

Cover page by Lexica: (Net) LAWS ARE MADE AND BROKEN. Wanting to save her dying father and pregnant mother, she makes an irrational decision that could either make her or lead her to her doom but unknown to Autumn his promise to her was that he would bring Heaven to its knees just for her. UHW-UNDER HIS WINGS>>>>

Emilia_Frost_1480 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter Six

A commotion broke out in the market place; merchants left their stalls and what they sold, buyers joined the crowd of onlookers that had formed to watch a fight between a slave guard and a girl with a hideous scar. The onlookers gasped when Autumn sent a powerful punch to the guard's jaw, the sickening sound of bone snapping made some cringe while the guard almost passed out from the pain but the shame and his hurt ego wouldn't let him. Merchants that were warriors of the previous king noticed the killing intent that flashed in her eyes and the stiff air around her. A huge crowd had gathered to watch what transpired because it was rare for anyone- not even warriors of the previous king that now turned merchants, to go against guards of any position- not even the lowest, slave guards; so it was shocking.

Earlier, when she looked behind her, she couldn't find Page anywhere and the thought of her disappearing again without a trace made Autumn sad. Soon enough, the thought of Page flew out of her mind instantly the moment she laid eyes on a group of underage kids bound in silver chains and fetter. They were brought to the market to be sold to stable commoners who could cater for themselves and a slave but everyone knew it was a lie because commoners treated slaves like dogs just like the way Nobles treated commoners. 

They were arranged in an orderly manner and those that broke the line were lashed. Autumn clenched her tingling fist when a frail looking boy fell to his knees; he looked skinner than the rest. The slave guard assigned to keep them from running raised a whip and brought it down; the lash tore the little cloth he wore, through his skin and he coughed out blood. People walked past not caring because they believed guards- no matter how low their rank, were next to Nobles. The rest of the under age kids shivered from fear and fright but didn't dare turn back or they could be next. They were covered in dirt and mud and the little clothes they wore were turn in specific places.

Autumn stopped the slave guard from brandishing the frail looking boy who was still on his knees with the whip and he had challenged her.

Pride! tsk.

Another punch met him square in the face and he fell, trying to stand with his hands and knees on the ground. A cheer erupted from the mouth of an underage kid bound in silver chains and fetter while the timid and fearful ones joined slowly but uncertainly when they saw the guard on the ground, battling to stand.

Whispers erupted and Autumn listened with her ears while her eyes were fixed on the battered slave guard who tried to get a footing. Whispers from onlookers emanated, drawing the attention of passers by who joined the crowd. All they could see was the relaxed shoulders of Autumn and the bleeding slave guard on his knees.

"A deal is a deal". Her voice had deepened than intended to, making her clear her throat.

"But--". He tried to make a sentence with his broken jaw and winced, coughing up blood that drooled down the side of his jaw. Autumn's gaze shifted to the frail looking boy who stood with a pained expression and drawn brows, his gaze never once left the ground. She walked up to him and crouched in front of him, making him lift his eyes.

"Are you alright?". She raised her hand to caress his hair but stopped, bringing her hand back to her side. All the while, his eyes followed her movements, not missing a single detail. Autumn stood up and turned to face the slave guard who was now on his feet. Although he loomed over her, she stared him down, making the slave guard swallow hard, not meeting her gaze; she looked so scary with the hideous scar and the blood thirsty look in her eyes.

"Set him free, a deal is a deal". The slave guard winced and closed his eyes, cursing the day he was born, his big mouth, his ego and his self. He had just jumped from fry pan to fire.

"Sir Landmark would not give me a befitting burial if one of his trafficked dogs went missing". His words were a little slurred because of his broken jaw. Hearing a certain word, Autumn controlled her trembling fist from totally disfiguring someone's face. Onlookers had formed a circular barrier, making them the center of attention in the middle; whispers had intensified after the name 'Landmark' was mentioned. He was known for his notorious reputation and because of that, commoners and some Nobles dared not mess with him but today, she was going to change that.

Before Autumn could open her mouth to speak, someone beat her to it.

"A deal is a deal boy". The fearful gasps of onlookers and authoritative voice made her turn and the slave guard tremble.

"Sir George". The slave guard croaked, knowing fully well that he was a standing corpse already. George walked casually with both hands in his pocket to Autumn's side and she stared at him with disgust which he seemed to notice.

"Sir La--". He tried using the only trump card he had but George raised a hand to cut him off.

"Set him free". He ordered and the slave guard could only clench his fist but he dared not go against a Noble although he had indirectly gone against one which would cause his death. The appearance of George had made the curious onlookers disperse quickly; some raising their hand to hide their face.

The fear of Nobles. Autumn tsked inwardly.

"You're the famous employee at Nobles sweet right?". George asked and Autumn just nodded and grabbed the hand of the manumitted frail boy who surprisingly took bold and elegant steps until he was standing in front of her.

"Let's get going". George said which confused Autumn. He spoke to her like they were old friends and not Noble and commoner.

"Excuse me?". 

"We would be journeying to Nobles sweet together". He said bluntly.

"Let me remind you in case you've forgotten Sir George". Venom laced every word she said. "Part of the high standard rules that was created by you Nobles was that commoners do not share the same carriage with Nobles, have you forgotten?". Autumn raised her brows. George didn't say a word but just grabbed her by the hand and dragged her towards the carriage that had camouflaged earlier with onlookers.

"Rumors had it that a black haired girl with hideous scar gives the most relaxing massage in Nobles sweet and I". He pointed to his throat and stretched his hand to pull the carriage door open. "Need that massage". Autumn yanked her hand out of George's when he tried to push her up the carriage stair and into the carriage.

"Are you sure you can take the pungent smell of two lowlifes?". She crossed her arms over her chest and raised her brows tauntingly, facing him. "Because that's what you all call us". If it were to be others, they would shiver under the gaze of Nobles but she wasn't them, she was Autumn Song the daughter of a rich man who made his name despite the fact that he had no family background and now, he had been brought low to the ground and she swore that she would claim everything they had rubbed her family of- especially her father.

George's smile broadened for some certain reasons which Autumn didn't know. All along, the frail boy followed closely behind them with his gaze fixed on Autumn who stood defiantly against a Noble, knowing fully well that it could cost her head.

Found you. He thought and smiled, his wise gray eyes moving between George and Autumn.

Finally, I was able to overcome my inferiority complex and write this chapter. A comment or two would make me happy.

Thank u...

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