
Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own "The disastrous life of Saiki k "

As Teruhashi walked through the endless void she couldn't help but question her purpose for living.

"Why am I here?"

As she looked around even though it was unfamiliar she could feel her blood boiling to the point it felt like she was made of fire. Suddenly she fainted and a cold emotionless voice resounded.

'Body transformation at 5%.'

Unknowingly to Teruhashi, her body will change dramatically overnight.


After she woke up Teruhashi was in a good mood but as soon as she got to school it plummeted down to absolute zero.

No, it might have even started to go below at this point.

'Why is she talking to him?'

As Teruhashi put on a blank face she stared intently at Saiki and Mei Haruna.

She knows that nobody knew she liked him but she was still angry.

Suddenly the room temperature dropped Everyone felt a chill run down backs slowly making its way into their bodies, freezing it from the inside and out.

Before they knew it their pores were somehow forming icicles.


As she sneered inwardly Teruhashi used the disarray atmosphere of the classroom to get closer to where Saiki was.

As she closed in on her target she put on her best smile possible while holding in a deep lust for blood.

"Mei-chan what are you doing it's almost time for lunch ." Said Teruhashi as she squeezes the girl's wrist ." You know that sensei hates when you are late for your "Private Lessons".

As Teruhashi's murderous gaze pierced mei's heart she felt like a thousand needles were slowly entering her body.

Even though it was cold Mei's face was flushed red as she ran away from the classroom.

Two weeks ago one of her many spies took pictures of Mei kissing their sensei as blackmail for Teruhashi to use.

  Because of this mei was now scared and forever scared of her reputation being damage.

She knew when Teruhashi Kokomi was mad nothing was impossible for her and her minions.

But she still wanted Saiki because he was the only one she hasn't tasted. As she put a seductive grin on her face she thought of ways to go against Teruhashi.

'Stupid bitch I warned you didn't I'

As Teruhashi sighed she coldly gazed at Mei Haruno and planned her demises because from that expression she could tell this wasn't over


Saiki POV

'What the hell. For such troublesome women to exist at a time like this.'

Truth be told that mei girl was just annoying so he was secretly grateful to Teruhashi but there was now a very strange development.

He couldn't access Teruhashi's mind in any way shape or form.No matter what he did it was like some put a lock on it.

'Interesting so like Nendou I can't read her mind. How strange but who cares it has nothing to do with me.'

Like that our pink-headed friend quietly and peacefully ate his limited-time coffee jelly.


Teruhashi POV (Classroom)


Today I invited two girls to sit with at lunch along with the usual group.

  The first was Nakamura Yuriko. She was a redhead with short hair and tall model-like stature.

  The second was a tag-alone girl. She was a petite girl with a well-portioned body.

She just transferred here and is already really popular among the boys. Her name was  Takahashi Yukino

'Let the fun begin Mei I wonder What'll you do if I stole your top dogs.'


Girl 1

Omg Teruhashi invited us to sit at her table. This never happens usually.

  As she looked at Teruhashi she couldn't believe the rumors were true. She was a person given to us by the Gods.

    As I admire her I felt her gaze narrow down on me for a while. I realize she was allowing me for those brief 10 secs to prepare myself before she started a conversation.

"Yuriko-chan  your friends with Mei right?"

   As she looked me in the eye I suddenly felt something was wrong. But I knew I had to stay. If I want to be popular I have to answer all their questions without holding back anything.

"So is it true she has slept with all of the teachers.  Sorry, I was just was curious about that rumor please forgive me. I may have been misinformed. "(Teruhashi)

"She has even slept with the janitors at our school." (Yuriko)

   Even if it means abandoning my friends.

"Oh wow so doesn't that means she's a slut lol." (Random girl 1)

"Yeah, she told me she doesn't care about gender."(Yuriko)

  Of course, part of this was a lie but still, I had to keep the conversation rolling. Why? In the end, I was just friends with Mei because of status nothing more nothing less.

   Yuriko chatted with Teruhashi and her group like she was one of them all along.

It was true Mei was sleeping with the teachers but not all of only the hot one.

But Yuriko made it seems like she was going under everyone she could get her hands on.

"Oh my gosh, Yuriko-San." Said Aiura as she sipped a Pepsi."Why do you hang out with a bitch like that."

  She isn't a bitch is what I wanted to say for a moment but for some reason, something more unimaginable came out.

"She is. All she does is talk shit and force us to do her handly work."I complained while making a pitiful face of a lost child.

"It's ok." said Aurora as she held her hands"We are your friends.  Please don't call a whore like that your friend."

"Thank you."

  To me, it was like a play out of a movie. The girl who was friends with the wrong person is rescued by a goddess. 

Happily, Teruhashi was that goddess and I was that damsel in distress. As it was close to lunchtime ending we all said our goodbyes

But before we all could get up a voice that has been watching spoke up. It was Kokomi Teruhashi the goddess-like leader of the group.

"Takahashi-san haven"t you been quiet this whole time. Is something

dissatisfying you?"

    As Teruhashi's voice echoed the student in the group stayed quiet.  I did also not even looking at Yukino-Chan

All I could say inwardly was one thing



Yukino pov.

There wasn't much I could do but sit there in disbelief as I watched Yuriko adapt so easily to the group conversation.

I was confused at first but I knew why she did. It was all for popularity after all that was what high school was.

A cheap popularity contest not even a single person in this group was probably friends.

Even though Mei was a dirty person she was honest and caring. She felt wanted and loved.


"I am sad that I didn't have this chance sooner."(Takahashi)

Faking a small cry I felt something soft hug me from behind. It was teruhashi herself.

'What is this. Am I gay?'

I don't want to be let go. This sensation was pure heaven. As I was trapped in her embrace I felt her words enter my mind.

" Let's destroy that whore."(Teruhashi )

"ok." (Takahashi)

And like that, I switched sides to Teruahashi's group.

Hello would just like to say thank you for reading and go check out my other works if you like this

Arkmisscreators' thoughts