

a orphan on the verge of dying finds out he has powers, fueled by his hatred for demons he fight them but later finds out he's not human but a hybrid of angel and demon now with this confusion and happenings of events around him he must find the secret behind he's powers and the truth about his parents, join Zeke in discovering if his an angel, demon or human

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs


Lisa's scream had brought Zeke back to reality just in time as the demon had noticed the two of them and was heating towards them Zeke immediately ran towards the petrified Lucy and and dragged her away as they started running rather more like Zeke pulling Lucy, when Zeke looked back he saw the demon wasn't in a hast walking normally like he wasn't worried his pray was going to escape, the demon was a what was called a hell hound but not any ordinary one, it had three heads of a dog and the body of a muscular mad and a long dick almost touching the floor

it was 8 feat tall and darkish red

Zeke had never seen such a hideous and scary looking thing in his life but that only made him run even faster, he ran and ran untile he couldn't see the demon behind them then he stopped to catch his breath, Lisa fell to he floor as her legs where too weak to carry her anymore and she started balling her eyes out repeating the words

no no no no no, they can't be dead, mom, dad, Derek, Damion, Minnie, no pls don't leave me, you can't leave me

Zeke didn't know what to do as he too was in no condition to console her or do anything, his mind was still blank and he was running purely on instincts right now, he could faint at any moment if he relaxed even a little bit cus all this was too much for him

suddenly a huge figure landed right in front of them, they where in a construction sight alone so when the figure landed there was dust everywhere

did you really think I would let you escape

Zeke became even more scared. us the voice he heard just now was the voice of the demon that was chasing them

I think I'll kill and eat the boy then use the girl as my toy for pleasure

the demon stood tall right in front of them, it was the most terrifying and hideous thing Lisa and Zeke had ever seen, Lisa already starting peeing on herself, Zeke tried to grab her and run but was swatted away like a fly with just a slap, he crashed into some concrete, When Lisa saw Zeke being swatted away she fainted out of shock

Zeke woke up in a hospital still in shock and fear having flash backs of his final moments before he blacked out, touching himself he came to a sudden realization

I I I I'm alive, haha I can't believe it, buy this happiness wouldn't last long as he remembered the seekers and there children. Zeke broke down in tears crying

I lost them again, the only thing I had that was close to what a family could be, the only figured I had closest to what a parent should be, gone and I'm still here, why didn't I die with them, why didn't I die with them, Zeke cried and cried for his lose and misery, Zeke swore to kill every last demon in existence but he knew it was impossible, he couldn't do anything, he was powerless, he had nothing, he was all alone.

while he was crying he heard a familiar voice, don't cry it's ok, everything will be fine, you can get through this. Zeke listened to the voice and thought it sounded familiar so he looked up and saw Mr and Mrs seeker, Zeke was in total shock but only for a few minutes because he soon noticed they form they where in, they looked a bit misty like dogs of themselves plus he could slightly see through them.

you guys are ghosts?

you can see us? the seekers where shocked, wait so all that time you said you saw grandma's spirit you weren't lying? Zeke nodded Aldo still in shock, they tried hugging him but just passed through him, Zeke was suddenly filled with happiness aldo he was still traumatized

Zeke: where are the others

Mr seeker: yes there in the other room with Lisa

Zeke: Lisa? wait she's alive?

Mrs seeker: yes she survived, a demon slayer saved you guys

Zeke: did he kill the demon? Zeke suddenly had a glimmer of hope that someone had avenged his family

Mrs seeker: no it escaped, currently the news say there are at least twenty demons roaming the city

Zeke was shocked, so it wasn't one demon that did all that damage, they where many, the realization that more of that thing where loose in the city made him feel even more scared yet angry and hopeless at the same time. A nurse walked in and was surprised Zeke was up already awake considering where they found him he was expected to be out for at least a month, before the nurse could say anything Zeke asked

Zeke: my sister, where is my sister

Nurse: she's in the next room

Zeke immediately hopped out of the bed and dashed out of the room to the room next door to see his sister sleeping soundly but she wasn't alone

Derek, Damion and Minnie, all as ghosts where watching over her. He was relieved that she was ok and not a ghost, he walked to her bed side and held her hand

Zeke: sis I'm so glad your alive, he said with tears in his eyes

get your hands off her you filthy peasant Damion shouted, Minnie even tried kicking him but couldn't as hee leg passed right through him. he ignored them and just stayed by her side


two yrs later

march 7 2022, Zeke's birthday is today making him 17 yrs of age, he woke up as usual but in a different house. After Zeke woke up relatives of the seekers came over and took full custody over the two of them, they stayed with there grandparents till Lisa was old enough and strong enough to live on her own, all the while she and Zeke where going for therapy for the trauma the went through, Zeke got better faster since he could see the ghosts of his family but sadly even as ghosts Derek, Damion and Minnie didn't change at all, they steal treated him as trash especially since he now had a say in the wealth of there father, Mr seeker was an only child and his business with other things where ment to be given to his first son who was now dead Zeke had go take his place while the inheritance the others where ment to take would be given to Lisa, but since they weren't old enough at the time there grand father took hold of it but didn't do anything with it, just kept it for them. When Lisa turned 18 she left them and lived in a little house owned by there father, one of the houses he had prepared for her when she would go off to college, it had three rooms, an attic, dining room, living room, four toilets and three bathrooms, a swimming pool, garage, and so on, it wasn't in anyway close to the mansion she lived in but it wasn't small either. Against Lisa's wish her grand parents made Zeke live with her as they worried for her wellbeing and mental health, and so for the past two years Zeke and Lisa had been living together, well not alone they had the ghost of there family as well. For he first time Zeke finally found out a little about ghosts, it turned out they became ghosts cus of there family bond, Lisa didn't want to loose her family and vise versa so when her heart cried out there spirits answered, staying in ghosts form with her till she finally let's go, in other words they both regretted loosing each other so the stayed with each other but the same couldn't be said for Zeke, the ghosts could follow Lisa around but not Zeke as they where tied to Lisa instead of Zeke, so he only saw them when Lisa was around, as for Lisa, she changed but for the worse, she became more hostile to Zeke blaming him for what happened to her family. Some times she would get physical, using things in the house to vent her frustration and anger on Zeke then immediately switching to a scared little girl, once this happened Zeke would go from victim to close friend as he would comfort her to the delight of the seeker parents but not there children, Zeke never blamed her for it but blamed the demons and vowed to kill all demons but even he knew that was a pipe dream but that did nothing to quench the hatred he had for them now ,the seekers where also surprised with how the relationship between there kids where, how they ostracized Zeke and mad him an outcaste and black sheep of the family, no matter how they tried to talk to there kids it never worked

As for school, nothing changed, for Zeke that is, most people morn the death of there friends but as usual for Zeke nothing changed, he was still bullied if not even more.

Zeke got of bed, brushed his teeth, got ready for school and mad breakfast for Lisa, she was 19 now but still Zeke woke up early before she did, he even did all the house chores for her, he did any and everything to make sure she was comfortable, all at the request of there grandparents. Zeke left the house and went to school, same old same old he got bullied again and had his usual routine with Lucy but what changed was later that day. At home Lisa had done something she had never done before, she brought a boy over to the house and asked Zeke to leave, despite his protest she chased him out and locked the door so zeke just took the chance to wonder around. There where demon slayers lurking around here and there ever since the incident, the city had taken security measures to make sure demonic attacks wouldn't happen so often as there where still demons roaming around but after two years it subsided a little bit, while walking around Zeke looked around the city, the bright lights and quiet street really brought a different atmosphere than the day time, Aldo the mains streets where still a bit crowded but it was just the main streets, normal roads looked deserted and quiet, as he kept walking around he heard a scream and looked around, he saw Lucy and two of her friends with her in the middle of the street but that wasn't what caught Zeke's eyes, it was the demon in front of them. Zeke froze he instantly got PTSD but something was different this time, for some reason he didn't feel scared but angry, this demon he was looking at, it looked more like a human rat, 5 feet tall with arms and legs like a human but it was clearly a rat, it didn't look like the demon he has seen back then so a crazy idea popped into his head

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Lucy and her friends screamed, Lucy had sprained her ankle while trying to run and her friends where now faced with the choice of trying to save her or save themselves. At first the thought of being good friends but once the demon was right in front of them the did what any reasonable human would do, save themselves, they ran and left Lucy screaming sorry

Lucy thought she had met her end as her life began flashing through her eyes. as the demon walked closer drool coming out of its mouth

Lucy thought she was dead

mom I'm sorry she said as she closed her eyes and screamed for her life

before the demon could kill her a wooden plank came towards the demons head
