
Hunter or Prey

Edward brought Bella to their playground and got ready to play.Then they started to play baseball.After playing while Alice suddenly said

"Stop.....They are coming."

"Didn't you say they left " Rosalie asked.

They all run towards the Bella and Edward put Bella's hair down.Four figures appeared through the woods and came towards them.

"Hello,I am Laurent.This is Joss,Victoria and James"

Black skind man said introducing other two women and man.After few talks newcomers were also goin to join their game.

Suddenly a strong wind came and spreads Bella's scent across the field.

"You brought a snack"James said and ran towards the Bella.Cullens Shielded her from James while his companions join his side.

"I think you should leave now" Carlisle said.

"Yes, I can see the game is over.we will go now,James " Laurent said.

When they were about to leave Joss said

"Wait isn't this the girl we hunted back then" pointing the Alice.

"Ooh she has a human scent around her.Must be your lover's, I guess"Joss said with a lunatic smile.

"We are going now" Laurent said and they disappeared into woods.

"They are going to hunt Bella.I need to get her out of here" Edward said.

"That bi**h going after Alex's scent too.We need to warn him" Edythe said.

"Alex our PE teacher,you said he is dating Alice right?He is a normal human right?If they are going after him too.Will he be ok?" Bella asked.

"Oh he can be many things but normal is not one of them.I don't think we need to warn him.If they go after him they are just going to den of the devil" Alice said proudly.

At Alex's house

Once it's getting dark Alex was about to leave for cullen's house when he heard" Hello, handsome" from behind.Alex turned around and saw a red eyed woman looking at him hungrily.Alex was not surprised.After all he heard her footsteps since when she was far away.

"Do you know a girl named Alice.Is she you lover.Oh....look at you such a waste to kill a handsome creature like you.Maybe I should turn you into one of us and make you my pet"the woman said seductively while licking her lips.

She walked towards Alex until she was few inches away from him who was looked like he was in a daze.

Suddenly "Are you nuts?"Alex said and pushed her into a wall.Cracks appeared on Joss's skin and she said " I will kill you son of bi**h.I will kill your little girlfriend and everyone you...."she was interrupted by a powerful kick in her abdomen blowing up her in to pieces like a marble.

"Are you still alive"Alex asked and only to get a weak growl as a response.He grabbed Joss's broken body and teared her head off.Then he took off to sky taking Joss's head as a gift for Alice.

Alex landed near the Cullen's house and when he entered the house he saw Laurent talking to Cullens.

"Hey, Alice I have a gift for you." Alex said showing the head of Joss.While Cullens looking at him with surprise he throw it into fireplace.

"That....That's James's sister....how" Laurent said in disbelief.

"Oh....she tried to seduce me so I ripped off her head"

"This bi**h" Alice said glaring at fireplace.

" Please empersiss tried....Hmm....but if I saw you around here again I don't mind another head as a trophy"Alex said to Laurent.Laurent felt immense pressure from the man standing infront of him making him feel like a mouse infront of a lion "I have to go" He said while fleeing in fear.

" Savage" Alicd said playfully.

"So what's going on" Alex asked and Alice explained what happened with James.

"Hmm....Don't worry I will give you a help as well" Alex said to Edward.

"Ehem....aren't you a human" Bella asked curiously.

"Human....A strong one I guess.Carlisle said maybe I have strong bloodline or something" Alex replied.

Later that night they went separate ways.Esme,Rosalie and Edward will act as a distraction while Emmet,Jasper and Carlisle hunt for Victoria.Meanwhile Alex,Alice and Edythe keep Bella safe.

Few days later they stoped Alex's group arrived at the Scottsdale hotel.

"I wish he'd call" Bella said.

"Don't worry Bella I am sure he is okey" Alice said softly.

"But what happens if one of you got hurt because of me."

"I don't think that will happene.After all we have this brute on our side.Hs is stronger than all of us" Edythe said pointing at Alex.

"Hey...I am not a brute.I am....." Alex was interrupted by Alice's words.

"The tracker just changed the course"


After another few days.Bella got a call from James telling her to comes to him if she needs her mother alive.While Bella was able to tricked Alice and Edythe she wasn't able to trick Alex and his supersense.After Bella was gone he meet up with Alice and Edythe.

"Bella is gone" He said surprising two girls.

"Where" Edythe asked in panic.

"She got a call from James.Apparently he kidnapped her mother and asked Bella to comes to him"

"What....how did you know"Edythe asked.

"Well ,I heard...oh come on I have super hearing"

"We need to go now I will call others" Alice said.

"Wait, We need to use this chance to get rid of James once for the all.That's why I let her go."Alex said.

"We can't just use her as a bait.It's dangerous" Edythe protested.

"Then what? run everyday.Don't worry I have a plan." Alex said with smile.