
Ultimate Evolution

Born into the Truefire tribe, Wu Shen was identified as a supernatural child, but he had never displayed his supernatural abilities before. After a deadly encounter, he embarked on a path that would reveal his super natural powers. This is true evolution.

Tempestous_goddess · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


The dark wilderness was completely silent, but then, the sound of a motorcycle suddenly broke the unique silence of this outer suburb. The motorcycle was like a small but conspicuous meteor that flew upside down, moving fast while dragging its long tail along.

In the night sky, a flash of lightning suddenly shot across the sky, almost illuminating the entire world. Under the light, a nineteen-year-old boy was riding a motorcycle.

Suddenly, a gust of wind and thunder broke out, and a storm was imminent. The young man looked up at the cloudy sky, and couldn't help but feel worried.

The teenager's name was Wu Shen, and he lived in Linyu District. He had gone to his classmate's house today, but got lost when coming back by accident, so he came to the outer suburbs.

He was very anxious in his heart, but now, when he saw raindrops falling again, he became apprehensive.

So, he sped up the motorcycle, just wanting to get less drenched in rain before he got home. However, no matter how fast he was driving, he couldn't keep up with the unpredictable weather, and within a few seconds, pea-sized raindrops began to fall from the sky.

Wu Shen wiped the rain drops off his face, and suddenly saw a white light flashing in the distance. The white light caught his attention. Although it was raining heavily now, his curiosity finally overcame the cold around him.

In the dark night, there was a very cold chill in the surrounding woods, Wu Shen glanced at the woods, and shivered unconsciously. But the white light just now really aroused his curiosity, and he couldn't help looking around, wanting to see if there was anything unusual around him.

After all, he was now a teenager, not a sacred little boy.

The motorcycle was getting closer and closer to where the white light appeared, but Wu Shen found nothing. He thought he had read it wrong just now, and was about to speed up when a figure suddenly ran out of the woods beside the road and landed in the middle of the road.

Wu Shen was taken aback by this and immediately pulled the brakes of the motorcycle, but the motorcycle slipped on the rain-covered road.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he controlled the motorcycle with all his strength, turned the front of the motorcycle to one side, slid laterally forward on the road, and finally stopped in front of the man.

Wu Shen got off the cycle and quickly bent down to check on the person. Through the light of the flashing lightning, Wu Shen realized that the person was covered with deep cuts.

"Wake up, wake up..." He uttered in panic as he shook the man gently.

It seemed that the man realized that someone was talking to him, and he finally opened his eyes. But the moment he saw Wu Shen, he suddenly shouted: "Run..."

As Wu Shen was trying to grasp what was happening, a strange cry suddenly sounded behind him. Before Wu Shen had time to turn around and look, the man pushed him away.

He saw a strange shadow fell on the spot that the man had just pushed him away from. It looked like a wild beast, but with great strength. Just falling on the road, the place it landed was shattered to pieces, even the motorcycle not far away was not spared. The motorcycle also shook heavily, and fell on its side.

The shadow glanced at the man who was crouching on the side of the road, then turned to look at Wu Shen.

At this moment, a flash of lightning shot across the sky, and Wu Shen was surprised to discover that the shadow staring at him was a wild wolf with sharp claws and fangs.

In the dark rainy night, Wu Shen just wanted to go home, but he would never have thought he was going to encounter a wild wolf on the way. Wild wolves were not common even in zoos, let alone in other places of the continent.

Therefore, the moment he saw that terrifying figure, Wu Shen couldn't help being shocked, and he didn't feel anything except fear in his heart. He was trembling all over, trying to run away quickly, but his feet couldn't move. It was as if they were fixed to the ground.

The raindrops kept falling on him, slapping his face like pebbles, but he was unaware of it at this time.

The wild wolf suddenly came over to Wu Shen, and he was surprised to find that although the wild wolf looked like a wolf, it also looked like a human.

There were all kinds of strange things in the spiritual world, and many supernatural beings also look stranger than strange. But it was better to say that the wolf was closer to animals than to say they were like humans.

But Wu Shen really did not expect that on such a rainy night, he would encounter a humanoid wolf monster in this place. Hence, his heart immediately beat violently.

Every time the wolf took a step towards him, he felt his heart jumping into his mouth, as if it wanted to jump out of his body. His legs were completely incoherent, not following what the mind was telling them.

Listening to the unusually heavy breathing of the approaching wolf, he only felt that certain death was coming for him.

A blue-white light suddenly appeared behind the wild wolf, and Wu Shen's eyes lit up at this moment. The white light was exactly the same as the white light he had just seen. He saw the wild wolf screamed, and the bluish-white light spread all over its body in an instant.

Wu Shen realized at this time that it was not a white light, but Yulei, one of the eight great spiritual powers. The Thunder Master could control the lightning and use it as his weapon to fight against others.

Nevertheless, this lightning was different from Heavenly Dao lightning.

The thunder and lightning in the sky was called the Thunder of the Heavenly Way. Because its power was too strong, it was generally impossible to be called down and used as a weapon. The thunderbolts used by the thunder fighters were all thunder and lightning created by their own spiritual power.

This kind of thunder and lightning was different from the Thunder of the Heavenly Dao in color, shape, sound, speed and power. It couldn't be compared with the Thunder of the Heavenly Dao.

But even so, Yulei still had a very powerful attack power. Anyone who was hit by it could collapse, or the internal organs could be damaged in severe cases, and some could even die.

The wolf was hit by Yulei and fell to the ground immediately. Wu Shen came back to his senses and found that it was the wounded man who rescued him just now, and he realised that the man was a Thunder Fighter.

So he immediately ran to the Thunder Fighter and helped the him towards the motorcycle.

But they had just taken two steps forward when the wild wolf stood up again and rushed towards them. Wu Shen was taken aback by this, and before he could react, the Thunder Slayer pushed him away.

The werewolf threw itself at the thunder warrior, and they both fell on the ground together. There, they began to grapple, and attacked each other.

On the road full of rainwater, a man and a wolf were constantly scrambling in a death combat.

Wu Shen stared blankly at the terrifying and cruel scene in front of him, feeling that he was dreaming for a while.

There were splashes of water on the road, and the figure of the man and the wolf blurred together in the darkness. It was impossible to see who was who.

At this moment, another very dazzling blue-white light appeared between them, and a powerful thunderous lightning attack spread all over the wolf's body like a stream of water while illuminating the surroundings.

After receiving such a fatal blow, the wolf suddenly gave a piercing howl. The sound of rain and thunder covered everything around, but the howl penetrated the night like a sharp blade and floated straight to the entire night sky.

The speed of the thunder and lightning suddenly accelerated, and the explosive force was so strong that it instantly sent the wolf into the air, flying directly into the roadside woods.

A few seconds later, the thunder and lightning slowly disappeared, and the thunder warrior collapsed on the ground as if he had exhausted all his strength.

Wu Shen was afraid that the wild wolf was not dead, and would rush towards them again, so he quickly came to the thunder slayer and wanted to help him leave the place.

At this time, he realized that the Thunder Fighter's chest was pierced by the werewolf's long bloody fangs, and he was dying at this time.

He helped the Thunder Fighter onto his motorcycle and was about to move to the driver's side when the Thunder Fighter suddenly took hold of his hand.

Under the flashing light of the sky, Wu Shen found that the thunder fighter was holding an inconspicuous crystal stone in his hand. He was puzzled, and stared at the thunder fighter curiously. The man opened his mouth. but his voice was very weak.

Wu Shen waited for a long time before he faintly heard the thunder fighter say intermittently. "Here, give it to..."

Wu Shen took the crystal stone, but before the Thunder Slayer could finish what he was saying, he collapsed on the anxious Wu Shen.

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