
Twilight: Strongest

I only own the MC MC is Gip and Super Op A girl transmigrated as the strongest vampire on earth in twilight.

Hero_Acension · Filmes
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Well now, this is interesting


I was sitting with Chelsea and Corin talking when a guard walked in, I don't know his name.

Guard: Pardon me Mrs. Kalia, but Lady Sulipicia wishes for your presence in the throne room.

Kal: Thank you.

The guard left while I get out of my chair.

Kal: Pardon me girls, duty calls.

Chelsea: Go, will talk more later.

Corin: I heard that Cullen wants to die cause his mate did as well.

Kal: I don't see what's so special about that boy.

I walked out to close the door behind me as I walked down the hall to open the door to the throne room as I looked at the commotion.

Kal: You called Lady Sulpicia?

Sulpicia: Ah Kalia, we have a mission for you.

I looked to see the Cullen boy, Alice my old pixie friend, and the most beautiful creature I've seen in a person as our eyes met as I'm feeling a pull.

Edweirdo: No!

He came running as Felix grabbed him by his throat to hold him in the air, the girl never took her eyes off me.

Didyme: Well now, isn't that something.

Athenodora: Yes, I believe young Bella has found her true mate.

I winked at the girl I know now her name is Bella as she blushed.


Kal: I beg to differ, so I take it my queens you wanted to confirm the truth.

Didyme: Yes, but we want your input, your mate has a life and we're not gonna force her to stay here so what will you do cause the Cullen boy refuses to change her knowing the rules.

Kal: I'll go with her but.

I look to Bella.

Kal: Are you in High School?

Bella: Yes I am, Senior year why?

Kal: Alright so will do this, after you graduate High School, I'll turn you or do you want to wait until 21 coming out of college?

Edweirdo: No!

Bella: I want to do it after High School.

Edweirdo: Bella?!

Kal: Will someone please get him out of here with all the yelling.

Felix was carrying Eddy out as he cursed on his way out.

Kal: That's better, now 18 it is, I'm just giving you a choice to choose.

Bella: Thank you but your coming back with me?

Kal: Yes cause now I can figure out that Eddy boy claimed you as his mate when your probably just his blood singer and I heard he left you when that's impossible to leave your mate ever.

Bella: So your my mate so you have to come now that we found each other?

Kal: That's exactly right so wait here while I go pack and it's good seeing you Alice.

Alice: Nice to see you too Kal.

I sped to my room to pack some clothes as I get ready to leave for the states, good thing I buy normal or in style clothes but most the females in the Volturi do, except Jade.

I came back with a suitcase but then.

Didyme: You all might want to leave now cause it's time for lunch.

I scrunched my nose at that.

Sulpicia: We know you don't like this Kal but we promise there are no children in the tour.

I nodded as I walked with Bella and Alice.

Athenodora: Will call you later Kal.

Didyme: Have a good trip.

I nodded as we walked out the room passing the tour.

Kal: I'll see you later Heidi.

Heidi: Have fun~