

Patricia is a 17 ugly highschooler.She has no friends beause of her looks.Her classmates hate her and always keep their distance from her.She entered the classroom and everyone started talking about her.

Students....I hate her.Why does she keep showing her ugly face to people, does she think its cool to look at her?

Patricia didnt mind them because she was used it.Students treated her poorly and always insulted her.She didnt like being ugly at all.

Patricia...God please! Send me someone so that this misery ends.

A new female student entered in class.She was very pretty with a light fair skin, a dimple smile with teeth as white as snow.The whole class was focused on her.The teacher introduced her.

Teacher...This is our new classmate Tiffany the only daughter of our Mayor.Please treat her well.

Tiffany...Nice to meet you guys.

Guy...She is not only pretty but also the daughter of our Mayor? This is big! She has to be mine for sure.

All guys wished to make her theirs.She sat near Patricia because it was the only empty seat.After, the teacher left.Girls went to her to befriend her and she didnt resist.

Tiffany...Why are you quiet?

Patricia...Are you talking to me?

Tiffany...Yes you.Whats your name?

Girl...Dont ask her anything because she is ugly and she will infect you with her ugliness.


Tiffany...Whats funny?

Patricia...What she said.

Girl...You see! She is not even in her right mind.

Tiffany...I dont mind.Lets be friends and always hangout together.


Tiffany...Because i like you.We are friends now, arent we?


Girl...Your joking right?

Tiffany...Is anyone laughing? Patricia, lets go grab something to eat.

Patricia didnt mind but Tiffany didnt know what Patricia really was. and Patricia didnt know what Tiffany really was.Both had their different sides.Patricia became Tiffanys friend and she treated her well.

Patricia...Why do you treat me well yet we are nothing alike?

Tiffany...You that we are all good not because we are really good, but because we have our reasons.

Patricia...Then whats your reason?

Tiffany...Whats the rush? You will see for yourself.Lets take a selfie anyway.

They took a selfie together and Tiffany made it het wallpaper.After two weeks, Tiffany was declared dead from suicide and the news reached Patricia.

Patricia...What?? No...no....No!!! She cant be dead.She is alive.How.....no...no...its my fault for not knowing what bothered her.It cant be...i wanna see her body.

Patricia was deeply hurt because she didnt know why Tiffany took her own life.She walked madly and shocked to go to Tiffanys house to see her body.Before she reached their, she was stopped by a polices car.The policemen went to her.

Policeman...Patricia Drol your under arrest for the death of Tiffany Woodland.You have the right to remian silent because any word you say will be used against you in court.Take her.

Patricia...What....what....whats going on?

Patricia was cuffed and taken to the police station.

Patricia...Sir, i didnt kill her i swear.She was my friend, i cant kill my friend.

Policeman...This is you in the video right?

She was shown a video of her pushing Tiffany from a high building.

Policeman...At first, we thought it was suicide but luckily someone saw you and recorded everything.That person sent us this video.

Patricia...How.....how....how come? I dont even know that building.How come...that its me in that video?

Police...Seriously? Your asking us why you killed her?

Patricia...Sir, am not a murderer.Am not even capable of killing a mosquito.

Policeman...This is not a mosquito but a person.Arrest her.

Patricia...No...no...no....please dont.It wasnt me, i swear.

Policeman...Btw, how come that you dont have any reatives? If you had any then they wouldve helped you.

Patricia was arrested but she didnt know how in the video she was the one who killed Tiffany.She cried mourning for her.

Patricia...I shouldve seen her body for the last time atleast.I didnt kill her.....

She cried and cried but she wasnt even taken to court nor gotten a lawyer to help her.She spent one week in prison and later was transferred to a women prison.She was beaten everyday and she had peace.

Patricia...When will i get out of this shitty place? How will i manage to get a beautiful face when am inside here? Please help me God, i really need you.I didnt kill her, i didnt.

She always repeated the same words.After one month, she was released.

Woman...Here are your things that you came with.Someone is outside to pick you up.

Patricia...Who? I dont have anyone so who could it be?

She wore her clothes and got out only to see Tiffany waiting for her outside of the prison.

Patricia...She is not there.The toture i got from prison might have made me mad.

Tiffany...Hey! Are you suprised to see me?

Patricia...Is....it you for real?

Tiffany...Ofcourse, its me your friend, i mean tormentor.

Patricia...It...cant be.Your dead right?

Tiffany...I never died.Gotcha!

Patricia...What do you mean?

Tiffany...Hahahahaha...it was a prunk.

Patricia...A prunk?

Tiffany...Okay, it was like this.Me and my boyfriend made a bet that if i cant get a lerson arrested, then he can dump me.So i switched schools to fimd someone easy and luckily i saw an ugly beast and it was great target.

Patricia...So you didnt die? You did all this to me because of a stupid bet you made with your boyfriend?

Tiffany...Luckily, i have money so it was easy to frame you and get you in prison.Thanks to you that i won the bet.

Patricia...But....how did you make that video?

Tiffany...I knew that you didnt take poctures so i made you take a selfie with me, remember? You really thought that i can be a friend to someone ugly like you?


Tiffany...Are....you laughing?

Patricia...Hahahahaha....I didnt know it would be you but i like your face anyway.

Tiffany...What do you mean? Did you perhaps run mad?

Patricia...Am not mad.Thanks for making go through hell.I cant believe that i spent days and nights crying for you.Its your turn now.Hahahahaha....

Tiffany...What are you talking about?

Patricia...See ya.Hahahaha...

Patricia kept laughing and left Tiffany wondering.In the morning, Tiffany woke up and she was in a dirty abandoned house.She screamed.


Patricia...Are you also suprised? Hahahahaa..


Patricia...Its okay even if you dont say anything.Hahahaha.

Tiffanys eyes widen and her jaw dropped.She fainted on what she saw and she couldnt believe it.She saw her self yet it wasnt her in her body.It was Patricia in her body, their body had switched.


Watchout for the next part to findout why Patricia never stopped laughing.

Writer...Nakitende Habiibah.
