
Twilight: Son of Hades

Transmigrated into the body of a young teenager who had just moved to the small town of Forks, Ethan discovered that there were much darker things he had no idea about. Not only was this city the center of one of the movies he watched in his previous life, Twilight, with various monsters from the supernatural world like Vampires and Werewolves, but in a short time he discovered that he himself had supernatural power. Able to control shadows and induce fear, Ethan understood that he would not be as helpless as he initially imagined. While others needed to become vampires to be immortal, Ethan as the son of a god already had the possibility of immortality flowing in his blood. Follow Ethan as he understands his powers and evolves to become the next ruler of the Underworld.

Toruu · Filmes
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51 Chs

Chapter 19 - The Movie Wasn't Even That Scary

"Anyway... We're here!". Emmitt said, stopping in front of Ethan's house. "It was nice to meet you! See you at school." He added

"It was nice to meet you too. See you tomorrow!" Ethan said goodbye, getting out of the car.

"Bye Ethan!" Alice said, smiling.

"Bye Alice! Bye Rosalie!" He completed, but did not hear Rosalie answering back.

As he opened the door to the house, he found Enid sitting in the living room, watching television. She looked at him at the same moment and stood up quickly.

"You're home!" She said getting up. "Ethan, you need to let me know ahead of time when you're going out like this!". Enid added.

"It was short notice, I know, but it was already the second date Alice had called me and...". Before Ethan could finish, he saw the strange expression Enid was making as she looked at him.

"Who is Alice, huh? Is that your girlfriend?" Enid said, clenching her eyelashes and smiling.

"Huh?" Ethan looked at her confused.

"When are you going to introduce me to her? Is she from your school?". Enid started asking Ethan several questions, who was standing there staring at her. "Didn't you like Jessica? I thought you were going to date her. And is this Alice pretty? You never told me anything about this girl. Enid added.

"I only went out with her once, we're not dating!". He said, laughing a little. "You're in too much of a hurry, Mom!" Ethan added.

"But what about Jessica?". His mom asked.

"I don't know, Mom. Just leave it alone." He said, going to his room.

"You barely date anyone, and now you're dating two girls, Ethan?" His mother said indignantly, but still joking. "And you don't even want to tell me about it? She added as he walked up the stairs.

"Good night, Mom! Sleep well!". He shouted, already from upstairs.

Ethan's mother continued to stare at the stairs for a few minutes, indignant at how much Ethan had changed from one year to the next. But she relaxed a little and was happy that her son was finally managing to have a normal social life.

Ethan went into the bedroom, took off his clothes, put on a set of cold-weather sweatshirts, and threw himself on the bed in the dark. As he stared at the ceiling, all he could think about were the two girls, Alice and Jessica.

He had kissed them both and his feelings were so confused. He really liked them both. That day he discovered how sensitive and sweet Jessica was, and how charming and delicate Alice was. The two seemed to be flawless to Ethan, and it bothered him that he might have to choose between one of the two.

It was then that a pop appeared in Ethan's head.. Alice could predict the future.

- Did she already know about Jessica? But if she did, then why is she still with me? It might not bother her... - Ethan thought, sitting up in bed.

Then he looked at the shadow in the corner of the room and froze his body.

- Wait! Does she know about my powers? - Ethan thought.

It would be impossible to hide this from Alice. She literally saw the future.

- But they believed me when I lied... were they bluffing? Well, Rosalie didn't seem to pretend to be frustrated at the time I told them... Or she plays it too well," Ethan thought, still staring into the dark corner of the room.

- Alice might not have told! That's got to be it! - Ethan thought. - I don't know why, but that's the only logic! I think I'm safe for now. I just can't cause any trouble yet. I need to stay strong! -

He got up to close the bedroom window and sat down on the bed again, putting the covers over his head, making the room as dark as possible.

Ethan closed his eyes and tried to concentrate as hard as he could to get the energy into his body stronger.

He began to feel the dense smoke embracing his body. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and saw his whole body filled with the flying particles. Ethan began to try to expend the energy he was sucking in by moving the particles around his body.

He stared at his own arm while floating his other hand over it. Ethan was trying to feel how he needed to move the particles to get them together enough to leave his body, becoming something real.

Knowing that he could repel and gather the particles, Ethan began to pull them out of his arm, slowly, as if he were pulling his own soul out of his body.

He could feel this energy leaving his body, like a rope of wind passing through his arm and out into his hand.

As he did this, a patch of dark shadow was outside his body, but still connected to his arm. Ethan, with no room under the blanket, decided to take it off his head very slowly, trying to keep his concentration, so the shadow patch wouldn't be blown away.

He managed to get the blanket off and keep the blur there, however, he felt it was a bit more difficult and needed more concentration because he wasn't in total darkness.

He continued to pull the shadow patch off his arm, getting about a foot or so off his arm. Ethan then tried to move the shadow a little further away with his hand, as if by magic. It followed his hand, like a puppet.

He began to wave at the shadow, and it repeated the same motion, as if it were waving back. Ethan decided to make jerky movements with his hands, moving them quickly back and forth, and the shadow coming out of his arm could copy the same.

Ethan looked at the glass cup that his mother had left on the dresser the day he was sick, and without much thought moved the arm that was holding the shadow toward the cup brutally.

The shadow that was floating out of the middle of the boy's arm, went back into his arm and out of his hand, towards the glass, at an absurd speed, causing the glass to fall to the floor.

The glass was slowly falling into Ethan's vision, who became desperate and quickly pointed with his arm at the glass, which was far away from him. The shadow immediately came off Ethan's arm and reached for the glass, which was only inches away from hitting the ground, preventing it from falling.

Ethan stood paralyzed with his arm outstretched, holding a glass cup with his shadow energy, staring at the glass with wide eyes.

He had evolved too much since the last time he had messed with shadow. Before he could see in the dark and move particles, now he could have an elastic arm of shadow. It made no sense to him how evolution worked. Maybe it was just training that Ethan needed, something he hadn't been able to put much of himself into over the last few days.

Ethan pulled the shade back onto his arm, bringing along the glass straight into his hand.

He stood up and put the glass back on the dresser. As he turned around, Ethan realized that his legs were a little weak, as if he had run a marathon.

Apparently he could do any skill in any amount of time, but he didn't have enough energy to be able to carry the skills, and no knowledge of them yet.

Ethan stretched his arms out to each side and tried to get the shadow energy to come out at the same time through both of them, but only a tiny little ball came out of each arm at the same time. He didn't have the energy for this yet, he needed to train the shadow on one arm first, and then train with both arms at the same time.


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