
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

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40 Chs

Track 38 - Absolute Zero

While the meeting had dispersed for the evening, it was far from over. Solazar was pissed. With the possible addition of the Seven Deadly Sins it marked too many new people that joined without his express approval. So, despite the readiness of everyone, Solazar delayed Ace's 'rescue' until he could properly vet the gang, their missing leader and Ace.

This took several days, moving the 'rescue' to Wednesday, mid-day. He cleared them all but insisted that none would be included in the heist, or rather be involved in getting the money.

Up above the cloud cover was heavy. Reports had not called for rain, but the high presence of dark grey clouds indicated otherwise. Until now at least, not a drop had fallen.

Two vehicles followed a rarely traversed road. A typical van rode first, one meant for consumers, two seats in the front, two in the back. Behind it strolled a military van, TGG proudly showing off the logo on its side.

An unusual team rode in the first car. Annie drove, not having spoken much with Aldryx in the passenger's seat. In the back sat Theo, starring intently outside and Radi, whose coat took up most of the seat. Radi stared outside too, unsure what exactly he should be looking at.

The outskirts of the town were foreign to him. It reminded him back of home but only in feeling. Everything was so different. For one, it wasn't this green back home. Lofie would like it out here. No. He shook his head, reminding himself of the mission. He looked back to the photo he had been given.

Ace was holed out of town, down southbound. Hideout in an abandoned hotel, long since reclaimed by nature. Aside from his location Updike had produced a photo of the fugitive.

As a slim dragon anthro he had two white curved horns pointed out of his head. A full head of dark blue hair covered the top and flowed down past his shoulders. In the photo, he wore a black parka with red trim and white frills around it, a red handkerchief improvised as a scarf covering his neck. Underneath the jacket, his chest covered by a plain white shirt, black cargo pants below it. He wore no shoes, unneeded in the house setting the photo had been taken in.

A single gold earing shined from his pointy left ear. It shined, as did his brown eyes off the way the shot was taken. The photographer had been credited as R.S. How exactly Updike obtained the photo was unknown. A large white and light blue tail emerged from the back, resting on the ground. It matched the same light blue of his face and paws.

Radi couldn't help but feel a little bad at the photo. Ace had gone on the run for currently unknown reasons, currently suffering from a mental breakdown. Radi shuddered; it reminded him of his own 'fall'. He put the photo away.

"We consider Ace an associate of this gang. It appears he has a love interest in the group's leader but otherwise has not engaged in any criminal activity." Updike said through the comlink. Presently, he was in a truck following Annie's car. While not part of the 'operation' he stuck close, though upon Aldryx's request came unarmed, no squad with him this time.

"Ace is a photographer by trade, a member of some photo club. Predictably they have no idea why he ran off too."

"How did you guys even find him anyways?" Annie asked. She had chosen the mission just to get out of the city. With no intention of going in the hotel she just wanted the change of scenery.

"Abandoned buildings are a prime target for anti-nominal and paranormal behaviour. We've had this place monitored for a long time. Make a right at this upcoming road."

Updike had explained the history of the hotel though nobody really cared. At least, nobody aside from Theo. He tried to hide it, but he was excited. Every member on the team so far had been fascinating to him, showing a world he knew naught existed.

Earlier he was starring at Aldryx then later Radi curious as to how his abilities worked. Aldryx was too focused on some phone call to chat and Radi barely spoke period. Nevertheless Theo came prepared, a duffle bag full of electronics, drones and toys that he hoped would come in handy.

"Is there any other 'paranormal' activity in this hotel?" Theo asked.

"We've had reports prior to Ace's arrival but since then nothing besides Ace." Updike replied.

"Why?" Aldryx chuckled. "Worried you might see a ghost?"

"Certainly not. I look forward to seeing one. I must admit I am quite excited for this little excursion."

"Are you now?" Updike asked from the comlink. "Well if this field interests you do let me know. we could always use more help."

"Really? I would be honoured."

Aldryx sighed. "Don't get him started."

The two ignored Aldryx and began a complex discussion on TGG, what it stood for and such. Despite not joining in, Radi listened closely, himself curious about what exactly Updike did for a living.

Plenty of backroads, endless forests and grassy plains later they made it to the destination. As Annie pulled in she understood when Updike said that the place really was abandoned.

The hotel was not very big, 3 floors at most, and stretched back into what used to be an open expanse. Trees had grown along the side of the hotel and looked to be the only things keeping it up high. Where the hotel once rocked a courtyard it had become a mass of sand, shrubbery and grass, poking through. Not a single window remained, muffled sunlight pouring through them, just barely lighting up the inside.

Despite it's disarray it still maintained a grandiose appearance.

Whatever doors had once provided entrance were nothing more that piles of rubble, any large scraps long since taken by wildlife. The only 'sentient' contact the place had in the last 30 years had been from artists whose graffiti remained sprawled across the brick.

Radi looked at it skeptically. When on the run he had taken shelter in a radioactive waste site for a bit. While it had not been the 'comfiest' place, he found it much more hospitable than this dilapidated shelter.

Aldryx got out fist, the temperature he immediately noticed. Back in the city it reached t-shirt weather, low 20s. Here it was much colder, temperature around low 10s. Nothing around indicated why it was colder, just that the air was chilly.

The others stepped out as well, nobody particularly commenting on the temperature either. Updike pulled in, his truck reversing in, just in case they needed a speedy getaway. Swinging open the back doors he stepped out.

"Here we are. Once known as the Roy & Charcle Hotel, it has been abandoned for many years, longer than I presume any of you have been alive...except Theo."

"Hmph." Theo said.

"The mission is simple. Just go in there, try to talk some sense into Ace and see if he knows anything about Retro's disappearance. If you need anything I am right here. Me and my technician will be monitoring from our planted bugs. Be careful, the lot of you."

"Pft. We'll be fine." Aldryx said.

"Even so." Updike said. "You are dealing with someone not currently making rational decisions."

"Understood." Radi said.

"Off to it then. Good luck." Updike said as he got back into the truck, taking a seat amongst several monitors.

Theo took something out his satchel. "Before we can begin, let us do a little reconnaissance." He pulled out a drone and controller.

Aldryx, already bored took to leaning against the car, scrolling on his phone. Radi, curious watched Theo.

"Whereabouts do you believe he's holed up?" Theo asked.

"He usually resides on the second floor. Never the first and rarely the third or roof. We do have one instance of him going up to the roof and crying but based on our reports that hasn't happened in a long time."

"Grim." Aldryx muttered.

Theo nodded and activated the drone, 4 propellors spinning rapidly as it took off. A camera had been attached to it allowing a 360-degree view of the area. Radi started watching from Theo's camera but stopped, not wanting to get too close to him. Updike instead beckoned him to watch from his larger screens.

With skill Theo maneuvered it up and entered from an open window. Though its curtains were drawn the drone easily pushed them aside.

The rooms in here were in much better shape than the outside of the hotel. Floors in-tact, only a few holes in the wall and even with curtains. And unlike the other rooms the ground was covered in a thick layer of ice. From Theo's perspective it looked as if the floor was made of glass. This must be a very fancy hotel. He thought.

"Ace?" Theo asked through the drone. No response. He continued flying around the rooms looking for any sign of anyone. Just as he flew next to an air vent he saw a purple blur emerge from inside and then the drone stopped moving, propellers whirring nowhere.

"What the!" He proclaimed, surprised. Pushing on the controls he tried to get away but couldn't. He could see what the drone had gotten ensnared on but as he moved the joysticks he could not dislodge it.

"By jove!" He shouted as he struggled with it. In the 360 view he scrolled around, better trying to see what it got trapped in.

Though a distorted, almost fisheyes look he saw two large eyes, white with huge black circles in each starring at the drone. At first he though it some strange reflection but when he realized they were eyes he felt his stomach fill with fear.

"Sir Updike. Are you seeing this?"

"I am."

"That's not...That's not Ace correct?"

"No. I'm not sure what that is. Decoy set up by Ace? Something else in that hotel? I cannot say."

"That is unfortunate." Theo said. "Perhaps I can send in another one!"

"Can we go in now?" Aldryx asked, bored.

Theo looked at Aldryx skeptically. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. C'mon. We can pick up your drone too."

"Very well. Let us go." The said as he turned off the drone.

Seeing the entrance up close only showed just how damned this place was. They nodded at each other and went in, taking caution to avoid broken glass by the entrance.

Now alone, Annie climbed out of the car and walked up to Updike. "You mind?" She asked Updike.

"Um, no?"

Annie nodded and climbed atop the transport truck, shaking it slightly. Satisfied she lied down on it, cracking open a book and reading. She was content to wait and give her some much-needed quiet time. To her, this trip was therapeutic.

Updike found it confusing but said nothing, instead looking back to his screens.

Now Playing...

Artist: Panzerpappa

Song: Apraxia

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lh9jBAme0mA

There comes a point when ruins fade, that whatever objects could have been present had long since been reduced to dust. A time when even the mold dies, leaving nothing but nature to take back over. The hotel's interior was in that state. Unrecognizable wallpaper, piles of trash mixed with sand, objects that could have resembled furniture once, comprised of nothing but rotting wood.

Any decaying material present had long since vanished, just giving the place a damp but empty scent.

"Do we know exactly where he is, roomwise?" Theo asked through the comlink. To him it looked like nobody had ever been here. He continued to find the excursion fascinating. His inner child practically screaming that he was doing an 'investigation', just as he saw it done on children's shows. He was so excited he didn't see the nail on the ground, accidentally kicking it at Radi.

"Nope. Second floor somewhere. We don't have schematics of the place." Updike said quietly.

"Why is it so cold?" Aldryx asked, now noticing he could see his breath.

"It is?" Radi asked, the cooler temps not affecting his nuclear fission.

"Indeed. It is cooler here." Theo remarked.

"Did none of you listen to my lecture earlier? Ace can control temperatures, render the place a snowstorm at will. The closer you will get the colder it will likely be."

"Well let's hurry this up. Ace! We know you're in here!" Aldryx shouted.

There was no response, though Radi heard shuffling from upstairs. With nothing to go on they continued stepping over indescribable garbage. While Radi and Aldryx were careful, Theo strutted like he owned the place. He had the foresight to bring steel-toe boots and they were putting work in.

Aldryx's sneakers did little and the digidevil found himself lagging, careful not to step in any broken glass or sharp objects.

They took turns calling for Ace though no response was ever heard. It remained silent as ever, the only sounds them walking and the occasional water drop.

Holes in the ceiling allowed water and the sun to get through to provide some additional light. Theo spotted a few puddles on the ground, drops occasionally falling from the ceiling. He didn't consider their origin until he looked up in the next room. As they were going deeper into the hotel he found a thin layer of snow on the ground. It looked to have formed naturally, white blanketing the floor.

"You gotta be kidding me." Aldryx muttered as he stepped in it. "I don't know if I can take this man." He said cursing. They could see the stairwell a few rooms in from at the end of the hallway. But, as the hallway reached it's ended the amount of snow increased.

"If you are unable to handle this I can take over. We have hot chocolate in the truck." Updike said earnestly, unintentionally taunting him.

"No. I can do this. Better save me a cup...How are you not cold?!" He asked Radi and Theo.

"I can't feel it. My powers prevent me." Radi said as he walked off.

"Indeed. He is like a walking furnace." Updike remarked.

"This is nothing." Theo joked. "I've spent entire evenings atop Ferris wheels repairing them. I am no stranger to the cold." He said poetically.

"You're not even wearing a jacket man!"

"Woah!" Radi shouted from another room. "Uhm, guys, you wanna see this?"

"You found 'em?" Aldryx asked happily and ran into the room. He stopped suddenly, nearly bumping into Radi. "What the in the f-"

"What? What do you see?"

Theo entered last, also surprised at what he saw. "How strange! However, I don't think this is Ace."

"Someone send me a photo!" Updike demanded. Theo did, albeit struggled a bit with the phone, ultimately having Aldryx just send it.

In-cased in a block of ice was some blue humanoid figure. They couldn't tell if he was real or not but encased in the block, it couldn't move anyways. The figure was large and wide, all blue except for the goofy mouth and possibly fake looking eyes. He had a crown atop his head. Nothing human or anthro about him, his arms and legs just stubs that narrowed. One of his eyes looked to be a button, a large black X where the iris should have been.

"I don't know what that is supposed to be. We've had reports about possible abomination activity here. Perhaps this is that. Regardless, that isn't Ace so please keep looking." Updike said.

They did, and left the room, making for the stairwell. Surprisingly it was in far better shape, some of the velvet carpet remaining. Very few holes looked to be present as well. The stairs were covered in a patchwork of snow, the temperature getting colder as they climbed.

Feeling like the blue creature below, Aldryx buttoned up his jacket. Though just a plain jean jacket he hoped it'd provide at least a little bit of warmth. While he had the ability to make fire he worried, the interior of the hotel looking like a good spark would turn it to a tinderbox.

"Ace!" Aldryx shouted again. "You in here? We want to talk. We know what happened to your boyfriend!" He said aloud, annoyed.

Theo saw it first, a huge blur go past several rooms. A white bolt shot out of it, aimed right for Theo. He took a step forward, stepping right into a hole covered in snow. He fell through, lodging himself in the middle of the floors. The bolt hit the wall, exploding and freezing part of it.

"Go away!" Someone shouted.

"Damn!" Theo cursed. He started to lift himself out of the hole, pushing on nearby wood. It caved and Theo fell a few metres, landing on the 1st floor. He groaned.

"Theo!" Aldryx said. "You okay?"

"I'll be f-fine." He muttered as he picked himself up. "Suffered worse falls."

"You two go on ahead I am going to take a breather." Theo added, mumbling to himself about his shape.

Upstairs Radi and Aldryx readied themselves for a fight. "Ace, we're friends! We don't want to hurt you!" Aldryx declared. He nudged Radi, whispering that he should help.

They watched where they stepped, kicking snow out of the way. There was no telling where holes were.

"Indeed!" Theo called from below, hoping Ace could hear them.

"We, uh, could help you out?" Radi said, completely unsure.

"A-are ou with them?" Someone, presumably Ace shouted from a distance. Aldryx scanned the various doors and rooms but could not place where Ace was.

"We, uh. Yes?" Radi said, still unsure.

"I knew it!" Another ice blast shot out, this time directly at Radi. He blocked it, the ice bolt shattering upon impact, encasing his fists in a jagged piece of ice. Radi smirked as the ice easily melted off, for the first time glad for his powers. A bright green flame erupted around his arms.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Aldryx shouted. "Put that out, you're gonna torch this place!"

"Geez, alright. What are you, my dad?" Radi said annoyed.

They heard the scampering run deeper into the hotel, leaving earshot.

"Argh, great. We lost 'em. Why'd you say that?"

"I don't know this stuff. I'm not some friggin' council worker." Radi spat.


Giving up on the burning the place down, a small fire lit from around Aldryx's wrists.

"Why can you do it? I thought you said we'd burn the place down." Radi said.

"I can. Damn place is too cold. Maybe we should just smoke 'em out."

"I see-"

"D-don't. Don't actually burn this place down. Come on. Let's keep looking."

"You comin' Theo?"

"No. Go on without me for a bit. I'm gonna go a different way." Theo shouted from below. He himself got up and inspected himself for any cuts or bruises. "And also find my drone." He muttered.

Upstairs Radi and Aldryx continued. They believed that their 'attacker' was none other than Ace, though the hulking mass they saw earlier made no indication so. The snow had solidified forming a layer of ice that doubled as the floor. Even with boots on, the two could not stand straight on them, sliding about.

"I can't believe this." Aldryx muttered as he slid around. He kept to the wall, using it to keep stable. Radi, even with his boots had trouble maneuvering too. His mind remained on fighting, easily noting that if Ace came at them now they'd be screwed.

As Aldryx clutched the wall his hand didn't notice the nail sticking out. Scratching his hand on it he reeled back, loosing his balance and falling forward. "Damnit!" He slid into the next room, bumping into something.

Using the wall as push-off point Radi pushed off and tried to slide after Aldryx. "Just hold still. I got you." Radi said. It did nothing as both ended up picking up speed and crashing into something at the end.

Aldryx groaned and Radi got up, helping the digidevil up. "This place man. This-what the."

As he got up he looked at what they had crashed into. Another strange creature. This one was green and way larger than the blue guy, with long arms as wide as his core. He had the same kind of goofy eyes and wide smile as the blue guy too. He was posed in a position that he was about to grab the viewer. He had been stopped, a solid block of ice, encasing him.

"You sure this wasn't a hotel and not some weird daycare thing?" Aldryx asked in the comlink. He sent Updike a picture.

"This is just strange. I don't believe they are related to Ace in any way. I can't fathom what they are." Updike said. He typed away, searching TGG records for any known abominations like that. "I've gotten nearly every report I have of this place in front of me. Got nothing on these weird creatures. Just reports they might exist, though no descriptions provided. I'm at a loss. Be careful though."

"Pfft. These things don't look too dangerous. Let's go man. I spend any more time here I'm gonna get frostbite." Aldryx said to Radi. He nodded and they continued.

Theo found an alternative route up, climbing stairs through an employee-only area. The place here looked a bit more upkept, but Theo kept finding piles of ashes and wood. Had someone been starting fires here?

It reminded him of what he saw in his dreams but with vile creatures and distorted memories. It didn't help that this place reminded him of one of a past workplace. He shook his head.

He coughed. "Damnit. Not here." He found himself shaking slightly. A troubled past and the things he'd seen he kept to himself, buried. Tragedies on his rides and macabre images he saw flashed about. Though he fought hard and knew it not his fault the guilt still weighed. It was another reason he left home. And now it was back, reminding him of a past attraction. A coaster ride next to a hotel. And it was in that hotel he heard firsthand all hell break loose from that ride.

"Theo are you alright?" Updike asked through the comlink, hearing Theo choking. "Y-yes. Just had a hot flash. I'll be okay. This place...can it trigger memories or like visions?"

"We've done an oxygen test of the area. There are no chemicals present that could cause that. No magic either. But if you are feeling sick get out of there."

"No. Let me at least find my drone." Theo said, picking himself up. He checked his phone. With the drone's features he could track how close he was to it. Staring at the app, he found the knot passing, feeling better now.

He continued walking along, entering an area at the edge of property. Two large holes were present in the large wall, allowing light to pour in.

He couldn't help but find this section scenic, this interior remining him of a church. Nothing but a large open room that once held a banquet hall.

Upstairs Radi and Aldryx weren't having any luck. Ace vanished again and left the two with a makeshift hockey rink. No more strange creatures, though they weren't on each other's mind. They tried calling Ace again, to no avail.

Updike had been monitoring their movements, though personally more focused on Theo, considering him a higher risk target.

"Leave me alone! I didn't do anything!" Radi and Aldryx finally heard as they entered the next room. The two had not been following any set path, going where they slid. They found themselves in some kind of lounge, quite a few chairs remaining, though the cushions long gone. Much brighter here, a hole having been opened in the ceiling, cutting through the third floor. A stage sat opposite of them; curtains drawn.

"We aren't here to hurt you!" Aldryx said. "We just want to talk." He said back, unsure of where Ace spoke from.

"Dammit just tell him you're sent by Sakuroma and know where Retro is. He's obviously not going to believe you till you mention them." Updike said, queuing back into Aldryx's conversation.

"We're with Retro! We know where he is!" Radi shouted back.

"No you aren't! You're with them! I know it!" Someone shouted again, a flurry of ice shards shooting from the stage.

Radi reacted quickly jumping in front of Aldryx, using his hands to emit a neon green shield. Made of radioactive heat it melted the ice instantly. Just as the ice evaporated he made it vanish, readying his fists for a serious battle. He hopped upon a table, ready for combat.

"Sakuroma sent us!" Radi shouted.

Aldryx readied himself too. "Thanks for that Rad. Let's do this."

"Wait! Wait! T! T! You're with Sakuroma?" Someone frantically said. Carefully a head peered out of the curtains, looking at the two.

"You really aren't with t-them?"

"Who exactly is the-"

"We aren't with the Family." Radi said and lowered his fists.


Now Playing...

Artist: Memory Leaks Onto the Rug

Song: Squeakers

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Hy_CzluWyk

Downstairs Theo found himself admiring the view, imagining ballroom music playing throughout. Slow string instruments, glacially moving melodies and major chords. "Maybe some Lawrence Welk." He commented aloud as he moved slowly, mimicking a slow dance. A conductor leading a light music theater, woodwinds accompanying too. And a fire alarm. Theo blinked. He heard a fire alarm, something buzzing, a distorted and glitching electronic screech that repeated every second and it was getting louder.

Theo turned, his instincts fully kicking in as he saw it run at him.

An orange lizard-like creature, though its proportions were way off. While it had a long neck like a goose, it had two huge eyes sitting atop it like someone had sculpted it on. The long snout it had, stylized a bit like an alligator's long and with sharp teeth.

But while its snout was gator-like the rest of it looked nothing like it. It ran on two thin legs, two thin arms extended out appearing threatening as it ran at Theo. The rest of its body was slender and thin, even down to the lanky tail it had. The create was not that large either, only standing at about half of Theo's height.

That creature was the source of the 'fire alarm', screeching as it charged at Theo.

He didn't have time to deduce an option, the orange blur reminding him of the children that had attacked him. His instincts took over as he grabbed the creature by the throat and slammed it against the wall. Only intending to stun it he used too much strength and sent it through the wall. The wall was only made of a thin rotting wood but the action surprised Theo, snapping out of his rage.

In an instant the creature was winded, eyes spinning as it tried to focus on what had just happened. It writhed under Theo's iron grip, trying to snap at him.

"Updike! I require immediate assistance! I'm being accosted by some...creature..thing! I'm not sure what this is supposed to be."

"I am on my way! Sit tight." In an instant Updike threw off his headphones and bolted out of the truck, his weight shaking it as he jumped off. The weight wasn't enough to bother Annie who continued lounging atop it.

"And then we came here." Aldryx said as he concluded his speel. "So you're Ace, huh. No offense but you don't really look like your photo."

Aldryx looked him over. While he had been expecting a stylish anthro-dragon standing before him was a large, unkempt and distraught anthro-dragon. He teamed with ice, Aldryx taking care to keep his distance as the man emitted cold.

He looked to have gained a lot of weight, the excess mass from muscles, not fat, though beneath all the fur it was hard to tell. Compared to the photo, Aldryx found the original Ace looked scrawny next to the 'ogre' in front of him.

He stood much larger than the reference Ace, the only thing in common being the navy jeans he wore. Though, whether Ace went through a growth spurt or not the jeans had ripped, plenty of holes present on the legs, the fabric trying to hold his furry legs in.

That was another characteristic he found different about Ace. While the photo indicated he had hair atop his head, this Ace was covered in a grey fur, covering his arms, legs, head and even tail. His dark hair had turned a ghostly white as did his eyebrows and beard. It had grown too, flowing down to just above his tail. Only a few streaks of his black hair remained, two 'ponytails' flowing down on each side of his shoulders.

All the fur was unkempt, no attempt at grooming them had been made, matted and knotted in some parts, overgrown in others.

Atop his upper half he wore a stained white undershirt, barely hiding his puffy chest, fur visible around the edges of the stretched fabric.

The last part that had changed were his horns, Aldryx picking up on that immediately. The photo had shown his horns as thin and aimed directly up. His horns no longer stood up, instead arching behind him slightly. They looked to have been made into ice, shining in ambient light. A same ice patch appeared on chin too, as if part of his beard had completely frozen into a light blue jewel.

The claws on his hands and paws were the same colour too, shining barely, claws far sharper than they were in the photograph.

He hardly looked like the same person.

"Y-you sure this is the same guy?" Aldryx asked, grabbing the photograph from Radi. He showed it to Ace who trembled. "A lot's changed." Ace said quietly.

Image: Are You Sure It's the Same Guy - https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1772230090211852698

For Radi, Ace's eyes were the first thing he noticed. A black cornea with a white iris, as if they were inverted. They were hollow and void, bags around his eyes indicating not much sleep caught Ace. It reminded Radi of himself. He wondered if he looked like that before Nikusa found him.

"Everyone! What's your status? Are you all okay?" Updike said from the comlink, though Radi could hear him shout from below somewhere.

"Cold but fine. We have Ace."

"Mhmpf." Radi said through his mask. "Doing good."

"Theo and I ran into an abomination. We're initiating capture procedures. Whenever you are ready make your way to the truck for extraction." Updike said. The orange creature could be heard hissing through his comlink.

"But why would they take him?! He didn't do anything." Ace said suddenly, still processing all that Aldryx had told him.

"We don't know. Point is. We know where he is and we're getting him out."

"As a side goal." Radi added. "We have other reasons for being there."

"Shush. He's on a need-to-know basis." Aldryx said.

"I'm just trying to be friendly. The hell's your problem man?"

"I want to help." Ace said. "I...I let them take him. They ambushed us. I tried to freeze them, but I couldn't...I just-They pretended to be cops-I-I-I-" Ace started to bawl.

"Spare us the details." Aldryx said. "I don't wanna freeze here. You can confide or whatever when we get him. Alright?"

Ace sniffled and nodded. "So they aren't mad?"

"Huh? Who?" Radi asked.

"Sakuroma and the others. I thought they blamed me."

Radi shot Aldryx a look of confusion. "First we heard about that."

"From what I heard they just wanted to know why he vanished. They guessed you would know."

"I don't know why they wanted him. I..." Ace stopped, recounting the topic was too difficult.

"We'll find him." Radi said.

Ace smiled though it looked less like a smile and more neutral. The act had become foreign to him since his stay here.

"Now let's get out of here! I'm freezing!" Aldryx declared, again lighting up his wrists for warmth.

Now Playing...

Artist: Smersh

Song: D.A.M. Style

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QCoxvTXF6c

Outside, Annie continued to rest unabated. She had heard the scuffles but long as nobody called her she saw no reason to intervene. Shut put the book away, preferring to just nap atop the van.

For now she enjoyed the clear sky and clean air, so entranced by the scenery she didn't notice something fly out of the hotel towards her. It didn't fly very fast and had it been silent she would not have even noticed it.

Aside from the flapping of wings, she heard the faint sound of a propeller. Annie just ignored the sounds, guessing a helicopter flew above her.

A yellow creature flew towards her, slowly fluttering in her direction. It looked almost like a crude drawing of a bird, two arms and two legs. Each arm had three 'fingers', not detailed enough to be done and each leg had two toes. The creature had an elongated head that, appearing sideways almost like half a pickaxe or a toucan. It flapped vainly though whether that actually helped was unknown. Strapped to the creature was a harness, a propeller attached above that sputtered.

It had two large eyes on either side of its head that stared off the distance, impossible to tell it was watching at Annie.

Annie remained blissfully ignorant of the sound, not even paying attention when it landed on the truck and waddled towards her. It pecked at her shoe, testing if she was alive.

Figuring it was just some random bird she remained motionless, just moving an arm to shoo it away. The creature stood at about the same height as Annie, though nowhere near as strong. It quickly found that out as it jumped upon her stomach and dug it's claws into her shirt. The propeller took off, trying to lift it and her up.

"What?" Annie said as she looked up, seeing the creature vainly try to lift her. Though the beasts' claws didn't hurt the act was annoying her. "What the hell are you supposed to be?" She asked the creature.

After a few unsuccessful jump-offs it let go, flying up and landing on her again.

"What are you, deaf?" Annie asked again, louder. It just looked at her and cocked its head, staring with unblinking eyes.

"Ugh. Go away. I don't have time to play." She said as she lifted her arm up in front of her face, blocking the sky out.

No sooner did she lie back down did the creature emit from screech and lung at her. It clamped its jaws around her arm, biting at it.

Though she didn't feel it pierce the skin it hurt like hell. Like part of her arm was trapped in a vice.

"YOU STUPID!" Annie started waving her arm around frantically trying to get the bird creature off, quickly getting angry. As she shouted expletives at it, the bird responded by biting harder. As the bite increased, so did her anger. Struggling now she slammed it against the side of the truck, her hand also colliding with the metal.

The act jolted awake the driver who exclaimed as Annie's moving started to shake the truck. Slammed against the truck a few more times the bird let go, falling to the ground.

As the truck rebounded Annie lost her balance, tumbling over and falling too, landing stomach first on the bird and ground. She groaned in pain as she rolled off it, the bird creature wheezing from the impact, crushed.

Annie got up, clutching her stomach and sat down against the truck. "Stupid...bird...thing. Argh. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE?" She shouted at the unconscious creature.

The truck rocked again, the driver ignoring it, figuring Annie crawled back up.

"Having some trouble there?" Someone giggled from above to Annie. She looked up, a shadow of someone large standing atop the truck.

"Yeah well problem solved now." Annie grumbled. "Who are you?"

The figure jumped off the truck acrobatically, landing behind Annie. Turning around, she didn't recognize the person standing before her, tall, wide and strong, this person reminded her of Updike a bit.

Had any of the other members been present they would have identified her immediately. Nikusa arrived.

"Nobody in particular." Nikusa said gleefully. "I'm looking for a friend of mine. This tall, wearing all black and occasionally glowing green."


"So you know him?"

"He's in there." Annie said as she started to get up. She pointed to the ruins of the hotel.

"Who are you supposed to be anyways? Some 'abomination' working for that cloud?"

"...The hell did you just call me?"

"Abomination. What you never heard that word? Aren't you some agent?"

Annie spat on the ground. "I ain't no 'agent'. Lotta nerve to be calling me a freak when you look like a snowman."

"Excuse me?" Nikusa said, a hint of anger in her voice. Her eyes narrowed.

"You heard me." Annie readied her fists. Nikusa did so. "Agent wants to talk tough huh. See how tough you are with your legs smashed in."

"Bring it on bitch."

A battle would have occurred then and there had the two not noticed a skipping across the grass. The wayward-ness of it caused both to look back.

A strange monster emerged from the hotel, skipping towards them. A cyan-coloured biped, phenotype akin to a velociraptor though without arms. No fur or scales it looked to just be made of some kind of solid material. So basic in appearance, it almost stood like a 3D cartoon, which is what Annie thought it was. Its head was far wider than its neck, the default expression a wide smile. Almost as if the being's head was a boomerang painted cyan. A split was visible on it, where teeth lurked behind the banana-shaped head. Two goofy eyes stood on top of the being's head, no indication of a nose, mouth or any other feature.

Its mouth started to unfurl, reviling sharp teeth as it approached. Neither Nikusa nor Annie were the least bit threatened by it, rather confused as to its existence. Getting close enough it jumped at Nikusa, bear-trap sized teeth plunging into her arm. Centuries of putting her strength to the test it did little to hurt her, who found the action funny. Giggling a bit she turned back to Annie.

"Where were we?"

"Aren't you, uh, gonna get rid of that?" Annie asked. The creature continued to bite and try and tear, not piercing anything.

"I could use the handicap, after all, little you can do against me."

"Take whatever handicap you want. You're dead." Annie spat.

Had Radi and co not arrived that second they would have come to an extremely violent scene, the driver calling for backup. The two were in the midst of punching each other, Nikusa missing the first blow and Annie slamming her fist in the cyan creature, knocking it out. Both clashed at the same time, knocking each other back. Landing on the grass, someone screamed. The creature just fell on the ground, unconscious from a direct hit.

"Woah, woah! Relax! What you two doing?" Aldryx shouted running up to them. The two were face to face, barely a few centimetres in between. Both stared daggers at each other, a few seconds before the next round of combat started.

Aldryx took the opportunity and jump tackled Nikusa, who unexpectedly toppled over, rolling and landing on top of Aldryx. She instantly pinned him, holding his arms down.

"Wow. Someone's eager to get a hug in.~"

Her eyes started to glow purple, hypnosis starting. But just as fast as it started she stopped it, getting off Aldryx and helping him up. "Too bad I'm not in the mood. Sourpuss over there ruined it." She helped Aldryx up.

"Screw you too." Annie muttered to Nikusa.

Nikusa just stuck her nose up at her.

"What are you doing here?" Radi asked finally. Ace stood behind them all, confused as he looked at the scene. He chose to keep quiet, his emotions still out of whack.

Nikusa started. "Came to give my not-oh. Looks like more stragglers have arrived."

Updike entered next, an orange lizard bound and slung over his shoulder. Theo followed behind, a little shaken up from the experience. "Another one of yours, I presume?" Theo asked, thinking Nikusa some agent. "Alas, no. Though she has quite a history with us."

Without so much as a hello, Nikusa addressed Updike.

"Control your agents." She said, pointing to Annie.

"She is not my agent." Updike said. "She is a member of this conglomerate."

"Pft. Whatever. She better not be paired with me."

"Oh? And you are apart of this team?" Annie asked sarcastically.

"That's right. Came here to see Radi but since, but since some of you are here I may as well make it official."

"So you're in?" Radi asked.

"Damn straight."

"Awesome. The Andromedas and Nikusa. We're gonna be a deadly combo." Aldryx said happily. "So you know Radi and Updike. This is Annie. She's the muscle."

Nikusa chuckled. Though she had a multitude of snarky comments at her disposal, knowing she'd be working with Annie she kept quiet. There would be time for those later, she thought.

"This is Theo. He's the tech guy."

"It is my pleasure." Theo said, stepping forward offering a handshake. Though Nikusa took it she put little effort into it, first impressions finding Theo rather boring and drab.

"And this is Ace. The last member." Aldryx said, finally including Ace. He looked at Nikusa awkwardly, unsure of what to make of her.

"You....I like you. So malleable. So...weak." Nikusa bared her teeth at Ace.

"Leave me alone!" Ace shouted suddenly, cowering in her presence. Though he stood at almost the same size as her, he acted way smaller.

"Jeez. It was just a joke. What's with him?"

"Lotta trauma. Lotta issues to work through..I guess." Aldryx said.

"Well. Introductions aside. Let us get going." Updike said. "Will you be coming with us?"

Nikusa nodded.

"Well she ain't coming in my car." Annie spat. Nikusa readied a fat joke, but Updike's words came first. "Relax you two. She will ride in the truck with me and Ace. Let's move."

Before they could disperse another one of the strange creatures appeared. Ace saw it first. A pink...thing. Two elongated eyes, wide mouth that stretched its face into a diamond shape, no arms and two formless legs. Such a simple design it would have been easier to describe the creature in geometric terms. Standing at the doorway it hissed. Ace reacted fast than anyone else, blasting ice at it, freezing the creature solid.

Nobody else reacted to it like he did, Ace just turning back as if nothing happened. Such an appearance lead Radi to ask the one question on his mind.

"Say, what's with all the weird creatures 'round here?"

"What do you mean?" Ace asked. His voice sounded hoarse, not having spoken much since his arrival here.

"Like the blue guy or that green guy, or that pink thing."

"Or the being which grabbed my drone or that orange lizard thing." Theo asked.

"Or that guy." Annie pointed to the yellow creature. It was only waking up now, though already bound and 'captured' by Updike's driver.

A look of surprise appeared on Ace's face, his eyes going wide.

"Y-you can see them too!?"

"..yeah? Two of them were encased in ice."

A look of embarrassment followed Ace, realizing what he thought fake never actually had been. "I thought..." Ace looked away. "I thought I was going crazy. I don't know what they are."

The team looked at each other confusedly.

"Whatever. I shall have a team here pronto to investigate and collect whatever we find." Updike said.

On the way back, Updike saw fit to question Ace. Though Nikusa was present she didn't feel like saying anything to the dragon. He was a wreck and knew it wouldn't be fun to screw with him. Like kicking a puppy., she thought bored.

"What did happen with Retro? I am more interested in how they did it, what they used."

Ace sniffled again, recent events still weighing heavily. He took a deep breath. "Retro and I were just out on a date then. These cops came by, tried to arrest us. Retro knew they were fake. We fought back but then I lost control. I couldn't control myself. I attacked him and froze him....They took him. I couldn't save him. it was my fault. They laughed at me." He said coldly, making no attempt to sound consistent. "Please get him back, please get him back..." He pleaded.

Figuring Ace in no coherent state to describe the attack, Updike just shrugged. "We shall." He said.

The next chapter will be called Before the Storm.

Ace has joined the team! The Carnival is now complete!

Image: Vs. Rainbow Friends [CANCELLED] - https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/Cancelled-On-Account-of-Ice-1034590798

Image: Ace's Character Card - https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1773305965367939142

This is the third longest chapter in the book at around 7500 words, behind <i>Operation Blindside</i> and a still unreleased chapter.

I realized long after I wrote the unedited version I should have gone with Ao Oni instead. Especially since the blue thing would have put up a better fight. Discussed it with friends and decided to stick with this version. I still love the way it came out.

Unlisted Lore: Unbeknownst to Ace he had been embroiled in a guerilla war with the Rainbow Friends.

odaocercreators' thoughts