
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

odaocer · Video Games
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Track 37 - Explosive Meeting

One successful birthday party and amicable showdown later Monday arrived. Just as Agoti predicted, Tabi returned to normal. He woke up first, the two of you having slept together. Other than a 'good morning' he started freaking out that he needed to get to his job.

The day breezed by, you mostly on cloud 9, not paying much attention to the rest of the bakery. Nothing of note happened though with Rosie's the chance of some unruly customer was much greater. Some days were at least quiet. This was one of them. Night arriving, the sun had only half-set when Theo arrived.

He was deadset on showing you his latest project, declaring it a massive success so far. You weren't sure what he spoke about until he hauled in a massive, life-size replica of the real Sonic, albeit made of metal and scrap.

"S and Nikku have been helping me design it!" He declared. "I am putting my work into this team!" Scary as it was to see, you said nothing.

Though the high-speed technology was impossible, progress was going rapidly. S apparently had schematics, remarking to you that Theo would succeed where 'Eggman failed', whatever that meant.

Rocket-powered shoes, razor-sharp graphene claws and state of the art electronics were all on the plan Theo showed you. S, Theo and Nikku formed a trio, engineering the perfect body for S.

Aldryx and Tabi arrived next, Solazar absent. Aldryx explained that Agoti needed some time to rest, Sol keeping him company. Excluding Solazar, everyone else arrived shortly.

Even Radi come, though skulked in the corner silent for most of the time. This proved a bad idea as Pompom, not having formally been introduced to him, began pestering the boy with questions.

He eventually managed to ward her off, commenting to you privately that she was just like his sister. Nikusa had not come, Radi stating that she remained undecided if she would join...despite all the evidence she clearly would. You shrug it off; Nikusa was by far the most unpredictable member now.

With no set topic yet and Updike, Whitty and Carol still lagging behind, the team waited. Tess was adamant they made up and were best friends. You didn't believe it but knew you'd get the full story later.

Despite 'sulking' in a corner Radi kept near you, yourself being the only person he had actually spoken to.

Annie, Pomona, Huggy and Kapi were in a corner of the room playing some board game. Though for Huggy it meant him chewing on some game piece while not actually playing, the rules of game beyond his comprehension.

Theo sat tinkering with some gadgets as Nikku watched with upmost interest. S stayed close, hologram barking orders at the engineer.

Rosie came around earlier but departed, the Donnas needing her for something. She hadn't come back up yet, Tess also with her.

That just left you and Radi, awkwardly by the window. He just stared out into the dark alleys behind the bakery, yourself just seated on a beanbag chair.

"So, the uh, treatment's going well?" You ask, finally breaking the silence.

"I've stopped it." Radi said through the mask. You'd thought of it before but man did he remind you of Tabi...but at least Tabi's 'condition' wasn't deadly.


"I stopped it. It's better I keep my disease for the operation."

"But it works, right?"

"It does. I am in Updike's debt. I'm not as radioactive as I once was but it will be enough to kill them all." Radi said coldly.

"Well, that's good."

"Tell me something." Radi looked down, his bright green eyes shining upon you.


"Why does everyone hate Updike? What has he done?"

You shrug. "Team's a got history with him. I don't think hate's the right word. Moreso they just don't trust him."

"Why is that?"

"Updike is part of an organization that locks up people like you. Abnormal beings. And like, look at our team. Don't have many 'normal' people here."

"He mentioned that to me during treatment. That the team is not very easygoing. That he's not liked well."

You shift uneasily. "Well, so far he's threatened me, Pompom, Huggy, Kapi, captured S, spied on the team, pissed off Aldryx, captured Displo...I could go on. Raided Pompom's house, raided the restaurant I used to work at, doxxed Theo; there was a whole showdown yesterday just trying to get Whitty apparently. Dude's a hothead."

"I see."

"I don't hate him but I gotta admit he's very formal and a great ally...but he's not really approachable."

"How so?"

"Take Pompom." You point to her. "She's a huge fan of some celebrity called Applejack. She's a capable magician with a funny family and isn't afraid to take on other's problems. I don't know a single thing about Updike other than he rules that organization with 3 equally strange guys. And he listens to weird music. He's all business."

"I will tell him this."

"If he's feeling like a loner tell him to just be friendlier. Hell maybe he should apologize for raiding Pomona's farm those weeks ago."

"I will."

"Plus, I think Nikusa's a little more infamous here anyways."


"Well, she, Tabi, Aldryx and Solazar have a long history. Did she never mention that?"

Radi shook his head. "Not specifically."

You continue talking to Radi for some time until the rest of the team arrived. At least, the new folks. Whitty appeared first, looking exhausted. Behind him a short girl, who you believe his girlfriend.

Updike slumped in behind them, looking tired. Upon seeing you he b-lined to you, immediately talking business. "Rosie is downstairs talking to an abomination. Not just any, but one my people have been tracking. Don't tell me she's a potential member."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh, well good. It, uh, wouldn't be a problem if she did join."

You shrug, clueless as to whatever Updike was talking about.

"Whitmore's girlfriend will be joining us as well." He added.

"Sure. Got no problem with her joining. She uh, has any abilities?"

Kapi got up, immediately deciding to be the one to introduce Whitty and his girlfriend to everyone.

"She is an angel." Updike said flatly.

"Heh." Radi asked.

"An angel. You know? Opposite of a demon? Winged creatures from the sky-"

"Oh, um, I thought you meant' er. Okay." Radi said.

You wondered if it would cause issue with the many 'unfavourables' on the team but there would be time to deal with that later.

"Don't worry. She won't have an issue. She isn't as pious as you may think." Updike said, guessing your thoughts.

"How did the meeting go yesterday? Tess said you two are okay now?"

Updike winced. "It went fine. We came to an understanding." Updike said, rubbing his arm idly.

"This is (Y/N). The leader, sort of." Kapi said as he brought Whitty and Carol.

"We do everything collaboratively, there isn't really a leader. I'm just one of the original members." You say as Whitty shakes your hand.

"Got quite a crew here." He said eagerly. "They won't know what hit 'em."

"I guess." Carol said. "Lotta, uh, evil people."

"That's not gonna be a problem is it?" You ask sarcastically.

"No! Not at all." Carol replied instantly.

Letting go of Whitty you continue. "We got a few members not present. Rosie's downstairs, and the other 'Andromedas' are out for the night. I'm sure you'll meet them later. One's the president of Entity Records."

"Yeah I know 'em. Entity's poppin' off right now."

Kapi continued showing off Whitty and Carol, going to Tabi and Aldryx next.

"You. I know you." Whitty remarked, seeing Tabi. "Huh. How long's this crew been formed?"

Tabi got up and shook Whitty's hand. "I was solo back then."

With Whitty present, you, Updike and Radi take a seat. The two sitting on either side of you. Tabi sat beside Aldryx though upon seeing the others on each side, shot you a jealous glare.

With Whitty and Carol acquainted it was time for planning again. Solazar already gave you a draft. With Updike not taking charge you stood up, going through the plan.

Team Haskell was a team that needed to detonate the hellgate. Though you tried your best not to, it sounded a lot like a suicide mission. You stressed otherwise.

"Simply put, the Family could summon demons at will, but with a hellgate can easily summon an army. By disabling the hellgate it would thwart their efforts and diminish their ability to call in reinforcements."

Additionally, Theo suggested, the team could also detonate other areas, providing needed distraction from the main teams. The ability to distract was added to Team Haskell's docket. Raise hell and shatter it. With a group like that it's members were found instantly.

Whitty, Carol and Annie.

Annie's strength would see them breaking past whatever door and Whitty's ability would render it ash. Carol would watch over the two, providing healing where necessary. As Whitty described his explosive ability, the question then came up that everyone excluding Updike was thinking.

"If you explode, won't it just kill you?" Pompom asked.

Whitty laughed. "It hurts like hell but I won't die."

"Plus, I'll be around to heal him when the deed is done." Carol added.

"What about you?" Tess asked Annie. "Won't it affect you?"

Annie shrugged. "I'll just get out of the way. You can control it right?"

"Yep. Now, what kinda building are we talking?"

"Wood, enforced with concrete." Updike said, speaking directly to Whitty for the first time.

"Oh then it'll be no problem. So that's it then? Me, Carol and her just run in, blow up the spot and dip?"

"Pretty much." You say.

"Huh. Thought it would be a little more exciting." Whitty shrugged.

"There will be no shortage of demons to fight I assure you." Updike said. "And depending on the current situation we may need you to provide backup, or blow up the roads."

"Ha. Worried you'll need backup?" Whitty said snarkily.

"No. I'll be nowhere near your position and you detonating in those tunnels would be suicide. I'm talking about assisting Nikku's team, or (Y/N)'s." Updike said, deadpan.

"...ah, misunderstood you there for a sec. Yeah that sounds good. You sure you're gonna be okay with this babe?"

"I have been meaning to ask." Updike said. "Won't someone like you cause warning bells just from being on the property?" Updike said, speaking to Carol.

"Whoa hey, there isn't need for that-" Theo started to say.

"She is an angel."

"Yes, I know she's pretty but-"

"Wrong kind of angel."


"Nah. I've been there lots of times. They have an exception for me. Haha, did you forget Girlfriend is like my best friend? Well 'side from Sunday." Carol shrugged. "Worst case I can pretend to be a fallen angel. It won't be an issue, dw."

"I got a question actually." Carol continued. "...we aren't gonna touch Girlfriend right? I mean, she hasn't done anything like the rest of her family."

"Like hell she hasn't." Annie said. "Her and her boyfriend killed my best friend!"

"Girlfriend would never do that. She isn't like that."

"She is. You don't know her. I heard it from the cops. There were witnesses. They saw those two before Garcello died!" Annie spat, glaring through her bangs.

"Pft. The cops probably have it out for them."

"That's not true. I should know." You add in.

"Oh yeah, and how do you know?"

"I was literally a cop. I got laid off and damn near killed because I was investigating them."

"Okay, well still. I'm her best friend. She. Isn't. Like. Them."

"Are you sure being so close to them won't be a problem?" Theo asked innocently.

"Tf is this an interrogation?" Carol snapped. "I hate their family as much as any of you but those two are innocent."

"She's right." Whitty added. "I've met them. They aren't like the rest of them. I thought they were out to get me back then but they just wanted to sing."

"I don't know anything about them. Even during my investigation there was barely any info about them." You shrugged.

"I don't trust them. Like mother, like daughter." Tabi added.

"They were nice to me." Nikku said.

"Yeah, I went to school with Boyfriend. He's my best friend."

"I don't know. They were kinda prudes when they came to my diner." Tess shrugged. "And I bet she went crying to her parents when I forced them to pay their bill."

"Hold on. Show of hands. Who here has actually met 'Girlfriend'." You ask. Everyone's hand went up except Pompom, Annie, Theo and Radi.

"Who exactly are they?" Radi asked.

"Girl about yay-high, brown hair, always wears red. Her boyfriend has blue hair."

"Oh. That was them." Radi raised his hand. Strangely, Huggy raised his too, raising even more questions.

"Okay, well, uh show of hands, who here thinks they're evil?"

The votes were split. You yourself abstained, only vaguely knowing them. Surprisingly, Updike voted them to be harmless.

"Well I at least want to know why they left him there. What they did to him. If we see them I'm getting my answers." Annie said coldly.

"Fine, but no violence against them." Carol said.

"Are they even gonna be there? For all we know they're off on some adventure." Kapi said.

"We don't know for certain." Updike said.

"Okay, well. Here's the deal if anyone runs into them during the heist and they either attack first or try to rat everyone out then their fair game. Otherwise just leave 'em alone." You conclude.

There were no objections to that, though Annie and Carol glared at each other, Annie no doubt planning on demanding answers should they show up.

"So who exactly is missing?" Whitty asked.

"Rosie, Solazar, Agoti technically, and I guess Nikusa."


"Actually, I am right here." Rosie spoke up, entering the meeting room.

Her introduction to Whitty and Carol was brief, the two having been acquainted yesterday. Rosie stated that so long as they don't hurt the fairies, there won't be a problem.

"Damn. That firedude isn't here." She commented. "(Y/N) and Updike. I need to talk to you two privately. Err. Aldryx?"


"Can you speak for your father?"


"Alright. You come too."

The three of you got up and left with Rosie.

"What was that about?" Pompom asked Tess. She just shrugged.

The four of you stepped out into the stairwell next to the fake vending machine. "So what's the problem?" You ask.

"Do any of you know a group called the Seven Deadly Sins, SDS for short?"

"Never heard of 'em." Aldryx said.

You think on it. "I think I do. Some street gang right?" You recall seeing their case file once.

"They're a group of abominations, primarily engaged in petty crime. They are known to us as potential aggressors." Updike said dryly.

"Well, the group's mostly based out of Manhattan. Leader went missing bout two months ago. Up and vanished. Long story short their search led them here, we're they've been looking." Rosie said.

"Two months?" Aldryx said skeptically. "And he's missing? I don't know how to tell them this but he's probabl-"

"They know he's alive. He's a demon and the group has contacts in hell. If he ain't down there he's up here somewhere."

"Alright." You say. "So what does this have to do with us?"

"They're requesting our help."

"They don't know about the Carnival, do they?" Updike asked skeptically.

"Word's gotten around the street that the Belladonnas have reformed. That's it. Don't worry."

"Help for what though? We kinda got a lot on our plate, what with the whole 'operation'." Aldryx said.

Rosie sighed. "Just let me explain, okay? I was talking to Sakuroma downstairs. She's one of the members. Their search determined that not only is their leader, Retro, in the city but that he was taken by the Family. They guess he's being held in their compound somewhere. They actually came asking if my Donnas could help their attack."

"No. They don't know we already have plans there." Rosie said, stopping Aldryx before he interrupted again. "Saku told me that if we don't help they're gonna attack the compound anyways."

"So?" Aldryx said. "Let 'em. Make our operation easier."

Updike shook his head. "They attack, fail and then we have to deal with heightened security come our operation."

"I see." You say.

"I've already accepted by the way. Made a deal that when we go in, we look for Retro too. They're gonna be on the sidelines, watching over the area, stopping cops or whoever else. Saku's a talented sniper. It'll be good to have her along."

"We already have so many people already though."

"They don't know about our heist. As far as they know we're going there to get revenge for the Fae. Getting Retro is good enough."

"Yeah I got no issue with that then." Aldryx said. You and Updike were in agreement too.

"There is a catch before they help us, though."

"Hmph. I figured as much. It better not be to take them off our registry." Updike said, crossing his arms.

Rosie chuckled. "Don't worry it's not. Retro has a boyfriend and he's gone missing too. They want to know if you have any idea where he went."


"They recognized you earlier. They don't think the Family took him but know he's at least hiding in the city somewhere. He was the last person to see Retro. They want answers."

"What's his name and what can he do?"

"Ace Kamex. No idea what he can do."

"I'll take a look through our records. The name is familiar to me."

"Anyways, I wanted to let you three know since you're pretty much the leaders."

"I don't have a problem. No idea where to look but if any of us run into Retro I don't see why not." You said.

"I have no objections either." Updike said.

"Yeah, I'm sure Dad wouldn't mind the extra help." Aldryx added.

"Let's go tell the others." You say.

"I will stay here, check with my people if they know this Ace." Updike said as he pulled out his phone.

After explaining the situation to the rest of the crew nobody had any objections. It was quickly determined that the Sins Crew would act purely as backup and oversee the operation, intervening if things got too heated. They would not be partaking in any of the stealing or actual heist. Aldryx took charge there, making points he believed his dad would back.

The 'capture' of Retro raised questions however.

"Why would they kidnap a demon?" Carol asked. "Doesn't make any sense."

"It doesn't. Maybe he went against them." Tabi suggested.

Kapi shrugged. "I think Tabi's right. Probably looked at them wrong or something."

Updike came in shortly after. Not only had he heard of Ace but the abomination was apparently under TGG surveillance.

"Ace is hold up at an abandoned hotel south of the city. 'bout an hour drive." He declared. "Our agents believe he is suffering from manic depression, hallucinations and a deteriorated mental state. We started tracking him a month back. He is responsible for that 'deep freeze' that hit Manhattan a month back. He can control temperature. Turned the whole city briefly to about -25 celsius."

Updike cleared his throat. "He disappearance, the deep freeze and Retro's disappearance all occurred around time. I believe they are linked. He likely has some kind of connection to the Family."

"He can control temperature?" Radi asked. "How?"

"I don't know how his abilities function. He effectively as the same ability as you, just with snow, ice and cold."

"So you've known he's been there for months and haven't done anything?" Whitty asked, skeptically.

"Yes. He isn't harming anyone anymore. I don't see why we would need to intervene."


"I can send in an extraction team, posthaste."

"No, hold on. I wanna go." Aldryx said.


"No offense but I don't trust you guys. I'd rather we go in and get him."

"Hmm," Updike said, thinking. "If you believe this to be a better option than very well. But you cannot go alone."

"How dangerous is it?" Pompom asked.

"I cannot say for certain. He's an associate of a street gang suffering from a potential mental breakdown. The hotel is also awash with rumours of strange creatures running around. I wouldn't recommend you go."

Pompom slunked down.

Theo stood up. "I will go with Aldryx. I feel I have not contributed enough to this team." He said rather democratically.

"I'll go too then. Same reason." Radi added.

"I'll drive. I need to get out of the city." Annie spoke up.

"That settles it then. You four will go. Come to my headquarters tomorrow and I will brief and prepare you."

"This is it by the way. We don't need any more people after this." You say.

Everyone was in agreement.

With a final side quest established it was time to discuss the rest of the plan. There were two other huge caveats the plan needed working through.

Most of this planning had gone on behind the scenes, clandestine planning between Updike, Pompom and her mother. Feeling a little more emboldened and with new members present, Updike saw fit to explain it.

"No offense to our operational capabilities but I cannot see a scenario in which at least one of us doesn't get caught. As a result we need some way to make them 'forget' us. S will destroy any and all surveillance tapes relating to the night we attack. Pompom will provide a similar kind of service."


"Pompom and her mother are in possession of a spell called damnatio memoriae. A powerful spell, it can wipe the memory of someone going back a few hours. Towards the end of the operation we cast it and they forget all about our heist."

"Is that what you used on me?" Nikku asked.

"No. We used a drug."


"Oooh, so we make 'em forget, eh?" S asked, a grin forming on his mouth. "You think we could leave some evidence behind, make it look like Mobius attacked them?" He felt so mischievous.

"I don't see why not." Updike replied.

"Oooooh. This is gonna be good."

"The only issue with this spell is that it does not have a huge range. As such we will need magic repeaters placed around the compound. I am still working out the details but it is likely whichever teams enter the compound will need to set up these repeaters."

Nobody had any objections to the plan.

"Additionally, the compound has an anti-magic field around it, though disabling it should be easy."

"Pfft yeah." S said. "Long as I get in I can raise hell. Literally."

"Nobody have any objections?"

"Wait," Radi said. "If she casts it, won't that mean we also lose our memory?"

"Nope!" Pompom declared. "I can control the range."

Updike nodded. "Once we all leave the compound, Pompom will cast it. It will hit everyone in the compound. No issues there."

"There is one thing." You say, standing up. "If they're gonna get hit with this spell it means they all gotta be cognizant."

"..?" Whitty mumbled.

"No killing. They gotta be alive."

Quite a few groans were heard. Even despite the hammering in this was a heist, not all were convinced they couldn't give the Family a little medicine. Updike backed you.

"Hurt them all you want, but. No. Killing."


The next chapter will be called Absolute Zero.

The final sidequest before the operation! Retro was actually mentioned in Track 05 in Book 1. He's been missing for a while.

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