one day Teruhashi Wales up and decided to make a change with her life and the way she lives .So what better way to change then to obsessed over the one you love in most. Love is what cause she's the most change I do not own Saik k or the cover photo I am using in anyway shape or form
Diclaimer: I do not own "The disastrous life of Saiki k "
Please enjoy thus chapter.
. If you like this please read the rest of my works also I will write about anything so if you tell me a idea for a story if I like I will use it.
As I stared intently at Saiki I felt very vexed. I wanted kill Mei Haruno but I didn't know how. Will whatever
Sadly I van't get rid of her right now but I have plans for that dumbass bitch.
At that moment Teruhashi's face resembled a oni that only knew had kill. Mei was feeding Saiki and "accidentally " pressed her boobs against his arms .
Suppress it Teruhashi it isn't time to kill her yet. But still it annoys the hell out of me . Why does Saiki sit by her and not me? Is their something wrong with my face ? Am I really that ugly?
No of course not I'm the perfect example of a beautiful girl. Right?
As Teruhashu talked to herself inwardly Mei started ri feed Saiki food again.
Saiki POV
Of course Saiki was pissed off about her actions but couldn't do anything about it . His social status was already low among the boys and girls hanging out with him but now that Mei who was the number 2 prettiest girls of in the school was hanging with him he was now scared because his popularity status was going down dangerously fast among the boys. The girls didn't really really care about Mei since they thought she was a slut but the boys adored her and treated like a goddess next to Teruhashi.
Shit it's getting bad I'm down to ten percent .As Saiki thought this Mei acted like she was having fun feeding him Coffee jelly. She had found out when she sent a loyal fan track his movements that Saiki liked Coffee jelly so she brought a box of it.
Damned Fanfic author is limiting my powers for goddamn plot agian.
As Saiki cursed inwardly he indignantly looked at the sky unhappily but sadly he knew he couldn't do anything about it.After all he could only listen.
As He endured this hell he gazed happily at Teruhashi hoping she would interfere like usaully but she didn't.
Suddenly Mei pressed her soft big round breast against Saiki arm.That was when suddenly a cruel spread all over the cafeteria. It was Teruhashi and she was now pissed.
Teruhashi's POV
At that moment Teruhashi had snorted coldly. She knew Mai had done such a thing to get a reaction so she did what she wanted.
"Please stop it hu-."
"Shut up and listen."
At Mai please, Teruhapleaseercilessly cut her off without even thinking.
"So Mei if you have the nerve to talk to and flirt with Saiki so that must mean you also dare to say shit to my face right?"
As Teruhashi talked Mai could feel her face slowly pale to the point she wanted to die. She never thought Teruhashi would do something this crazy.
"Why isn't anyone doing anything? Hey, she's crazy. What with that face?."
As Mai pleaded to her classmate she found none of them even looked at her.
"What's wrong?"
As Teruhashi hand gripped her hand tighter around she chuckled candidly as though of how bad this situation is for Mai.
"So Mai-chan?What made you think this wouldn't happen? Why do you honestly think we would just put up with you?."
As Teruhashi voice echoed no one paid it any mind. Hell everyone was secretly happy a bitch like her was getting divine retribution. Well, at least from the rumors she was to them
"Teruhashi I'-"
Suddenly Teruhashi's hand slapped my faceless bad she falls to the ground.
As Teruhashi laughed Mai begin to slowly pee her pants because of the situation. She never thought people would hate her so much.
"So tell me did you not know I liked Saiki?"
As her eyes stared at her she it felt like her soul would jump out and flee to hell. She didn't want to be here
She didn't want to do this.
"Answer me "
As I held her by the neck I could my blood slowly but maturely start to boil. I couldn't take it anymore it was like my whole body had been set ablaze.
Hither more.
That is a good idea huh. As I prepared my fist again I stroke his face but I noticed for a split second my hand had turned blood red. It was like it was crystallized like a red stone for a split second.
'Was it my imagination?"
As I mumbled to myself I dropped Mai to the floor after. As I saw she was begging me to stop I decided to be nice and stop. So others can beat the shit out of her as well.
While the others were beating on Mai I used that as a distraction and grabbed a now confused Saiki.
'Now time to handle one more little problem. '
As Teruhashi made Saiki follow her she suddenly stopped and pushed Saiki to the ground and got on top of him.
"Saiki please realize you're mine and only mine. areas are are ar are Are Are Are You not allowed to just let a random whore touch? yo?. "
As Teruhashi said this could feel the hot-blooded feeling calming down slowly.
"Sorry, Saiki-kun I don't know what came over me."
As Teruhashi dismounted Saiki she could her face slowly becoming red.
"But seriously you know I was jealous of how Mai got to feed you. Ah, I know you didn't like it when she did it. But wait were you waiting for me to help? Ah, I was kind of making this whole complicated Plan and stuff."
As Teruhashi fanatically tried to explain herself and her actions she could see he had a brief smile on his face as she explained.
'Did he just laugh? Whatever it was it was cute. Where is my phone, oh it's here on the ground? '
As Teruhashi lick up her she decided to stick close to Saiki and take a picture but before.
"Saiki I have a question. Would you go out with me.".
As Saiki ask him the question she could feel a surprisingly soft hand brush his face on and swipe across her hair.
"Yeah sure. "
That day Teruhashi had to go to the hospital because of a nosebleed
'Worth it.'
Saiki pov
Well, they don't know but Mai's father was a gang leader and she was turning the school into an underground drug ring. Seems sensei was one of her sugar daddies and many buyers because he always had a stick of snow.
Not to mention Mai had many girls raped and killed but hey her record is still clean so nothing the school can do but let the drug ring continue. Even though the school hated her because of rumors they don't know 90% of the rumors spread weren't a lie.
Author note: Thank you for reading this chapter of Yandere Teruhashi. If you like it tell people about and follow me and if you hate the story well share it anyway please😂
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