
Twilight: Fire Lord.

If you want a synopsis of the story, go visit Silverperm profile or search for ' Twilight: A Transmigration Story'. And support the original Fanfic author and me if I'm doing good enough. Silverperm has given me the green light. I will use his story as a reference and at the beginning it will mostly follow his storytelling but at some point, my story will break away from his. So, to the hater and fault-finder, this is a warning. If you dislike the story then just leave. We as writers don't need your approval or yourself to do what we love or want to do. But to the fault-finder that simply wants to help us, we appreciate you and thank you for your support. Let the story begin! P.S. Everything belongs to its respectful owner except for my OC.

Alax_Gecko · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

A word from me to you.

Alright, guys.

I have been given the green light from Silverperm. And ask you to visit his profile and read his stories since I won't be publishing anything yet.

I have decided to grind chapters first before publishing anything. If you want the time of publishing, maybe around early next year. Around the first 3 months of 2024.

My story will mostly follow what Silverperm has already published since I am using his story as a reference. But I promise you, it won't be a copy and paste. Just believe in my promise. If I am doing a bad job, just holler at me and I will do my best to fix it.

To Silverperm, if I am not doing your story justice. All I ask is to be pointed in the right direction. Since this is my first time making an original; is it an original if the idea is not mine to begin with? Either way, Silverperm, if any time in the future. you want this story to be taken down, just tell me and I will. And to those who are upset about what I said, don't. This is between me and Silverperm. From a writer to a writer. Please respect that, it is all I ask of you, dear readers.

I think there is nothing more to add. My dear reader, please visit Silverperm and read his stories. Support him in any way possible. Support me if you are feeling generous. And enjoy the story when 2024 arrives. END.