
Twilight: Omega

The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.

confused4you · Filmes
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53 Chs

Ch.2 Meet the Cullens.

We have moved to Forks in the middle of the semester, so it's going to suck pretty much. I mean all the groups or for this period I guess it was called the clique, I guess, have already been formed. But there was a saving grace, the plot armour of my sister, people were suspiciously good to my sister, so I guess I will also be benefited as well guess.

We arrived at the school, in the red truck and people were very weirded out and were looking at us, Bella asked: "Are you nervous?"

I said, "Kinda, am but I think we will be fine."

We were navigating through the school and some dude literally came out of nowhere. This guy was about 6' 1" just an inch shorter than me, he had a very Justin Beiber hairstyle, he looked at us and said, "You are the Swan's right?"

I gave a sinister smile and said, "Yes, I am Christopher Swan, this is my sister Isabella Swan."

Bella elbowed me and said, "Behave." She then put on an apologetic smile and said "I am sorry for him, he was dropped on his head. I am Bella, you are?"

He then looked at me and said "Oh, yeah nice to meet you. I am Eric Yorkie, let me just show you to the admin's office."

We then started to walk and after we reached the office he left and then we both got some things needed for the classes and then went to our class, which was English. We entered our class.

Mr Mason said, "You are the Swans, give me your passes."

We handed him our pass and he said "You can sit anywhere."

She found a seat in the third row while I had to sit in the back. I wasn't all that stoked about the whole school aspect of life. I mean who wants to go to school.

After suffering through English we had a Government and at this point, people were trying to flock around Bella, for some reason but I didn't really let them, we were walking to the next class and she said: "You need to be nice."

I said, "I am being nice."

She said, "You are scaring them away."

I smiled and said, "Well, they are trying to hit on my sister and I know how you hate that so I am just trying to help you."

After this class, we picked up yet another lovestruck monkey called Mike Newton, he was a basketball player, he was all and all a very good guy but it was ultimately for nothing, my sister has a very high chance of getting love struck by a 109-year-old guy.

After Government which is just political science with attitude. We had my favourite Trigonometry, I absolutely adore maths, I mean this body does, for some reason and when we were sitting in Trigonometry, I could feel like someone was watching me and that someone was Jessica.

She came up to us and was with another girl, Angela I believe. She had a very shaky yet very cheery voice, she said "You are Chris Swan, right?"

I smiled and said, "Yes, and this is my sister Bella, we just moved into town from Phoenix and you are?"

She then said "Jessica Stanley." She then tucked some hair behind her ears and said with a very nervous smile "But aren't people from Arizona supposed to have tan or something?"

I said, "Well, both of us are indoors kind people."

She then asked, "What is it that you like to do?"

I said, "Mostly reading and coding, I am heavily interested in learning how to code." Bella was looking at me like I was an alien, I might as well be.

We then headed to the Cafeteria and we got something to eat but it was all dreadful.

Bella looked at me and said, "You want me to make you lunches don't you?"

I said "Will you? I will help you as well?"

She smiled and nodded. We then sat at the table with the girls. We were talking when they entered and sure enough my sister was intrigued.

She asked who they were and Jessica started the monologue and I was tense, but something else was happening as well, my body was reacting.

My body had this incredible heat inside it, my breath was getting heavy and everything seemed like it was going on in slow motion.

But I was controlling it. I don't know what was wrong with me but I was still in control then in came Edward, the angsty Vampire, I mean he looks man pretty, damn.

And sure enough, my sister was looking at him but that was not the end of surprises I guess as soon as Edward entered someone came after him.

I knew she was a Vampire because she had the same pale skin, her hair was Hazel brown with streaks of gold in them, her eyes dazzled with the colour of shimmering gold.

She had sharp facial features, when our eyes met it was like a clash of colours, I was mesmerised. She was about 5' 9 ``. She had quite a thin figure, but she had curves in all the right places. My sister nudged me and I gave her a look and she smiled and asked, "Ah, who is she?"

Jessica looked at me and hesitantly said "She is Catherine Cullen, the sister of Emmet Cullen." She then looked at me and said "Yeah, she has a very bad personality. Doesn't really like to talk to anyone and is rude and violent."

I just chuckled and said, "You can stop now, my sister takes interest in things that are mysterious, she is like a cat." Bella then punched me in the arm and I continued "But she does have an almost supernatural sense of sorting good from the bad."

After eating Bella went to Biology and I went for History. I then entered the class and sat in a chair in the second back row. I was sitting when she entered the class as well.

She sat next to me. I was nervous but I decided to greet her nonetheless. I turned towards her and said "Hello, I am Chis Swan. It is nice to meet you. You are?"

She looked at me and said in a very harsh tone "You know who I am, your sister asked Jessica, didn't she." but I didn't hate it, her voice was soothing to me, what is happening to me?

I then chuckled and said "I am sorry just trying to make conversation here. So then Catherin, I heard you guys moved in from Alaska?"

She said "Please don't talk…" her voice had a bit of fear and I was confused as to why. But I decided to not pry any further.

We then just sat in silence, but I could hear her breath, she was breathing heavily, she kept looking at me, but as soon as I turned to look she would look away, I found it amusing.

The whole class I had a smile on my face, but I wasn't doing so well either, I was also facing extreme heat coming from my body, it was like I had an ocean of energy inside me. I had to endure this but, it was a bit easy due to her being there I guess, she amused me and kept me distracted from this.

As soon as the bell rang she sprung up from her desk and ran away. I was confused as to why it was happening, but who knows what is wrong with me.

After History I didn't have any more classes with the Cullens, I just sat through most of the classes, after all the classes were over I found my sister near her truck in the parking lot and she was looking over at the Cullens more specifically Edward.

I then also saw Catherin and as soon as she saw me she went inside the car and my sister asked me "Do I smell?"

I took a whiff and said, "No more than usual, why?" She punched me and I chuckled and said "You don't smell sister what happened?"

She then said "Edward looked at me weird when I entered the class, he looked at me like I disgusted him." and as soon as I heard that I was enraged for some reason and I said "Don't let it stick to you, he is weird. Let's go home."

We then got in the truck and drove home. We then relaxed a bit and then Jacob came to pick me up on his bike so we could go and build my bike. I went out and Bella came to the door to see me off and Jacob asked: "You want to come Bella?"

She said "No, I have homework. You guys go and have fun."

Jacob then revved the engine and we went away. After we reached his home we went to the garage which was basically his shed. He then showed me the bike that Dad had bought. It was a muscle bike, it was a Harley Davidson XL 1200N Nightster.

We were working on it and he asked, "So how was your day?"

I said, "It was nice, people are very nice in this town."

He then asked, "How was your sister doing?"

I said "Well, people tried to flock around her and I scared them away. But it does look like she is interested in someone."

That last sentence got his attention, he then asked like it didn't matter "Yeah, like who?"

I said "Edward Cullen." His face was priceless.

He said, "So you're telling me, that she likes Edward?"ṣ

I said "I wouldn't really call it like-like I mean she is intrigued by him. Why is something wrong?" I knew everything he was about to tell me.

He said, "They are not good news." He then sighed and said, "Just tell your sister to stay away from him."

I nodded and said "Alright."


I hope that you liked the chapter, if you have any questions regarding the series leave a comment and I respond to it alternately, you can join the discord server and can get announcements, polls and other information quickly.

I would like to thank you all who voted.

Ishka, Vendedor.

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