
Unfolding Journey

In a world fueled by weapons crackling with potent energies and humans channeling their own unique power, a delicate equilibrium hung in the balance. These energies, distinct in nature yet intertwined in essence, held the key to extraordinary possibilities when united. Within this realm, where boundaries blurred and destiny entwined with the convergence of elemental forces, a tale of unwavering determinations began. Nikhil, a young and courageous soul, found himself saving a life teetering on the edge of existence. The wounded figure, barely clinging to the threads of life, possessed an unyielding spirit despite the severity of their injuries. Recognizing the profound resilience within the stranger, Nikhil extended a helping hand, providing essential treatment and a much-needed shelter. As the days passed, an unspoken desire for something greater began to take root within their hearts. Nikhil and his newfound companion, whose motivations remained shrouded in mystery, yearned for a future that transcended the boundaries of their current circumstances. It was in the pursuit of this shared aspiration that they made a life-changing decision – to embark on a journey towards becoming knights, seeking the esteemed ranks of the academy. For Nikhil, the dream of becoming a knight was interwoven with visions of royalty and leadership, a deep-seated yearning to ascend to the throne and shape a kingdom worthy of admiration. The allure of power and the potential to enact meaningful change propelled him forward with unwavering determination. On the other hand, his enigmatic companion's drive stemmed from a motivation known only to him. A hidden purpose burned within his soul, pushing them to seek a path beyond ordinary comprehension. With each step taken on this journey, their true intentions remained veiled, revealing themselves in tantalizing glimpses that left Nikhil both intrigued and mystified. And so, their shared odyssey began, marked by a resolute resolve and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, skills, and the honing of their abilities. United by a common goal yet propelled by their individual ambitions, Nikhil and his mysterious companion ventured forth, ready to face the trials and tribulations that awaited them on the path to becoming knight.

Whuknows · Fantasy
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16 Chs



As the new day dawned, Shiven followed his usual exercise routine, determined to maintain his physical readiness. Meanwhile, Nikhil devoted himself to extra practice, leaving no stone unturned in his quest to excel in the upcoming test match.

Shiven and Nikhil arrived at the academy on time, joining their classmates as the class commenced. Anshuman, their dedicated teacher, shared additional insights about Nama energy, delving into the intricacies of its application.

He captivated his audience as he activated a hologram projector, revealing a variety of Nama energy-infused devices. With anticipation filling the room, he introduced the intricately designed bombs, each with its unique purpose.

"These bombs," he began, unveiling a holographic representation of a Smoke bomb, "are carved with a distinctive figure. When crushed, they release a surge of Nama energy, shrouding the surroundings in dense smoke. This offers invaluable cover for stealthy maneuvers and strategic advantages."

Moving to the next holographic design. "Now, this intricate pattern signifies the Clone bombs," he explained, "when activated, these bombs analyze your energy signature and create an exact replica of yourself—a perfect clone. By focusing your intent, you can direct the clone's actions. However, maintaining an undistracted mind is crucial for a stable and flawless clone, ensuring a consistent frequency of energy to the bomb."

Then holographic projection showcased a series of other bombs, each possessing its own distinct pattern and purpose. Anshuman effortlessly explained their functionalities, from the blinding flashes of the Flash bombs to the rejuvenating properties of the Healing bombs, and the ear-shattering power of the Sonic bombs.

Anshuman, filled with duty and anticipation, announced the distribution of two Smoke bombs and two Clone bombs to each student. These devices would serve as training tools, allowing them to unlock their potential and strategically apply them on future missions. The room buzzed with excitement and curiosity as the intricately crafted bombs were revealed. Eager to explore the capabilities of these Nama energy-infused devices, the group prepared to embrace the new possibilities that lay ahead. Anshuman led them to the training ground, ready to put the bombs to the test.

Led by Anshuman, the group headed to the training ground, anticipation building with each step. Karan, motivated by his desire to impress Anya, couldn't contain his eagerness. A mischievous grin formed on his face as he devised a plan to showcase his bomb-throwing skills. With confidence, he grabbed a bomb, envisioning a grand explosion. Closing his eyes, Karan held his swag pose, his mind filled with vivid images of an extravagant explosion and billowing smoke. However, as he opened his eyes, his heart sank. His attempt resulted in a small puff of smoke, causing embarrassment and laughter from his peers. Anya, amused, understanding his intentions, sported a compassionate smile.

Observing this display of recklessness, Anshuman took charge, his voice emanating determination and wisdom. Anshuman took charge, enlightening the group with valuable advice. He emphasized the importance of visualization and intention when using the bombs to get desired outcome. He explained that thoughts and intentions carry a frequency that transmits to the bombs, influencing how the smoke manifests. Anshuman explained further, "Keep in mind that there is a finite amount of energy contained within each bomb. It can only produce a certain level of smoke based on the frequency you transmit. So, envisioning extravagant amounts of smoke or fantastical scenes is simply not feasible." He also highlighted that clarity and precision in visualization were crucial in getting the desired outcomes, such as visualizing the smoke in specific directions to create strategic advantages, forming a screen or obscuring the vision of your adversaries.

Anshuman delved deeper into the clone bomb, emphasizing the role of a clear and focused mind. He explained that a clear and focused mind generates a stable frequency for flawless replication. The group grasped the connection between thoughts, intentions, and the limited energy within the bombs. Anshuman stressed the importance of envisioning specific actions for the clone and channeling focused thoughts. Every movement, every gesture, should be crystal clear in mind. He highlighted how a focused mind enables the body to generate a stable frequency that empowers the bomb to replicate the intended actions with precision. Immersed in the process, unwavering focus ensures the bomb captures one's essence.

Anshuman's profound words resonated as the group understood the importance of mental discipline for the clone bomb. The students were eager to take their turns, understanding the power and effectiveness of the bombs. Shiven, however, chose to patiently wait until the last moment. Anya stepped forward, holding a Smoke bomb in her hand. Anshuman nodded approvingly, signaling her to proceed.Visualizing the smoke formation, she carefully activated the bomb. The cloud of smoke billowed around her, partially obscuring her figure. While it wasn't a perfect manifestation. As she focused on the Clone bomb, a near-perfect replica of herself materialized beside her, mimicking her every move with uncanny precision. Her clone appeared momentarily flawless before flickering and dissipating into ethereal remnants. Undeterred, she persisted in perfecting her visualization technique for a more substantial smoke screen and perfect clone in future attempts.

Fueled by his past embarrassment, Karan eagerly took his turn. With a confident toss, he activated the bomb, an exact replica of Karan materialized beside him. As the clone saw anya, it wasted no time and made a beeline toward her but quickly dissipated in the middle. Karan acknowledged the need to improve his ability to generate a stable frequency for his clones.

Inspired by Karan, Nikhil stepped up and visualized complete envelopment in smoke, impressively manifesting a dense cloud that left only his back visible. Then activating the clone bomb, a faint replica materialized, demonstrating Nikhil's martial arts prowess with grace and fluidity. The students applauded his seamless replication of abilities, thoroughly impressed by his achievement.

Encouraged by Nikhil's success, Nidhi took her turn, she visualized complete envelopment in smoke, obscuring her from view. However, when she activated the bomb, the result fell short of her expectations. The smoke only partially covered her, leaving room for improvement. Disappointed, Nidhi gathered herself and moved on to the clone bomb. Generating a stable frequency, she successfully created an exact replica of herself. The clone stood before them, motionless, as Nidhi hadn't given it any programmed actions. Although her demonstration lacked dynamism, the students acknowledged her accomplishment and offered support. Determined to improve, Nidhi resolved to practice and hone her skills further.

Now it was Abhay's turn to make his mark. Confidently igniting a smoke bomb, Abhay amazed his peers as thick smoke enveloped him exactly as envisioned. Within the haze, activating the clone bomb, an identical replication emerged out of smoke. The clone moved with uncanny resemblance, fooling even the keenest eyes into thinking it was the real Abhay. A sudden spear pierced the clone from behind, dispersing it into scattered fragments. The students were left speechless, in awe of the complexity and skill displayed by Abhay in generating lifelike clones.

As the unexpected spectacle settled, The teacher's pocket signaled, diverting his attention as he hurriedly headed towards the school building. leaving the students to process the astonishing events that had transpired, cheers and applause filled the air. With their remaining bombs, the students eagerly continued to explore the depths of their abilities.

In the vast training ground, under the watchful eyes of their absent teacher.

Shiven, with a calculating mind, conjured a clone that materialized five feet away from him. The clone wasted no time, charging towards Shiven with an undeniable intensity.

Anticipation filled the air as the clone swiftly closed the distance. Shiven deftly triggered a smoke bomb, engulfing the area in a shroud of obscurity, Just as the clone stepped into a thick cloud of smoke, Shiven seized the opportunity. Shadows danced within the smoky veil, concealing the true nature of the encounter.

Amidst the swirling mist, silent movements were exchanged, each participant seeking an advantage. As the curiosity of the watching students peaked, their gazes were suddenly fixated on a solitary object emerging from the dissipating fog. A bomb, propelled by an unseen hand, gracefully sailed out from the veil and vanished beyond a nearby bush.

The smoke gradually faded away, revealing Shiven standing alone amidst the lingering echoes of astonishment. The watching students were captivated, their eyes gleaming with awe and admiration for what they had witnessed. But little did they know.

Suddenly, from the depths of the bush, a clone burst forth, charging towards Shiven from behind. Gasps escaped the mouths of the onlookers. Time seemed to slow as the clone's strike loomed dangerously close.

In a split second, Shiven pivoted, his instincts guiding him, With calculated precision. In an instant, he unleashed another smoke bomb, instantly shrouding the surroundings in a veil of swirling mist. Disoriented and uncertain, the audience strained to catch a glimpse of the unfolding drama.

From within the enigmatic haze, Shiven emerged, gracefully maneuvering through the haze. With a deft swipe of his hand, he deflected the smoke, parting it like a curtain, as he embarked on his escape from the opaque clutches of the smokescreen.

The whole scene was like watching a magical dance of shadows and mysteries. The students couldn't help but be amazed by Shiven's ability to control the smoke and use his clones so skillfully. It left a lasting impression on their minds and made them realize just how focused Shiven can be. The teacher, drawn by the buzz of excitement.

Upon his return, Anshuman was greeted by the sight of Shiven skillfully deploying the smoke bomb, utilizing it with precision to effectively envelop his surroundings. Impressed, Anshuman addressed the rest of the class.

"That's how you should employ the smoke bomb," he explained. "Now, having observed the demonstration, use your second bombs."

Confusion arose as the students realized they had exhausted all their bombs. Shizuoka voiced their bewilderment, but Anshuman sternly responded, "What? Listen, don't be so hasty. Training does not entail mindless actions. Progress comes from analyzing and fully understanding a technique before using it again. This approach accelerates your growth. Excitement is good, but if not tempered with precision, it hinders your mastery." Resuming his role as the guiding force, Anshuman ordered the class to continue energy activation training with focus and deliberate execution. Immersed in their exercises, the students displayed gradual improvement, driven by fervor and determination.

In Shiven's case, a faint glow emanated, a testament to his unwavering commitment to training since the beginning. Nidhi, known for her exceptional understanding with frequencies, boasted the most vibrant and radiant weapon among them all. Anya, despite her initial struggles, exhibited encouraging signs of progress. Karan and Zoro also demonstrated improvement, their energy activations becoming more pronounced.

However, Nikhil found himself lagging far behind his peers. Despite this setback, he remained resilient, refusing to succumb to despair. Motivated by his goal, he sought to turn his current position of being last into a catalyst for his growth.

As the day drew to a close, the students bid farewell to their classmates and made their way home. Shiven and Nikhil, however, had a different plan in mind. Determined to pursue their dreams of joining the elite force, they sought out their teacher for a conversation.

Eagerly, they asked Anshuman to go to the Elite force, but he had a different plan. He instructed them to meet at 6 PM, leaving Nikhil somewhat deflated. Shiven and Nikhil went to their respective homes. Upon reaching home, Shiven decided to take a refreshing bath before training. Then with his sword in hand, he focused on accuracy and energy activation. The progress was gradual, but Shiven knew it wasn't enough to be effective in battle. Yet, as he attempted once more, memories of a dark incident flooded his mind. He composed himself, breathing deeply to regain his focus. Surprisingly, the surge of emotions made him even more determined and concentrated. With a renewed aura, he directed his unwavering concentration towards his sword, and it began to glow with a newfound intensity.

Meanwhile, Nikhil dedicated himself to training with the chakrams, Fully aware that harnessing the energy would not come easily in just one day. Mastering the chakrams was no simple task, as they required a different approach to combat. Nikhil visualized someone's graceful movements and techniques, aiming to mimic them in a more effective manner. As he took a brief break glancing at the clock, he realized it was 6 PM, time to meet Shiven. Nikhil joined Shiven and they headed to the Elite force organization, filled with excitement and determination, taking a significant step towards their aspirations.

---: End of the Chapter:---

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