
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

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40 Chs

Track 25 - Lights Out

With cops crawling all over the place getting back to Rosie's was a challenge. Fortunately, Kapi, full of confidence and bravado had no problem turning back and picking you and Nikku up.

The hardest part was getting down, you and Nikku having to enter the building and pretend you were official guards. Once again your 'cop attitude' came in clutch, easily fooling other the people in the building and around.

Updike turned his comlink off. He was much closer to the warden now and didn't want any stray signals getting heard. Solazar had resorted to texting him. The last message sent was Solazar informing him everyone had made it out safely.

Later on, during some private time, he turned it back on to order Nikusa. Much to his annoyance, Solazar informed him she destroyed it and left. Does she have any idea how much those things are worth? He thought, before turning it off for good.

Updike responded there was much work to do and to go home for the night. The rest of the operation centred on Updike and the warden conducting investigations, TGG now playing the long game to 'catch' Ruv.

The mood in the command room dampened. It became less like incident response and more like a spoiled brat playing with someone else's toys. In order to placate him, Updike allowed the warden to take command.

He watched, concerned, as the Nightstalkers were under the warden's command. He currently had them wreaking havoc all over the city, looking for Ruv and Nikusa.

The cars S had crashed gave the impression everyone was killed in the explosion. The warden didn't buy it, believing Ruv still out there.

After much kayfabe you and Nikku made it to the loading bay, Kapi's truck waiting steadily.

Tabi was relieved to see you but judging from the injuries and damaged look on Agoti you figure something wrong. When asked Tabi said he'd talk about it after getting piss drunk. Whatever happened shone in Aldryx's face too. He looked beat up.

Nikku did not notice such details, instead fawning over Nikusa. Secretly she wondered if they were related, the similarities in the face and name striking her. She pestered Agoti, Aldryx and Tabi with questions, most of which they painted her as the psychopath they believed she was. Aldryx gave the most favourable report calling her a hard head but an honest person. It caught him a wide eye from Agoti and Tabi.

As per the plan Kapi was to swap the car with a dummy one just so it wouldn't arise suspicion. He parked it on the road, everyone swapped and made way back to the cafe.

The mood here was far more celebratory, everyone happy to see Agoti in one piece and for a successful operation. You had to hand to everyone, being the highest stakes operation it went far better than Blindside and Earthquake.

Pomona was passed out in Huggy and Mackie's embrace. She had a pink pin on her dress that Rosie put on. In the aftermath Rosie made her an honorary Belladonna, even having her 'christened' by the fairies. She had a fun time, far more than Agoti. You still felt a bout of concern, but when asking him what happened, he just shivered and said nothing.

Rosie was downstairs with the other Belladonnas hard at work. The clothes they had brought to the heist had long been rendered into ash, fuel for the fire which baked their goods.

Before she could run off to start working, Amelia made sure Rosie's arm was healed, using excessive magic to get her back up to speed. They had loaded her up with enough protection spells on her shoulder that even if someone shot at her, she wouldn't feel it.

Understandably the cops came quickly, looking the Belladonnas and someone shot in the shoulder. Rosie played dumb, mentioned her (Nikku)'s phone call. Her and the Belladonnas had alibis. They had been baking all night.

For good measure she threw in a comment that she would never be caught dead wearing black, holding a gun as 'gaudy' as that.

In the prep Solazar had encouraged her to even off free coffee and goods to win them over. She had far too much pride, stating that she'd rather shoot and bury them instead.

Fortunately, a less pride-heavy Belladonna took that up, offering the cops some baked treats. "I'm terribly sorry you had to drive all the way out here." The belladonna said. It placated and nullified their curiosity.

To make things even Rosie considered slashing their tires, only stopping because the fae wanted to thank her.

As soon as the Andromedas and Tabi got into the meeting room they crashed, laying on the beanbags. Solazar was initially shocked, then concerned, demanding to know what the hell happened.


Solazar was pissed. He half considered heading to the prison, just to kill Springheel for 'violating my sons'. Updike was dismissive, stating that he would talk to Springheel later. That wasn't good enough for Solazar who still readied to burst out of the cafe. He even accused Updike of covering for him, something which Updike denied. "If you want to meet him so bad you can be present when I talk to him tonight, okay?" He texted.

You weren't sure if anyone heard but you caught Solazar mumbling under his breath that he 'never have trusted that doctor'. Solazar only relaxed when Agoti spoke up, sombrely saying he 'just wants to go home'.

With everyone accounted for Solazar took off his headset.

"This concludes Operation Flashbang. I hereby consider it a success. Welcome back Agoti." He turned off MALLEUS, the rooms lights returning to a normal hue.

"Updike will likely be spending the rest of the night as he searches for the escapees." Sol looked at you. "And also dealing with the mess you left behind." You shrug.

He walked over to Aldryx and Agoti. "I will now be departing with my kids. We shall deal with that doctor later." He gave both a hug. "Amora is sorry she could not make it, but she will be back home tomorrow morning."

"I will make a wonderful breakfast then. We'll forget all about this meddlesome week." Sol said positively. He let go of his kids and pointed to Tabi.

"You too. Come now."

"Why?" He asked bleakly.

Sol looked to you. "I will be borrowing Tabi for the evening."

You smile and nod. Sol turns back to Tabi.

"You are just as much as my child as Agoti and Aldryx. Let us go."

"Oh pleaes-"

"No butts! You are coming. I think you should be here to support your friend in this time. Come let us celebrate your brother's return."

Tabi looked at you, unsure. You motion him. "Go on, get going. I'll see you tomorrow night. We'll have some fun then." You say, cracking a grin.

"Good night." He said and gave you a hug.

"What are we supposed to do about Ruv?" You ask.

Since he arrived Ruv had been sitting at the table quietly reading. He changed back into his civilian clothes at some point but otherwise sat unmoving. Nothing made him budge. If not for the occasionally flicking of a page they would've thought he was a statue.

"He is to stay here until Updike returns." Solazar said.

"Alright." You nod.

With that Sol and his 'kids' left, Sol staying especially close to Agoti.

Ruv had not gone completely unnoticed, however. Ronan, Pompom's dad had taken an interest in him. With Ruv mentioned he saw the opportunity.

"You seem like a mighty strong fellow." He said, finding his words. "Looks like everyone here's leavin'. Would'ya like to stay with us tonight? I could just a farmhand like ya."

Ruv closed the book. "That okay?" He asked you.

You shrug. "Ehn. Probably safer in the outskirts, doubt they'd be looking for you there...lemme check with Updike first."

A few back and forth with Updike you got your answer. 'He can work on their farm for a bit but not now. It is too hot. For now he should stay with you. They can pick him up tomorrow from your place. That way it doesn't look like Pomona's family is in on it.'

You relay the message, kind of understanding what Updike meant.

Ronan nodded and looked to Ruv. "We'll come find ya tomorrow at dawn. Got a lot of work someone like you can help with."

Ruv nodded.

"Well. It's about time we head out anyways." Amelia said. "It is a school night." She nodded at you, Kapi and Nikku, the last ones left. "Thank you all for having us. Pompom had a great time." She bowed and they all disappeared in a beam of light. The last thing seen was Huggy giving a wave bye.

Even though the room was getting drowsy, S and Kapi weren't the least bit tired. They had broken out into an argument over who the better driver was. Kapi claimed S terrible after he crashed all those cars. S shot back saying the only reason Kapi got out was 'cause of the distractions.

You stand up. "I think i'm gonna head out now." You motion to Ruv who gets up as well.

"Well I'm amped!" Kapi declared. "You guys wanna come to the arcade?"

"Sure!" Nikku said happily.

"That settles it then!" S shouted from Kapi's phone. "We're gonna see who the better driver is right now!"

"What about you (Y/N)?" Kapi asked. "Haven't seen you game yet."

"Ah, fine. Let's go." You say, "Just gonna say bye to Rosie before."

Kapi nodded as he ran off, Nikku with S trailing behind him.

You again relay the message to Updike. 'Fine. I'll have some agents there watching him, show this warden my people are better at finding abominations. We'll capture him from that farm then.'

Satisfied with the response you and Ruv left the command room, glancing back to see a few fairies waving bye. Rosie was starting to close up shop. You explain the plan to her and thank her for the help. She seemed a little surprised when you did but agreed, nonetheless.

Before you leave she speaks up, "We did good today."

"We did."

As Kapi drove like a maniac while arguing with S you started to have second thoughts about agreeing. Or rather you knew why but still found yourself perplexed by the outcome. With TGG busy with the 'investigation', Andromedas suffering from some kind of 'trauma', Pomona on a school night and the Belladonnas fixing up their alibis, it was up to someone to watch Ruv until things died down and he could be captured.

Thinking on the plan it didn't occur to anyone what to do with Ruv after his escape. As if clueing into what you said, Updike sent an angry text. 'YOU'RE TAKING HIM TO AN ARCADE?!'

It took a bit back and forth but ended with Updike stating that he'd send agents to watch and to 'NOT LET RUV OUT OF YOUR SIGHT'.

That left you, Kapi, S and Nikku as caretakers of the very man you nearly died fighting weeks ago. As Kapi drove along Tabi sent you a perturbed message, jealousy oozing. 'He better not sleep on my couch. He can sleep on the floor.' You politely reply that Ruv would not be staying at your place, jokingly affirming that Tabi was your favourite Russian. That shut him up.

Nikku and S sat in the passengers with you and Ruv in the back, Ruv still reading. A quick glance shone he was reading something by "Dovotsky", or some spelling of the word. A bump in the car interrupted your thoughts.

Predictably Ruv didn't say anything. He briefly asked about Tabi but otherwise had nothing to say.

Still stuck in the party crew, Kapi added that a friend of his would be present at the arcade, some kind of 'impartial judge'. You weren't sure who but apparently S knew already, claiming 'that blue wolf isn't impartial to ANYTHING!'

Thinking on it you figure the best upside would be meeting Blackjack, the 'demon who saved Kapi'. Maybe he would have an idea about dealing with the Family.

Now Playing...

Artist: Tag-Yr-It

Song: Seconds by Choice

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSSOMeWoV_Q

And so, pulling into the arcade, you, Ruv and the party crew entered. Having already been once you found it just as jarring and bright as before. Staying close, you watched Ruv as he entered, worried he'd be overwhelmed by it.

But as the bright lights, loud sounds and techno music hit him, he didn't react. You even swore you saw him crack a small smile at it all.

"I need tickets for 5, uh 4 tickets, freeplay."

"No need Kapi." The clerk said. "Someone already paid for you guys."

Unsure if it meant Kapi's friend arrived first he looked around. Instead he saw what-were-clearly agents giving him a thumbs up. TGG paid for the whole thing. Man they were fast.

Just about ready to run off the clerk added one thing. "Oh yeah, Blackjack was looking for you earlier. He's still walking the floor. Something's got him riled."

"Why me?"

The clerk shrugged, not the faintest clue. "Said you could deal with something."

"Ah well I'll find him. Thanks."

"Happy playing!"

As Kapi lead the group you heard him mumble. "I wonder what he'd want me?"

"Aren't you like, the best player here?"

"That's actually me thanks." S chimed in.

"Oh?" Kapi spoke up. "You think that's it?"

"I dunno. Maybe he wants you to clear some game or something."

Already energized by the intense music and high off the operation felt emboldened by your suggestion. "That's right! S, Nikku and I we are the-"

"Shh!" S shouted.

"O-Oh right. But guys, that's gotta be why he needs us! Let's go find him!" Kapi said, excited now.

Much as you were interested in joining Kapi's quest you wanted to sit down before gaming. "I'm just gonna go rest in the lounge if you need me." You still felt like going home but also knew leaving Ruv alone with an eldritch being and hyperactive cat was dangerous.

"Well you rest. But me and the rest are gonna get playing. We're gonna save the arcade!" Kapi declared as he ran off, Nikku with S and Ruv following. You weren't sure why but figure it fine if he wanted to play. For now, you wanted a soda and a place to sit down.

Deciding in his head that was the sole reason Blackjack was looking for him, Kapi felt he should warm up first.

This meant something he could play without his full attention, something challenging but not require him to mash buttons.

He found a bright blue arcade machine, covered in designs of bananas and monkeys. The words "Bloon's TD" were etched onto a bright logo, indicating the game's name. Kapi loaded it up selected something called C.H.I.M.P.S. He began placing Monkey's around a winding path, a confident grin on his face.

Towers in place he watched a steady stream of balloons winded down the path, nary making it a distance until they were popped by a nearby monkey.

S watched, finding the whole thing stupid. He commented, mentioning it should be rings not balloons.

"Where are all the balloons coming from?" Nikku asked, curiously.

"I dunno."

"Well what did they do?"

"Atrocities against monkey kind." Kapi said, leaving Nikku only further confused.

At some point Ruv vanished, making some barely audible comment that he was going to explore. The other 3 muttered an okay as he left, too focused on popping balloons. Kapi wasn't worried, he'd already seen a few agents here and there.

For Ruv he'd been in arcades but nothing this flashy. Though the lights and music didn't bother him, but he couldn't help but feel out of place. He felt as if he didn't deserve to be here. Still, he wondered if they had it...and they did. Alone in one of the corners sat the machine he knew they must've had.

Old, it was still well kept and in acceptable condition. As Ruv looked it over he found it not the same one he remembered, though the base game was similar enough.


"Hm." Ruv said as he started the game up.

Upstairs you found the lounge all right though it was particularly empty excluding barely disguised agents. One soda float later you started browsing your phone, occasionally looking up at the nearby agents.

Thankfully, the music here was quieter, allowing for a more peaceful setting. Losing track of time you don't know how long you spent chilling when someone approached you, standing over as sat on a couch focused on your phone.

"Excuse me." A deep, bassy growl inquired. You looked up.

Your first thought was that he was an agent, though seeing some agents staring at you, indicated he wasn't with them. Frozen in place, you look closely.

He was possibly an anthro, wearing an all-black suit, dark grey vest, holding a golden walking cane. He wore some kind of breath-mask, covering the lower half of his face, a large mane of curly black hair covering the top of his head.

He extended a hand out. "My name is Blackjack. I am the owner of this establishment."

Still uneasy you shake it. He held firm but not enough to hurt.

"Name's (Y/N)....yeah I know you. You saved Kapi."

"Indeed. You are in charge of these agents are you not?" He let go, motioning around.

"Not really. They're just watching me."

"And your friend, are they not?"

"They are watching Kapi, yes."

You were confused but figure that Updike must have informed Blackjack about the plan. "Mostly watching the big guy but they're all together."

"I see. Could I use these agents for a request of mine?"

You shrug. "I, maybe?"

"You see, we have a gang in my establishment. Normally I would not care but they have insulted me. Much as I would like to do something brash I also know these agents would not take kindly to it."

Blackjack took a seat, leaning his cane against the chair. He spoke eloquently, though did little to hide his deep, rumbling voice.

"I wish to recruit Kapi to humiliate them in a bout of games."

You shrug. "I'm sure he'd do it."

"Do I take you for a cop?"

"Formally. Why?"

"Because being a gang and if the need arises I shall need security. Are you willing to provide any?"

"Honestly I'm swamped from today." You slump deeper into the couch before sitting up. "I can't do any physical work, but I could command."

Blackjack stood up. "Very well. Come with me."

Shrugging, you get up and follow him, motioning for a few agents to come along. At the very least this could get you in favour with Blackjack.

Smashing the last balloon, Kapi concluded his warmup, entering his initials just above N-Kiwi.

"Are we done here? That game is so stupid. You're just popping balloons! Anyone can do that!"

"What about this game?" Nikku asked, looking over another bright blue arcade nearby, paintings of a destroyed city covering it.

S ported to it, looking over it. "Good call Nikku. Now this is sick!"

Kapi followed, finding them at the "Creeper World" arcade machine. "Pft. I can do this. Little harder but do-able."

"No way. I'm gonna try this one. Nikku you get controls."

Kapi watched with amusement as Nikku set the difficulty to easy and was immediately overwritten by S who put it hard. He then watched as S started battling a giant blue amorphous blob, yelling at Nikku where to place towers. He was completely cheating, using his powers to destroy it. S was in bliss, giggling maniacally about how this was giving him ideas for VR.

While Blackjack snuck up on you easily, Kapi spotted him instantly. With some introductions and explanations, Blackjack explained the situation.

"Hell yeah I can do that!" Kapi declared. "S and Nikku can help too!"

Having completely lost the round, S just stood on top of the blue blob, easily avoiding it's sinking properties. "Sure! If you can get them in VR I can just kill them. Make it slow or quick, your choice."

"Tempting. But alas, there are too many eyes on us right now. Defeating them in a tournament works best." Blackjack replied.

While Kapi tried to explain S earlier, Blackjack still fully didn't understand what S was. He just understood as S as some force of nature, bound to the realm of video games.

"So what's this gang called anyways?" Nikku asked.

"Hollow Lives. I don't know much about them, but they have a plethora of fans surrounding them."

"You mean Hololive? I've heard of them. They're from Japan. Their called vtubers, big on the game streaming circuit." Kapi said. Blackjack just looked at him flatly. "Whatever they are, deal with them. Form your own 'vtubers', I shall set up a tournament. What do you propose?"

"We all got our games. I'm a god with DDR. S is good at tower defense, Nikku is..."

"Fighting games! I've been getting lots of practice with S."

"Sure. I'll get that set up. Now get ready. There are seven of them. Recruit whoever you need."

"Sweet!" Kapi exclaimed. "I'll get Loki and (Y/N)-"

"No. (Y/N) is helping me with security."

"Nah, we gotta use (Y/N)." S butt in. "Someone's gotta bring me up to that stage. Be dumb if they saw an empty chair."

Rubbing his temple, Blackjack just said. "Fine."

"Well I'll go find some others." Checking his phone he found Loki only a few minutes away.

"We'll stay here. Nikku! Load it up again. I'm gonna solo this blue blob!"

It didn't take long to go find to Ruv, playing an ancient Tetris machine. A small crowd had formed around Ruv, people watching with excitement as he played. Unsure what could be so interesting Kapi walked up to him.

Ruv was playing on the hardest difficulty, each piece flying at an insane speed. The board was maxed out, Ruv only able to put pieces at the top. Despite the impossible odds he placed each piece, combo'ing row after row, showing no sign of slowing down. He did so without the slightest bit of emotion, like a machine. It gave Kapi an idea.

"Ruv, are you good at fighting games?"

"I can kill anyone." He replied woodenly.

"No, like videos games."

"I have played some. I can do it."

"We need your help beating a team later. Do you think-"

"Da. After this game."

"Alright." With Loki arriving now, Kapi ordered him to find S and Nikku. For now he waited for Ruv to stop playing, losing shortly after. Ruv didn't lose so much as he decided he had enough. The crowd was annoying him. He stepped away from the game, leaving behind a score far higher than 2nd place.

Himself, S, Loki, Nikku and Ruv. He needed two others. Maybe one of the agents would be up for it. Connor would...if he were here. Kapi shook his head. Maybe one of the clerks would step up. He walked around the arcade, glancing at various employees, trying to figure who would be best.

"Man it sucks Hex couldn't make it. He'd dominate this."

Kapi stopped, an ear perking up. That voice sounded familiar.

"Come on babe, you're literally a basketball yourself." A second voice said in the distance.

"Heh yeah, aren't you supposed to be good at sports?" A third voice replied jokingly.

"Can it you two. I can't focus."

Kapi turned, wondering if it were just a similar voice. He saw three people standing at a basketball game, shooting hoops, two nets on either side. Shoot a basketball across a pit to see if you can land it in the hole, Kapi never really played it.

He felt confused, not because of the game but he thought he recognized the three standing there. And he knew Hex too. Casually he walked focused on a tall man, his female compatriot and some bulky guy. He did recognize them. One from school, the other one a friend of that blue-haired boy! The third one not so much but he'd seen him at the arcade before. But the guy from school..it couldn't be..Updike said he was dead! Kapi smirked. "I knew Updike was lying." He muttered under his breath. Of course, the bomb-headed individual stood back to him, unable to see his face Kapi still not a 100% sure it was him.

"Whitmore?" He asked, sounding friendly.

The bomb-headed individual froze, Kapi watching as sparks emitted from the basketball he held. They stopped quickly as he sighed and turned around.

He wore a turquoise hoodie, hood down and brown track pants complete with vans sneakers. He wasn't human or an anthro, rather as Updike described an 'abomination'. A spherical bomb for a head, wick and all. Two large orange eyes that looked at Kapi first with anger, then curiosity. His hands, black and glinting, made of the same material as his head.

It was clear he was expecting someone else.

Kapi knew him from school and although they weren't on good terms back then he still had respect for him. Though after high school finished he never saw Whitty again. Unsure if calling him Whitmore was correct he decided thereafter to use Whitty.

"Huh. It's you." Whitty said in a grumbled, concrete-like voice. He cleared his throat. "Kasey, right?"


"Kapi!" Whitty's companion turned. "You're one of Boyfriend's friends, right?"

"Yeah.." Kapi scratched his ears. Haven't seen him in weeks but.... "You're, Carol right?"

"You got it!"

Only standing at about half Whitty's height Kapi recalled her being one of Girlfriend's friends, seeing her occasionally. Human, (to Kapi's knowledge), she stood at about half of Whitty's size, dark skin, dark grey t-shirt on top of light grey long sleeve, jean shorts, black knee-high socks matching with black running shoes. She looked to be simultaneously dressed for a cold spring and warm summer. All with puffy black hair, all around her head like a lion's mane, though with far more curls and razzle.

"And me? You know who I am right?" The third person asked. "Cause I know you."

Stockier than Whitty he stood about as high was a robot..or android. He wore a black hoodie, grey shirt with a frowning face, black jeans and black and white shoes. He could have blended well in the arcade if his silver CRT computer monitor didn't shine under the arcade lights.

On the computer screen a bright green face complete with a smile and eyebrow raise as he awaited Kapi's answer. Kapi had seen him before in the arcade but never interacted with him. Scratching his ear he tried to recall if they'd ever met.

"I'm offended, really. Nah, we haven't met. Name's Cyrix though." He extended a hand which Kapi shook. "You know..er..knew my brother, Displo. That right?"

"Yeah...I can see the, uh, resemblance."

"What are you doing here?" Whitty asked flatly.

"I come here all the time. I got all the high scores. I've never seen you here before."


"Well other than him."

"Yep." Cyrix said with a smirk.

"Sure." Whitty said. "Anyways, Carol said we should come here. You got the high scores? Can you do this game then?"

"Uh, I meant video games. not like physical stuff."

"Thought so." Whitty turned back and tossed the basketball, completely missing the shot. He shook his head.

"Well it was good seeing you, or whatever. Good luck." Whitty said dismissively.

"Hey, no need to just brush him off." Carol butt in.

"Oh! Me and a few others are building a team for a tournament later tonight. You guys want in? We need two others."

"Who's in it?" Whitty asked, still focusing on the rings.

"Well me, and uh, I don't think you guys know the others actually. We're doing it for Blackjack, gonna help him take out some losers messing up the arcade."

"Is he that demon walking around?" Carol asked.

"Yeah! You seen him? Gold cane, looks like a casino guy."

"Ugh. I gotta work for a demon?"

"C'mon he's not that bad. He helped me a few days ago."

"Yeah but he's straight up a demon, from hell."

Kapi shrugged. "Aren't Girlfriend's whole family demons?"

"I mean yeah, but she's one of the good ones. Her family, ugh, not so much."

"We'll pass." Whitty said, tossing another basketball and hitting the lowest score.

"Ah, come on you two. This sounds fun." Cyrix interjected. "Be better than watching you suck at basketball."

"It's hard okay?! Fine, whatever. What's the game anyways?"

"It's back and forth, we pick the game then they pick one, we send whoever we feel. I'm gonna do DDR, one of the others will do a fighting game, so on."

"I like that." Carol said. "I'll do some sports games."

Whitty turned back, his attempts at winning basketball now over. "Yeah, put me under a sports game too. 2K, NBA, whatever you got."

"I'll do racing if nobody else has."

"Thanks! Oh man this is gonna be great!"

"Yeah well it better be. This Blackjack dude. He gonna handle security?" Whitty asked.

"Yeah, he told me."

"Why, worried it's gonna get out of hand?" Cyrix teased.

Whitty shook his head. "Seein' a lot of weird dudes tonight. Thinkin' something's gonna happen."

"My friend's in charge of security tonight. I'll text him, don't worry."

"Aight good."

"Kapi. It is time to go." Ruv said as he walked up to them. He stopped, staring blankly at Whitty then Carol. He ignored Cyrix.

"You're an angel." He said to Carol, completely deadpan.

"I, uh yea." She said, not sure how to respond. Whitty too, took a step back feeling instantly intimidated by Ruv.

"Ruv, meet Carol, Whitty and Ruv. They're gonna help us tonight."

"Good. We should go. Come." He turned and walked back to towards the stage area. Cyrix followed them/

"Alright! This is gonna be so good." Kapi said as he practically bounced after Ruv. "Let's go find the team. This is gonna be so cool!"

Left alone Carol and Whitty followed. "What kinda friends does he have?" Whitty said under his breath.

"I don't know but that guy's got one twisted soul." Carol said, referring to Ruv.


The next chapter will be called Bully at Best.

Originally Lights Out was a single chapter that would've covered you meeting Blackjack, Ruv on the farm and the start of Unmarked Van. The whole Whitty-Hololive-Arcade arc was added just in the past few weeks actually. Decided to expand on the arcade and change some things around and add some reader-requested characters. Unfortunately there's no room for any more but if I go nuts and do a post-game to this we'll see.

A lot of characters introduced here! But who is actually relevant to the Carnival in the end? We'll have to see. ;)

odaocercreators' thoughts