
Turns out I’m the wrong host

“Become mine and I’ll give you the world!”-female lead “No thanks”-MC “Keep your claws to yourself”-male lead ……………………. “Marry me and I’ll make you the happiest man alive”-female lead *smh*”how many times, no!”-MC “You heard him, give up before I make sure you can’t talk again”-scary male lead ……………………… “Get back here your my……”-female lead “Never!”-MC “He’s mine damn it!!!”- a certain male lead (What did I get myself into)-a system who made a terrible mistake …………………… Follow Sam on his journey throughout many worlds, where he does whatever it takes to ruin the female leads day, and accidentally seduces the male lead far to many times, all while his system regrets not binding to a better host …………………….. “Hopefully a very fun read”- a certain author “I told you to use protection”- a certain authors mother “He’s getting worse”- a certain authors best friend “Woof grrr bark bark grrr woof”- ruff-ly translates to “how did I end up with this guy as my owner”-by a certain authors dog “Who are we talking about again”- a certain authors other friend

DaoistFudge · Fantasia
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4 Chs

What just happened

<Sam's POV>

I was planning to play out the amnesia thing a bit more, but before I even got a chance the male le… Nicholas, ran up and hugged me, for a minute I thought I was gonna suffocate, but luckily he loosened his hug so I could breath, which gave me time to calm down, which he seemed visibly relived about, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hug back so I chose not to.

Nicholas then called his physician over and the physician actually identified the poison as soon as he arrived, then Nicholas sent some people to investigate or something I'm not really sure, but now I have no idea what to do, cause I'm just sorta stood here being hugged.



...…..I decide to gently pat his back to see if it gets him to start explaining stuff to me, surely this won't somehow go wrong right?

<Nicholas POV>

After sending people to investigate I decided to just stand here and enjoy having Sam in my arms, while it lasts that is, what I didn't expect was for Sam to start patting my back as though trying to comfort me.

This just proves that Sam really has forgotten everything, otherwise he would have been able to tell that I don't need comforting, I need answers from whoever is responsible.

But Sam's action was really unexpected, so I couldn't help but stiffen briefly, before relaxing with my arms wrapped around Sam, while receiving gentle pats on the back, I think I'll just enjoy the moment while it lasts.

<Sam POV>

He isn't saying anything he's just snuggling closer to me, what's happening…..wai….wait did he just sniff me!?!?….O….M...G….he's just like one of those male leads in those Bl novels I used to read….Eeeeeee I'm so exited.

(Host calm down!! He didn't sniff you he just breathed, there no way he would be like an overbearing, obsessive male lead from one of those weird novels you used to read, he's only just met you.)

Well you obviously don't know how Bl works normally they fall in love the moment they meet eyes, it's true love…true psychotic love but true love none the less.

(Host your memories scare me and so does your thought process.)





Touché! You yellow bellied scoundrel of a system!

(I…uh… what?)

You heard me.

(What just happened?)

I just epically roasted you!

(No you didn't but I wasn't talking about that, I think one of the guards found something)


Oh…well would you look at that it's a suicide note written in the female leads handwriting [I presume any way]

(Host you can't hide your thoughts from me and your guess is most likely correct)

"Sir I found this" the guard says as he hands the note to Nicholas.

Nicholas quickly opens the note and reads it, keeping an arm around me the whole time, before he bursts out laughing.

"Bwahahahahahahaa! Whoever wrote this is clearly an idiot they didn't even try to copy the handwriting correctly, Hahahahaha, ahh that was quite funny!" Nicholas then looks at the guard a sharp glint in his eyes.

"Go find out who has handwriting matching the note, and once you find them detain them." He says suddenly going from cheerful to fully serious.

"Yes sir, it will be done exactly as you've said!" The guard quickly salutes before taking the note and rushing to follow his orders.

Now that the guard is gone Nicholas releases me from his hug and tightly grasps my hand, it's surprisingly a pleasant feeling.

"Let's go, you need some rest, and then we can try and refresh your memory, hopefully you'll remember something soon...but it's okay if you don't I'll still take care of you" he says in a reassuring way, clearly trying to keep me calm while he worry's inside, it's strange I've only just met him, but he has a lifetime of memories with the previous owner of this body, it almost feels like I'm replacing the previous Sam.

(Host I can assure you that you are completely wrong, anything you experience in this life are things that originally where yours)

What do you mean?

(Host you've simply possessed another you, if you'd have picked one of the other two choices the a completely new body would be provided and forced into the story however the Sam who's body you took over is simply the you that existed in this world, thus anything that was his is also yours, you and him are the same, you haven't replaced him you are simply taking your place in this world.)

Well…that's good to know I guess?

Oh I suppose that Nicholas has already taken me to our destination, it's huge!

In front of me stands a huge mansion adorned with gold and silver, actually now that I look Nicholas's outfit seems to have gold and silver as well.

That's not important what's important is that Nicholas is guiding me into the house and up the stairs.

System where is he taking me?

(Most likely your bedroom or his, after all he said he was taking you to rest)

<end of this chapter, yay it's longer than the chapter before, improvement!! Also the whole replaced another version of himself thing is something I threw in so that it makes sense that not only was this a character in the story but also the only one of the three choices that would have existed before sam made his choice, it is literally this worlds version of him, and to make it less difficult for himself he will naturally chose to be himself in every world he goes to, the info dump isn't actually very good at getting the point across Imo.>