
Twilight: Son of Hades

Transmigrated into the body of a young teenager who had just moved to the small town of Forks, Ethan discovered that there were much darker things he had no idea about. Not only was this city the center of one of the movies he watched in his previous life, Twilight, with various monsters from the supernatural world like Vampires and Werewolves, but in a short time he discovered that he himself had supernatural power. Able to control shadows and induce fear, Ethan understood that he would not be as helpless as he initially imagined. While others needed to become vampires to be immortal, Ethan as the son of a god already had the possibility of immortality flowing in his blood. Follow Ethan as he understands his powers and evolves to become the next ruler of the Underworld.

Toruu · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Chapter 06 - Am I in the Twilight movie?

At that moment, a lot of information started to flood into Ethan's thoughts.

The name of the city, the name of his friends, that strange place that seemed to have a film filter, the name "Captain Charlie" on his mother's cell phone, now Bella Swan appearing right in front of him. It was clear what had happened, somehow he entered the twilight universe, but how? It's because?

All these endless thoughts raced through Ethan's head. What seemed like hours, but was probably only a few seconds, before Angela nudged him and asked:

"Ethan? Was it paralyzed?"

"Oh, sorry, it was nothing. I just remembered now that I didn't do my homework, I don't think there's time to finish it".

He said, pulling himself together and taking a small step back.

"Oh, don't come with that one. Bella is beautiful, but she is already my newest article in the newspaper. Front page: New student from Arizona".

Eric said putting his arm around the girl's neck.

"No, please. I prefer to remain the invisible girl."

- She's pretty, yes, but who says that out loud? - Ethan thought as he looked at Bella, who was clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

"Can't you control yourself, Eric?" Jessica said while rolling her eyes.

"What? Are you jealous? You can rest assured that there's Eric for everyone", he replied, while opening his arms waiting for a hug from the girls, who just ignored him.

The bell rang informing that classes were about to start and Ethan walked inside with the other classmates. They had gym class, so he walked to the locker room to change.

Upon reaching the locker room, Ethan comes across Mike talking to a tall boy about the new girl.

"I heard she's coming to school today. I'm excited, I hope she's hot. This school needs new people", Mike says laughing with the boy.

"Hey Mike, you talking about the new girl? I just met her at the entrance", Ethan said approaching Mike and grabbed a workout clothes.

"Are you kidding? Oh man, today I was late", he said frustrated. "But tell me about her? She is beautiful? Do you think I have a chance?"

- Assuming she's going to fall in love with an antisocial vampire in a few hours, no. But what's stopping me from giving him a little help? - Ethan thought, as he took off his shirt.

"Absolutely. She's pretty. I found out that she hails from Arizona and that she loves stories with vampires and werewolves. I think you should invest in it," Ethan said, putting confidence in his every word.

"Vampires and werewolves? Interesting. I think I'll ask her to watch a horror movie," he said.

"What? No no! You need to be mysterious. Show those claws you have inside," Ethan corrected him.

"That's true, I hadn't thought about it that way. Thank you Ethan, it helped a lot!", he said patting Ethan on the back.

The physical education teacher stopped at the door of the locker room and shouted to the students:

"What are you waiting for? Go straight to the court."

All the students then started to walk out of the locker room and into the middle of the court.

"You're kidding! Ethan, look who's over there!" Mike said, nudging his arm.

Ethan looked over to where the girls were gathered and saw Jessica standing there adjusting her headband. He spent a few seconds admiring the girl, who for some reason seemed to be much prettier that day.

"Man, how lucky. Bella is doing well in this class! I'll do what you told me", Mike said trying to hide it, but he couldn't stop smiling.

The teacher walked to the center of the court, standing in the middle of the two groups and said in a loud voice:

"In today's class we are going to play two games. I want you to be two teams of girls and two teams of boys. The boys will play basketball on the left side of the court and the girls will play volleyball on the right side. No hair pulling, no punching, no cursing, and if I see any of you running away from the ball, you'll have to pay twenty push-ups at the end of class, so you better do it right. You can choose the teams, I'll give you five minutes".

Teams began to form and Ethan was on the team against Mike. Ethan didn't seem to feel like he had a lot of experience playing hoops, but the way Mike dominated the ball, he was apparently one of the best in his class.

Mike and another boy are in the center of the court, waiting for the teacher to throw the basketball in the air, to decide who will dominate the beginning of the game.

The ball is played and Mike quickly hits the ball, defining that her team will be dominant. Mike passes the ball to one of his teammates who quickly runs towards the basket on the opposite side of the court.

Ethan tries to defend the ball from being passed to another player, but he can't be fast enough and he sends the ball back to Mike, who quickly manages to throw it to the basket, making a point.

Ethan realizes he doesn't have enough agility to make the game fair. That's obvious from the history of the body's former owner, so he doesn't blame himself for not getting much done in that first class.

One of the players on Mike's team catches the ball to make the first pass. He runs again towards Ethan's team, but one of his teammates manages to catch the ball and runs to the other side. Ethan runs to the same side of his teammate, who passes the ball to Ethan, however, even before he can hit the ball so many times on the ground, a rival player scores Ethan enough to knock the boy to the ground and pass the ball to Mike, who scores another point.

"Fucking good Marcus!"

One of the players yelled, patting the boy who tackled Ethan on the back.

"You're Ethan, right? The new student", a tall and thin boy with black skin, comes close to Ethan nudging him in the middle of the game. "I'm Tyler. Since you're a newbie, try to stay away from Marcus. Just stay close to our basket, which will help", he added.

"Fine," Ethan commented in frustration, leaning on Tyler's arm to get up.

The game continues and Marcus is already dominating the ball. Ethan sees Tyler running towards the player to try to catch the ball, while another student begins to guard Mike. Tyler runs to the enemy basket and passes the ball to one of his teammates. He runs enough to get close to the basket, but when it's time to jump, an enemy player blocks the entrance of the ball.

At the same moment, one of the spotlights that was being used to illuminate that old court, turns off its light. The side Ethan's team was playing on fades out, leaving a shadow on one side of the court. Players ignore the event and continue the game, while the teacher notices and enters the locker room, looking for the light box.

Ethan begins to feel a strange sensation in his own body. That strange feeling that you felt in his room and in the dark street that day, starts to appear again.

"The light!" he said softly.


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