

a orphan on the verge of dying finds out he has powers, fueled by his hatred for demons he fight them but later finds out he's not human but a hybrid of angel and demon now with this confusion and happenings of events around him he must find the secret behind he's powers and the truth about his parents, join Zeke in discovering if his an angel, demon or human

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasy
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36 Chs

The incident

Master Zeke your breakfast is ready and your uniform is in the wardrobe ready.

Ok that's miss

Zeke walked to the dining room and saw his siblings or rather step siblings eating, the moment he came over everyone stopped smiling

Damion: yuk I'm eating in my room, can't eat when rats are at the table

Lisa: do you mind we are trying to eat as a family

Zeke: but miss said I should come over that my food is ready

Lisa : well good for you, you can eat in peace after ruining our family meal, she said then walked off, as for Minnie she got up and kicked Zeke in the leg then ran away, Derek didn't even look at him. This wasn't the first time this had happened, it repeats every morning. while walking on the way to school cus his step siblings refused him riding in the limo with them Zeke was talking the spirit he always met on the road, yes you heard that right, spirit of a dead man he met on the road. There was a reason Zeke didn't bother about the harsh treatment he received, that's cus he this is always how he has been treated, all because Zeke can see ghosts, he never new why or how buy ever since he could remember, he could see ghosts and this made people hate him cus he never once tried to hide it

Zeke: sister Charlotte?

Sis Charlotte: yes dear

Zeke: father Levi said I should tell you he still knows you haven't stopped sleeping with the deacon and that you should stop it before it's too late


That was the first time he got into trouble because of ghosts and since then he's life has been hell, sister Charlotte made sure of that, all the children made fun of him calling him weird and creepy cus he would tell hem things about themselves no one knew or even say stuff about the staffs and sisters on the orphanage, all this cus there was a reverend father in the orphanage who told him to speak the truth no matter what. It didn't stop there even when he came to seekers house he saw there grandmother and he told them what there grandmother told him which made the seekers show more affection to him, seeing it as a gift while there children saw him as weird and creepy making them hate him even more.

Ever since he started school he began seeing ghosts not to often but he still saw them and one of them was the ghost of a Dead man he was talking too, apparently the mad had died on the way to the hospital to see his wife and he's new born child, he wasn't paying attention to the road when a car hit him and he died instantly ever since then he had been a ghost and has been wondering around looking for his wife and child.

Zeke got to school and went to his locker but jay as he was about heading to class a jar of milk was poured on his head

hey Zeke or should I say creep

it was Lucy but Zeke knew her as Lucifer himself in a girls body, he didn't know why but she got a sense of pleasure and relief whenever she torments Zeke,

Lucy: creep say thank you, didn't your mom teach you manners, show gratitude when someone gives you a gift she said

Zeke just stood there not moving or saying a word

Lucy: I said say thank you she said as she kicked him in the back and he fell go the floor, Zeke was a guy who was about average in height and had long hair all the way down to his shoulders so most of the time half his face was covered but there was a reason he kept the hair so long it was to hide his face when ever stuff like this happened no matter how hard Zeke tried his facial expressions gave away his thoughts and feelings and that was something he was taught not to do. Everytime bad thoughts and emotions surfaced he would remember the words of the ghost in the orphanage

Anytime you have bad thoughts and feelings ignore them, push them aside and focus on the good and bright side of things, never repay evil with evil.

These words kept playing in his head anytime he felt bad but he face gave it away so he left his hair to grow and this was what was playing in his head right now, his hair covered his face as he faced the grown while the words of the ghost, of father Levi kept playing in his head so he didn't react at all


another girl, Lucie's friend stomped on his head, didn't you hear her, she gave you milk so say thank you, and drink the milk on the floor while your at it, it's bad to waste milk, how did this hole thing start? with Zeke helping Lucy.

You heard that right, Lucie's torment of Zeke started with Zeke trying to help Lucy, ever since that encounter Lucy turned everybody against him and since she was the nicest and one of the most popular girls in school everybody agreed with her no questions asked

she wasn't the most beautiful, that was given to Lisa seeker but she was definitely among the top three, the guys in school stayed away from Zeke while the girls scuffed at him but Zeke was use to all this so as usual he went to the boys locker room, changed his clothes and wore a second school uniform and came to class late as usual

after class it was lunch time so everyone went to the cafeteria, Zeke got his food but before he could take a bite a boy came over and took his food and dumbed it in the trash bin

filth like you are ment to eat like one not like a human the boy said, Zeke still didn't do anything and just stayed in place while the boys and his friends hurled insults at him and mocked him for talking to himself and being the first guy to make it on Lucie's bad side. once school was over Zeke got a call ok his phone that his step parents where home so he horridly rushed home to see them, cus of there work they don't always come home or stay home for long, while on his way home he heard a scream and he stopped, not only him those on the street where trying to see what was going on untile some people started running then Zeke heard it

ruuun it's a demon

Zeke froze, demons where the reason the orphanage got destroyed and everybody killed except him, hearing that a demon has appeared again gave me PTSD of back then and he froze, flashes of what happened back then where coming to him but fortunately someone hit him pushing him to the ground and he came back to his sense, quickly looking around he saw that the hole place was in chaos just that one word had sent everybody into a flight mode as everybody ran for there lives. Zeke immediately got up and started running home with all his might, In his mind if he got home he would be safe so he ran as fast as possible, something from the corner of his eyes caught his attention and he immediately stopped and crutched down. A car came flying towards him but he narrowly avoided it but the same couldn't be said for the people in from of him, as Zeke look he saw dead bodies and a pool of blood, blood splattered everywhere, brains, limbs and body parts all over the place, Zeke was in shock and fear but he's survive instincts kicked into over drive and adrenaline began pumping in his veins, Zeke ran like never before and didn't look back.

As Zeke ran towards his house the more gruesome the sight became, bodies everywhere, blood everywhere never the less he kept telling himself once he gets home he'll be safe, finally he could see the roof of his house from where he was but it was on fire, at that moment Zeke's heart sank.

Fire, just like back then still Zeke kept running he didn't stop us his parents just came back, they where home, he needed to see if they where ok, if they where fine, if they where alive. He got to the gate and saw it torn apart and when he looked inside he saw the house ok fire and a demon inside a huge hole in the wall eating something, as he walked closer with a broken heart he saw it, it was them Damion, Minnie, Derek, Mr and miss seeker

they where dead and the demon was eating there flesh. Zeke didn't know whether to cry or scream, he was so over whelmed while still having flash backs of the orphanage in his head, he fell on his knees and started crying silently, whatchu the demon on shape of a dog eat them all including the maids, suddenly a scream from behind shook him out of his trance, when turning around he saw Lisa screaming, then suddenly he heard a creepy deep voice

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