining brightly in the sky, and unfortunately, Nikhil's disappointment was evident as he sold his bundle of wood at a lower price. He was aware of time approached Shiven, as he entered Shiven's room, Nikhil's worried expression caught Shiven's attention. Sensing his friend's concern, Shiven asked about his earnings, to which Nikhil replied with a hint of worry in his voice In response, Shiven proposed a solution to their financial predicament. Intrigued, Nikhil eagerly inquired about their potential venture. Shiven confidently suggested joining the Elite force as weekend knights, which piqued Nikhil's interest.

Nikhil was taken aback by the suggestion. But his spirits soared as he recognized the potential for personal growth. The idea of working as knights resonated with him, offering a chance to earn money and improve their skills simultaneously. Nikhil's initial surprise at Shiven's suggestion quickly turned into enthusiasm. However, a moment of realization brought a somber tone to Nikhil's voice. He acknowledged the looming hurdle they would have to overcome: passing a rigorous duel test. The weight of this upcoming challenge cast a shadow over their previously lifted spirits, reminding them of the task that lay ahead.

Then Shiven shared valuable insights about the different levels of missions with Nikhil. While putting books in his bag, he explained that the easiest missions, known as D rank, involved finding lost items or providing services without the need to fight. The fight probability in these missions ranged from zero to ten percent. Moving up the difficulty ladder, there were C rank missions, primarily focused on protection, with a fight probability of twenty to forty percent. B rank missions encompassed various types of tasks, with a fight probability of fifty to seventy percent. A rank missions posed a higher level of challenge, with a fight probability of ninety to one hundred percent. Shiven opened the last book, which he was going to put in his bag, and mentioned the existence of S rank missions, known for their high level of difficulty. These missions represented formidable challenges that demanded exceptional skills and capabilities. Finally, he noted the enigmatic SS missions, emphasizing the gravity of their difficulty and suggesting that the book says not to think about these missions.

Nikhil was listening intently as Shiven explained the different levels of missions. His interest in becoming a part-time Elite Knight was growing with each passing moment. They discovered that starting with the easier D rank missions was a feasible plan. Shiven reassured Nikhil that they would prepare diligently for the upcoming duel test and expressed confidence in their abilities to pass. Encouraged by his friend's support, Nikhil smiled back, "Let's do it then. I'm ready to become a weekend Elite Knight." The enthusiasm interrupted "First Academy." With that, they set off for the Academy, ready to embark on their journey.

After a few moments, they entered the classroom and greeted their teacher and classmates with respect. Anshuman began the lesson by introducing the concept of Nama energy, capturing the students' attention instantly. Nama energy was described as a unique energy that could be harnessed to enhance the properties of matter. The teacher emphasized that controlling this energy was not as difficult as it might seem, but it required both strength and focus.

The students learned that a person's strength determined the amount of Nama energy they could control, while intense focus enhanced their control. Once a person had experienced Nama energy, they could start visualizing the frequency of Nama energy for its manipulation. Different types of matter possessed different frequencies and that's why they varied in their energy intensity. Wood, with its moderate energy, was often used as a training material for beginners. As students progressed, they could transition to training with metal for a more intense experience.

The recovery rate of Nama energy differed among materials, with wood recovering the fastest, followed by clay and then metal.

Overall, the students gained an understanding of the nature of Nama energy, its relation to matter, and the importance of strength and focus in its control.

Then Anshuman led the class to the training ground, filled with anticipation. He held up a slender stick and explained that he would activate its nama energy. One by one, the students had to hold the other end, to observe its frequency. Intrigued, the students watched as he initiated the process. The stick came alive, emitting a captivating sky-blue glow that illuminated their faces. Its ethereal light danced and flickered, enveloping them in a mystical aura.

First in line was Karan, he approached the stick with intense focus, moments stretched into minutes as he meticulously analyzed the frequency, his focus unyielding.Satisfied with his findings. Karan stepped aside, making way for Nikhil, a studious soul eager to learn, immersing himself in the pulsating energy. Time seemed to stand still as he delved deep into the enigmatic frequency, his face a reflection of both awe and comprehension. Nidhi's turn came next, and she effortlessly connected with the stick's vibrations. Gasps of astonishment escaped the lips of her classmates and even the teacher, marveling at her seemingly effortless grasp of the stick's ethereal vibrations.

Shiven, the epitome of steadiness, followed Nidhi. He closed his eyes, allowing the waves of energy to wash over him, seeking resonance with his own inner rhythm. Taking his time, he absorbed the pulsations with measured precision, he showcased an unwavering patience that spoke volumes of his commitment to thorough analysis.

Next in line was Anya, she approached the stick with determination, she allowed her intuition to guide her, swiftly deciphering the frequency's complexities with confidence. Lastly, Abhay followed suit, merging himself with its vibrant emanations. Methodically, he absorbed the frequency, unraveling its intricate patterns and harmonies, determined to extract every morsel of knowledge contained within.

As they diligently analyzed the frequency, guided by the teacher, the students analyzed the frequency and were now instructed to visualize it. The closer their visualization aligned with the true frequency, the more powerful it would become. and a focused visualization was key to unlocking its full potential.

The students, armed with newfound knowledge. Taking out their weapons, visualized the frequency they had analyzed, infusing their weapons with the potent energy. The training ground buzzed with focused determination as they honed their abilities, seeking to channel the true power of Nama energy into their weapons.

Nidhi's debut into the world of weapon infusion left everyone astounded. With her innate intuition and unparalleled mastery of frequencies, she effortlessly bestowed her weapon with a radiant luminosity, achieving a feat that left her teacher and classmates in awe. Anshuman, captivated by her extraordinary accomplishment, approached her, "It seems you have a profound understanding of frequencies. Very few can achieve such precision on their initial try."

Nidhi's astounding success in infusing her weapon with energy went unnoticed by Shiven, who was focusing to grasp the essence of the energy. He managed to activate a faint light form, but it didn't align perfectly with the true frequency. Determined, he continued, unaware of Nidhi's progress. The observer, teacher interrupted them to offer further guidance, "Listen, remember the moment when I allow you to analyze the energy. Focus on that experience, and you will be able to unlock it." With determination, the class persevered, following Anshuman's guidance and exploring different techniques, united by their shared pursuit of understanding. Modest initial results didn't deter them, as they delved deeper into unraveling the mysteries of this captivating energy.

As the day concluded, students left the training ground with a mix of exhaustion and excitement. Shiven and Nikhil, however, decided to follow the teacher towards the principal's office. Before reaching their intended destination, Anshuman intercepted them, curious about their intentions. Caught off guard, they paused. With averted eyes, Nikhil broke the uneasy silence, "Sir, we...we want to..." His words faltered, sensing his friend's hesitation, Shiven, determined, stepped in and expressed their desire to learn about Prayagraj's elite force. The teacher, intrigued, inquired about their motivations behind seeking information.

Shiven and Nikhil exchanged a brief glance, contemplating their motives. They were momentarily lost in thought, searching for the right words to articulate their desire. Breaking the silence, the teacher offered an explanation. "Look, the elite force is similar to the Royal Knights in terms of their work and compensation. However, there are certain differences, such as the hiring process and additional facilities. Knights from the elite force receive a good payout but no extra amenities." Seizing the opportunity, Shiven then asked for assistance in joining the elite force, but the teacher advised. "Don't be so eager, boys. There's no need to join the knights at such an early stage. You have a long way to go." Nikhil pleaded for lower-ranking missions, expressing their limited options.

"It's not that we are simply eager," Shiven began, "It's just that we find ourselves without any other viable options." Observing their earnestness, "You can't see other options because of your narrowed sight, focused solely on something," Anshuman remarked, raising Nikhil's eyebrows and surprising Shiven.

Shiven acknowledged the teacher's perspective but remained uncertain about other options. Anshuman, after careful consideration, responded thoughtfully, "Listen, day after tomorrow, I'll take you to the elite force office. However, I won't be able to help you with the entrance test."He turned towards the office, "And for low-ranking missions, I believe, with a little practice you can handle them on your own." As the teacher departed, Shiven and Nikhil bid farewell and focused on preparing themselves for the forthcoming challenges. They dedicated the following day to intense training, honing their skills in activating the nama energy for what awaited them.

----: End of the Chapter:----

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