
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

odaocer · Videojogos
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40 Chs

Track 19 - Patisserie

You spend the day just resting, thinking on Rosie's offer and everything in-between. It had been a stressful past string of days and there hadn't been a break. You recall such days when on the force and were always able to solve them with a stiff drink and your thoughts.

When the next day rolled around you did your usual spiel with Updike. He cleared Rosie, finding no wrongdoing with her, though asked a tonne of questions about your relationship with her. And a bunch more questions about what you knew about the fae.

It got slightly annoying, but you explained what you remembered. Anything you didn't remember you told him to go consult the reports.

There was nothing else planned for the day aside from 'guarding'. You were eager, figuring if Rosie's offer wasn't genuine to at least get it over with. You went ahead and cancelled the meeting today, stating that you were working out details of a possible new HQ.

Kapi was expectant, asking if you could come by today. But, while Kapi may have backed her up you wanted to be sure it wouldn't be an ambush. It did arise even more suspicion that he was depressed, then met a demon, became happy and then came into contact with an old enemy, who now wanted to re-meet you? An enemy who may or may not be in league with the Family.

It looked to be one of those 'too good to be true' moments. But the possibility Rosie was playing Kapi also rang. And if Rosie was going to pull something then you needed to be able to change the odds. Though at the same time she almost got destroyed by the Nightstalkers and nary a thought about that.

Based on what Kapi had said to you back then he didn't know Rosie that well. You wondered if he would have been present waiting or be stuck in the back baking. Though last you recalled he didn't even work at that location anyways.

With Tabi at work, S catching up, Theo dealing with his son, Kapi present and Updike busy there wasn't many options. Recruiting the Nightstalkers would be an option, though getting all of them into the bakery without arousing suspicion would require planning.

Then it hit you. Rosie wasn't so heartless that she wouldn't endanger those innocent. And there was one person on the team who hurting would've not only been ethically wrong, but morally wrong.

You couldn't believe you'd be using this tactic, much less when not only did Pomona agree but Amelia too, showing up at TGG where you picked them up. The meeting was delayed a few hours, making sure Pompom's school was out before they arrived. You weren't expecting Amelia to show up but glad she did. It felt heartless, technically using a little girl as a deterrent. Amelia immediately made some comment about the fae, which revealed she only agreed to whole event out of her own curiosity. Aldryx weaseled his way in too. It was pure coincidence that he be present, having returned to TGG to find a ring he might have left the other night.

It also saved him a possible arrest as he thought he could just stroll on in during the day and nobody would care. The four of you made your way to Rosie's cafe, aptly titled Donna's Cafe. You drove.

"So, she's like an old friend?" Pomona asked innocently.

"Not really. More like rival. She and her were constantly at each others throats back when I was a cop."

"She's cool now though?" Aldryx asked. He sat completely upright in the car, the opposite Tabi sat. He was attentive, not the least looking bored.

The ride was less awkward than you expected. Aldryx mostly asked questions about Zardy, curious. It appeared that Agoti spoke highly of him, proud of the actions he took when he fought.

You didn't want to introduce Pomona just yet, rather preferring if it could be sprung upon Rosie. The plan was for you and Aldryx to go in first, sit down with Rosie, then have Pomona and Amelia enter, sitting nearby, listening in.

The possibility that Kapi would just identify Pomona outright was considered, and as such she didn't wear her usual cloths.

She wore far more urban cloths, red sneakers, jeans, black shirt and a jean jacket, upper part vanilla, lower part auburn, with an apple insignia on the breast. All the while she wore a large white scarf covered most of her face.

And without any issues you pulled up to Donna's Cafe. It had a very cutesy outward appearance. A large pick neon sign stood above the building and though it was later in the day the neon still shone brightly.

The outside of the cafe had a patio where several customers were sitting about, a few waiters going about. They were dressed as maids, each wearing pink aprons, clothing and the whole 'frilly' appearance French maids gave off.

The building was coloured a soft pink, even the wooden patio was constructed out of a pink-ish wood.

The entire front of the store had large vertical windows offering a view inside. You didn't pay it much mind, but it was clear it was just as pink on the inside as it was the outside.

You'd known the gang to shy away from identification, but Rosie's cafe did no such sort.

It had a neon rose just beside it, a circle around it. It was the same mark that symbolized her gang. To most people it was just a logo but to officers, this was the symbol of the Belladonnas.

You couldn't have imagined the Rosie you used to know do that. It was too brazen for her. Middle of the day and the place was swamped by office workers on their lunch. You get out, noticing Pomona give you a thumbs up before.

"This is our new HQ?" Aldryx said skeptically.


"Pft. Could'a fooled me."

Just beyond the patio was a little stand, where a lone waitress was waiting for customers. Walking up to it you get a feeling of regret, the possibility of this being a trap looming ever so. Instinctively you feel your gun, remembering it there.

"Hello! Welcome to Donna's Cafe! Do you have a reservation? If not, we only have tables inside."

"I'm here to see Rosie actually. Is she in?"

One of the waiters' glances in your direction, giving up a scowl before turning away. You couldn't remember her name, but she was indeed one of the few members who got away. Gosh, this is a stupid idea, you think. You guess the waiter must have been new. She was unsure what the scowl was for.

"Can I ask why?"

"I told her I was coming by. I just wanted to chat. If you can tell her, it's (Y/N)."

"...Okay." The waitress picked up her phone and called. While she spoke to her, you caught Aldryx looking at the menu sign.

"You like baked goods?"

"Not unless it's got low sugar. Don't wanna ruin my gains."

"Not a cheat day today?" You jest.

"No way. No cheat days for me. I'm not bulking now either."

"Okay. I will let them know." The waitress hung up.

"She said to just go on in. She has a table for you already." The waiter, said, a little unsure. A few other waiters had already taken note of your appearance, friendly faces turning sour. You just look away, not wanting to start anything, but keep your head up.

The waitress in front must have definitely noticed and though she didn't sense any evil from you, no doubt got suspicious.

You step aside, giving her a thanks and heading inside.

The inside was like a doll house or pastel painting. It had a checkerboard floor, white and a soft red. The pattern repeated along a strip of red and white bricks that cut through all the walls of the cafe like an old-school diner.

The 'bar', really a large counter was a light purple with a pink granite countertop. The stools were an eggshell white with blue trim. Behind the counter was a large whiteboard, the entire menu sprawled out in a mahogany marker, various specials, types of coffee and all sorts of baked goods.

The booths were blue, and very diner like in their height.

If she designed it herself, she must have loved the pink and blue colour combo. It was present all over the place, almost like opposites.

Not a single harsh colour either. No bright red, bright blue, radiation green or anything. Every single colour was soft. Even the lights, which should have been a blinding white were relaxed, instead giving off a cool glow while natural light did most of the work.

To keep for it, the pillars holding up the windows were lined in various paintings of food, as well as some small neon signs of cupcakes and coffee.

The place was less busy in here, though all the booths were filled. The tables in the centre were the only ones not occupied by busy office workers and failed screenwriters.

You spotted Rosie quickly enough, behind the counter, pouring drinks from a fountain. As she didn't notice your arrival you scan around checking if she was pulling anything. Before approaching you shoot off the text to Pomona telling her to come now.

She was dressed differently than yesterday.

To fit in with the cafe's aesthetic, she was dressed as a maid, wearing a pink apron, complete with frills, pink undercoat and roses decorated across from it. Her get-up was far more complex that the other waiters, giving customers the idea, she was in charge. She still had the same pink roses embedded in her hair, though a mobcap was present now.

Kapi was nowhere to be seen, though possibly in the back or working in the kitchen. Aldryx looked around, unsure exactly what to think of this place. You'd given him and the others a quick rundown back in the car but now he was even more confused. This didn't look like the kind of restaurant that a drug dealer would own, at least, in his mind.

Having double checked all exits and areas in sight you approach the bar.

"Afternoon." You say, catching Rosie off guard, her attention focused to on organizing some orders.

"(Y/N)! You came!" She said happily. "Who's your friend?"

"Aldryx. Brother of one of our members."

"What's up?" He extended a hand and Rosie shook.

You watch Rosie's expression to see any reaction to you having someone with you.

"Bit red for my tastes but if you needed a job here, I'm sure I could put you as a waiter."

Aldryx laughed. "Nah, the time of wearing dresses is long over me. I'll pass."

"Nice place you got." You say.

"Thank you. I wasn't kidding, you know. We team up, we'll be unstoppable."

"Where's, uh, Kapi?" Aldryx asked. He was still getting used to everyone's name, haven't worked out who was who yet.

"He's in the back helping the bakers. We can't talk out here though. We haven't swept for bugs yet. Come. I'll show you the area." She finished punching in the receipts and waved a waiter over, presumably to keep in charge.

With Rosie secluding you, you saw no reason to keep Pomona hidden. You wave her over.

"This place is super secure. Kapi told me a bit about-um, excuse me. We're talking here." Rosie said. She looked up to see Pomona and Amelia now present.

"This is Pomona and her mother Amelia. They're part of the team too."

Rosie looked surprised. She whispered to you. "How old is she?"

"Hey, I'm turning 13 in two months! I'm practically already there." Pomona declared.

"She's more than capable." You say.

Rosie took on a look of bewilderment. It didn't last long before she started laughing.

Pomona didn't think it was that funny, figuring she was laughing at her. "That's not funny!" She shouted, gathering attention from a few onlookers.

"Ah, that's not it. C'mon. Let's go." She nodded and waved everyone over.

With Rosie's initial reaction you figured it wasn't some kind of ambush. It led to more questions though.

From behind one the row of booths, an employee only door. Entering it, Rosie lead everyone up a flight out of stairs, off to the side, near the end of the hallway. Like outside this place matched the soft-pink motif it had. She reached the new floor, the staircase ending at a door and an empty vending machine, powered off.

Instead of going to the door, she b-lined left and went to the vending machine. Ordering a rose water, she stepped back as it opened. It opened into some kind of room.

Turning back, you see, even with it closed you could still see out. "One-way glass." She said proudly. "Learned a couple things from you cops back in the day."

Rosie motioned everyone in as she closed the vending machine door behind her. "Complete with several different alarms, all depending on what you order."

Though most of the lights were dimmed and the place abandoned it was a complete bar. Unlike the soft pink the bakery had going for it, the colours here were more expressive. Still very much pink, but more 'raucous'.

A large room, bigger than the previous HQ. It looked like a cross between a pastel painting, ski lodge and a party room.

The walls were a soft pink, almost white, long window long the east end facing towards the back of the building. It provided natural lighting. Lining most of them were some paintings, photos and banners, all celebrating the gangs' various achievements.

"Wow." Pomona looked in awe.

"We run a speakeasy here. I'm sure that won't be a problem, right officer?" She said sarcastically.

You shake your head, not sharing in the sarcasm.

In the centre stood a large circular wooden table, chairs all around it. It would have looked rather foreboding had the pink and white checkboard cloth not cover its surface.

The floor made it look less than bar and more for a home. It was a textured fibre carpet, gray, but providing some relief from the abundance of soft colours.

"We sweep the place for bugs every 24 hours, sometimes more."

"Do they really spy on you that much?" Pomona asked innocently. Rosie shook her head. "It's the cops I'm worried about. I run a legit business now and those damn nosy-" Rosie paused, stopping from making a pig joke. "-cops keep thinking I'm up to no good."

You just shrug, though make a mental note to have S sweep the place. As long as it was transmitting, he'd be able to sense it.

"Well. This is it. What do you think?"

Towards the end was a bar, stools in front of the counter. It looked to be fully stocked. On the same wall, next to the bar were a few bookshelves.

A window was present, a long one that cut along one of the walls. It provided a lot of light and gave off a wide view of the back lot of the bakery. Just below the window were a few beanbag chairs.

Rosie flicked on the lights.

If it was an illegal bar, it didn't look used much.

And last was the strangest thing. As if the room had been built around a tree you could see part of a trunk and branches that stretched past the ceiling. It must have only been visible from the back of the building. But it looked downright odd. You knew enough to know it's purpose. It was for the fairies.

A lot of things in the room clashed, though if it wasn't public-facing then who cared?

"We were going to open it up for the fae but after Kapi told me I figured let's just give it to the crew first. We'll throw the fae a party when it's all over."

"Are you a fairy?" Pomona asked innocently.

"I'm an elf, sweetie but I, and my gang defend the fae. If you knew even half the things they are targeted for..."

"Indeed." Amelia mused. Though having not spoken much she was taken with intrigue to Rosie. She had a lot to ask.

"Wow! Can I join the gang?"

"No, you will not honey. Not till your older at least." Amelia cut in.

Aldryx took in the scene. It was a hideout, and a damn cool one at that. He slumped in the beanbag. "I think this is gonna work. Much better than that uptight cloud's office."

"Cloud?" Rosie asked quizzically.

"Oh yeah, this guy-"

"Hold on." You but in. You still weren't fully convinced about Rosie's innocence.

"So, your gang has all this, plus other restaurants in the city, an army, plus the whole of the fae behind you. Why exactly do you need us?"

"Hmph. It's not like your group's doing so good either. After all your attack last night practically failed too."

"What attack?"

"On the compound. That was your team, wasn't it?"

"Was there an attack last night?" Pomona turned to you. You shook your head.

"Huh?" Rosie looked shocked. "You guys aren't the Bandits? Wait, so that wasn't you who launched that attack?"

"What are you talking about?" Aldryx stood up.

"We've never actually attacked them. At most, eh, we had Tabi and Agoti take pictures forever back."

"Yeah! We're called the Carnival!" Pomona declared.

"I see. Then who-nevermind." Rosie didn't waste a second. "It's a team-up. With the both of us together we can take them down."

"How many people do you even have?" You asked.


"Okay, cut the crap. How many people do you actually have? Don't forget, I was the subject-matter expert in the station for you girls."

"Hmph. Can't put anything past you. Alright fine, there's maybe 5 of the originals left. Yeah, yeah, you destroyed our gang. You happy I said it? We need your help. Geez."

"If we're going to do this team-up we'll need upmost honesty. It's the only way." You say.

"That's right." Amelia added.

"You want honesty? Fine." Rosie spat. "The gang's no more. We've failed at protecting the fae, lost Chichi Forest, our best people are still in jail, no thanks to you, and the fae are hurting." Rosie said, voice rising. "I've tried to go straight, take the few members who still stuck by me. The rest, I don't know, joined other gangs. Most of the members are antsy, want to stage a full-fledged attack and burn that building to the ground. I tell them to wait, to build our numbers up, spend money on lawyers to reduce sentencing, but they want action NOW!" She walked over the table, visibly angry. Nobody interrupted her. "They got mad when I suggested this team-up, that you were an undercover cop, that it would be shameful, whatever. I've tried going straight. Started all this, and sure it's great but we can't protect the fae, our people are still being targeted. We've tried protesting, legal means, sit-ins, lawsuits, argh!" She shouted, frustrated.

"They don't care. Our people still get investigated, pulled over for whatever. Pigs think that because we were tough then we still are rugged. We haven't even done anything! And I'm serious. Not a single spec of fairy powder!"

"Most of the employees here don't even know what the Fae are. We introduce them after probation. And some don't stick around, not interested in what we do."

She slammed her hands on the table, "If It means I gotta start manufacturing again, I'll do it. I won't let you or any other cop stop me."

She looked up to you and the rest. "But I'm still a damn good sharpshooter, and I won't let them harm another one."


"You know that goat-demon man thing, whatever the hell he's supposed to be? Well, he was targeted. They sent some twisted person after him. He walked in the forest and, just for kicks ripped the wings off one of my fairies."

Rosie's voice cracked a bit. "I gunned him down, not a second thought in it. Even did it before that busty woman could have! But even then, we couldn't protect her. And now she's wingless, recovering, barely, in the care of the fae! In some tree that's probably going to be cut down any minute!"

She sighed, holding back tears. The roses even wilted slightly as she held back her emotions.

"It's gotta stop."

You gulped. You go over what the reports of her said. Fanatic, political radical, drug dealer, vigilante, dangerous criminal.

You still believed most of them to be true. She had extorted businesses, organized kidnappings, did untold damage with her drug and plenty more. She wasn't a good person, but the way she talked about the fae indicated that she did care about them. And you hadn't heard anything recently about the drug. If it was still in circulation Updike would have said something.

"Alright." You finally say after a pause. Pomona and Aldryx looked at you expectantly, Pomona in particular having felt the brunt of the emotion.

"You're in. But we gotta lay some rules. No extortion, no kidnappings, no drug-making. We walk a thin line, and we won't do a single 'illegal' thing unless the whole team agrees on it. We won't use your gang just yet either." You start.

"We'll use this place as the HQ and your skills. But we're doing everything by the book. Not a peep of this to anyone, not the fae, not your gang. We need upmost secrecy if this is going to work. You got it?"

Rosie nodded.

"Tell the gang nothing of this. Tell them we're working together but otherwise not a peep about any events. Tell them we purchased the upper half or something. There's no telling who is on your side right now." Rosie was about to speak up but you stop her. "We've flipped plenty of your members before. We did it then, I'm sure the cops have done it now." You continue on, police instinct taking over.

"I can't do anything about the cops on your back. Nothing short of a harassment lawsuit can. At best, let the cops bug the bakery below then feed them straight stuff about the bakery, sales figures, new purchases, all straight stuff. When they see nothing going on they'll get bored and leave. I have no standing with the cops anymore. But. I can submit a fake report on your gang, send off the police on a goose change and when they waste all that time and money on that they'll get the unit shut down."

"Okay." Rosie said quietly.

"As for protecting the fae, I'm all for it but our group is not a military. We can't patrol a forest or anything like that. That's on you."

"Fine. I'll use some of my people now that they aren't needed here."

"One last thing. Do you know what TGG is?"

"They're a security firm."

"On the surface. They investigate 'paranormal' creatures. They're no doubt interested in the fae. But they're also a close ally of us. Are you gonna have a problem with that?"

The others remained quiet while you spoke. You'd taken on your crisis negotiation tone, speaking for all of them at the same time.

"Are they gonna harm the fae?"

"Study them maybe, but-"

"I'll make sure Updike doesn't harm them." Aldryx butted in.

You glared at him. There was no way he could guarantee that.

"Well talk to Updike, make sure he doesn't experiment on them."

"Then it should be okay." You don't feel the need to mention IRIS. You had no idea what the hell was going on with them anyways.

"You're in then." You raise a hand.

Rosie walked to you and shook. "The fae will not forget this moment. Mark my words."

"What did I miss?" Kapi spoke up, letting himself in. "Oh, hey everyone." Upon seeing Pompom, Kapi took a step back, making sure there was enough distance.

With Kapi's sudden appearance the mood lightened. He wasn't sure what had happened but got worried upon seeing Rosie's flushed eyes. Like she had been stressed.

"Can you walk me through what happened following the arrests? I need a clearer picture." You ask, hoping it wasn't too much.

Rosie sighed and explained.

The destruction of her gang was codename by you as Operation Rosebud. After the operation the gang was destroyed. When she was released, she finally decided to go clean, not reforming the gang but picking up whatever remnants still remained free.

It meant a few novices got promoted instantly. Either way, the gang wasn't the same.

As a result of Rosebud there were only a handful of original members left. Having convinced them to join her, Rosie founded a small cafe, the same one Kapi worked at. From there they used the funds to eventually build a few more locations, finally settling on Donna's Cafe where it served as an HQ for her projects.

Some members were released, and they wanted to continue the gang. Rosie refused and ended up losing those members. She wished to use legal methods to defend the Fae.

And for a while she did. Defended ChiChi Forest from developers, worked with a network of PIs to investigate abuses of fairies, which the cops then acted upon and kept crime down.

It didn't last too long, however. Between her legal and occasionally vigilante defense of the forest, plus the Family's encroachment and developer issues it caused a battle. And in the end, it was Rosie's crew that was forced out, trees chopped down and people arrested.

Development on the forest had stopped at least, though as a result or a new legal mess, one Rosie had nothing to do with.

They moved to Tabi's forest where they had heard a 'goat-demon's curse was lifted'. They patrol that now, defending the survivors of the fairies.

Since then, business had been stable but Rosie had been getting more restless, wanting to find a permanent solution to the fairies, wanting ChiChi Forest back, and reforming the gang under the guise of 'Ex-Criminal Recruitment'.

You felt like apologizing but knew it would've been empty. And even then, you couldn't shake or justify the evil things she did back then.

"Now you tell me what exactly your group has done. Kapi said you fought Russians, survived assassins and killed demons."

The next hour flew by. You, Amelia, Pompom, Aldryx, Kapi and Rosie went over the crew. Pompom, as much as she wanted to, was instead relegated by her mother to complete homework. She ended up enlisting Aldryx to help her, though he himself knew little about the 'quadratic formula' or 'trigonometry'.

Rosie at least provided everyone with a round of baked goods and milkshakes, claiming that her baking skills were sharp as ever, still a 'world-class baker', and that the fae were perfect at detecting the right amount of sugar to use.

You and the rest also filled in Rosie on the crew's history up to that point. She had a similar reaction to Aldryx, remarking that 'it sounded like you all had a lot of fun'.

"Kapi should have come to me earlier." She joked.

Finally, you, or rather Aldryx revealed the upcoming operation.

"A prison break?" She said, aghast. "Wha? What happened to all that waffling about doing things by the book and legally?"

"Well...I said as along as the whole group is okay with it. We gotta free Agoti. He's in danger."

Aldryx nodded in agreement.

"Well then surely, we can free some of my people then. I have a few soldiers."

"We'll discuss with the whole group."

"I'm sure it can be worked in." Aldryx added.

To preserve the mood, you weren't going to reject the idea outright. Though you knew if Ruv was going to be part of this you don't think he would be okay with freeing actual criminals.

When all was settled, the plates held nothing but crumbs the meeting was over.

Before any adjournments could be made, Rosie asked a question. "So, you're not a cop anymore. What do you do during the day?"

"I was security at our last hideout, now I work for TGG."

"At that restaurant? Then you practically already have the experience. Work here. We need security detail, just to send a message."

"I already have a job. I work for Updike."

"C'mon, please? I'll give you a discount. Plus, the cops see you here they'll think it's clean. They'll treat you good."

You weighed the options. It looked like a much better job than waiting around in Updike's office, listening to his strange music or patrolling an empty jail. But working for Rosie would have been a complete betrayal of your cop values.

Working for a criminal? How could you? You snicker, as if those values meant anything anymore.

"Alright fine. But I'm keeping this attire."

"Why? It's so dark, clashes horribly."

"It's to honour a friend."

Pompom nodded to Rosie, backing you up. The lettering on back spelling 'D I S P L O' S' meant far more than some job.

"Fine, fine. But you're not gonna be front and centre. I'll put you in the corner, past the entrance. And, and you need to wear a rose on your breast, let my people know you're good."

"Whatever. I'm hired then. I'll talk to Updike tomorrow."

And with that the split happened. Though an informal meeting it was productive. You make a note to tell Tabi and Updike later. Just before you left Pompom said she was going to send back Huggy. That he needed a break from farming. You just agreed, not thinking much of it.

Back home you just idly watched TV while Tabi took a shower.

Around then Huggy was teleported to your house. You knew because the scampering nearly gave you a heart attack as he bolted to you and tackled you right off you couch, tipping the thing over. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, ecstatic you were alive. Struggle as you may, you managed to free one hand to pet him. For having worked the farm you were glad Pomona always bathed him before sending him back. You didn't want him tracking manure or dirt all over the place.

And his wounds appeared to have been all healed.

When he eventually let you go, worry set in as he started to look for Tabi. It took a bit of explaining but you managed to get it through to him that Tabi was okay and that he was just elsewhere in the house. You also told him not to tackle Tabi lest he get stabbed.

The next chapter will be called Progress At Last.

Card: https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1748330883260579849

Rosie has joined the party!


Alright, so going forward the posting plan is in the morning Mon/Fri. But if something comes up I'll post round dinnertime those days. But for now I should be good in the mornings.

odaocercreators' thoughts